Home Field Advantage

Explaining home field advantage and the points built into it is much harder than you might think. It’s like trying to shed some light on, well. . what light is. Is it a particle, a beam, both?

Studies have been done and data has been crunched. Through it all, still no exact answer. Things like how old the venue is, the weather variances, familiarities, and favorable crowd are just a few of the aspects alleged to influence the advantage.

At least one study has indicated that the numerical boost a home team receives varies as the season progresses. I’m inclined to say that’s more about fans losing their voices as the season wears on, but hey, I have no empirical evidence.

Clearly, there is some advantage on the whole. On the other hand, as much as I love to help make it loud, you just never know. The UCLA game comes to mind. Tennessee has a better team, period. As an 11 point favorite at home, odds makers were saying the Vols were still 8 points better, yet they managed to lose.

One thing is for certain, when Tennessee walks onto the field at Bryant Denny Stadium, the outcome will have yet to be determined. And that’s the thing about sports that’s so compelling. On paper it looks one way, on the field anything can happen.

On the field, Tennessee is dead even with Alabama in Tuscaloosa at four wins and four losses. I will not venture into why there’s a footnote, suffice to say Bama has managed to accomplish what the MLB dreams of avoiding. Namely, having asterisks assigned for wins and losses due to cheating.

There have been defenses struggles (6-3 Alabama in 2005) and overtime shootouts (51-43 Tennessee in 2003). This week’s game looks to lean toward the 2005 scoring side of things.

The home team will no doubt be afforded all the amenities of playing in friendly confines. An acceptable volume of buzz from the crowd when on offense. A deafening roar when on defense. No booing either. If players wearing Crimson are getting booed, things are going very well for the Big Orange.

So if I understand this right. Alabama is a 14 point favorite. As Florida was a 27 point favorite over Tennessee. As Tennessee was a 19 point favorite over Ohio…. All with 3 more points of home field advantage added in for good measure.

Maybe it’s not about the advantage that comes with home field. Maybe it’s more rudimentary than all that. Perhaps it’s more about blocking, tackling, running, passing, and kicking better than them. 

Maybe for this week at least, the home field advantage is a non factor. Ok, so anyone up for light particle physics?