One Step at a Time

The first four games of this season have felt like a rollercoaster ride for many Vol fans. Climbing upward, the click, click, click, seemed excruciatingly slow and then . . . the first peak, Western Kentucky.

An exhilarating start as Tennessee blew through the first game, gaudy numbers, hands in the air, confidence everywhere. Was the speed of Tennessee’s return to the ranks of elite really moving this fast?

Just as the ‘coaster train was rounding the first corner, the Bruins came to town. Suddenly, the Vol nation experienced the first (and perhaps not the last) 360 degree corkscrew. It wasn’t to the point of nausea, but definitely made for a collective queasy.

In one respect, it was a yard and a half away from a 2-0 start. On the other hand, the passing game came through this loop dizzy and disoriented. Lane had brought a new energy and direction, but not the perfect ride. Not yet anyway.

Then just as quickly things were right side up again. By late Sunday afternoon, reports were that Tennessee had landed three four star players. Recovering from the unexpected twist that was UCLA, the Big Orange faithful were now in a broad sweeping curve and climbing again.

After that first upside down experience, there was a real sense of nervousness. Could Tennessee hang with Florida, even close? There was a dark tunnel up ahead with strobing lights and who knew what else. It was crazy; it was loud, but everyone held on to the safety rail that was Monte’s defensive scheme and a ball controlling offense.

Out of nowhere the bright sunlight appeared and we felt pretty good about things even in a loss. A top three class already coming together and a head coach whose approach connects with recruits. Still at 1-2, there was a nice speed building straight away just ahead, the Ohio Bobcats.

What wasn’t noticed was that was another vertical loop and sure enough things felt uneasy once again. To make matters worse, Nick Reveiz, a stalwart on defense this year was lost for the season. By late Saturday night, it felt like the rollercoaster had slowed considerably.

So here we are. Game five, the Vols are 2-2 and Auburn is up next. While there is no “Program Logic Controllers” on this rollercoaster of a season, there are very capable coaches guiding the safety and direction of this ride. Can we count on an upswing?

The opener was an up, game two was a down. Game three was an up (despite not winning) and game four was a down. There will be more thrills ahead. Saturday, some very key prospect will be in the house. One gets the feeling that Monte, Ed and the crew will have the defense dialed in for this weeks tempo spread.

Hey, we knew when we strapped in this was going to be an interesting ride. The emotion, the excitement, the apprehensions, and the fun of just being involved. One minute we’re up, the next? . . . Not so much. One step at a time Big Orange, one step at a time.