THAT was a Tennessee Alabama Game

TrendingRivaliesDid everyone get the memo? Tennessee was not about to settle for a ‘moral victory’. In a gutsy, hard fought classic defensive struggle the Vols were right there. You could feel it. The first half; the third quarter which was absolutely dominated by Tennessee.

Dare to say most Vol fans said a little prayer before the kick. Likely, in those words was a resolve that good or bad, you were proud of the effort.

There are two ways to look at this game. One, missed opportunities and Tennessee should have legitimately won this game. Two, this game was a touchstone for Lane Kiffin’s Vols. True, the Georgia game was a big win. But this game showed what’s to come. Alabama did not score a touchdown. Let me repeat that, Alabama did not score a touchdown . . . at home.

Before we write that off to ‘well their quarterback is not that great, their one dimensional’. Keep in mind that the Crimson Tide had scored twenty-eight (28) offensive touchdowns coming into the game.

Chess Masters
For all the newness that surrounds Tennessee football, that was a vintage Tennessee Alabama football game. It had the feel of a couple of master chess players making the moves. Probing for a weakness, exploiting the slightest opportunity, and showing why two of the best defensive minds in the game were on either sideline.

Speaking of football minds, Lane Kiffins play calling was excellent. Alabama took away the edges for rolling out and the flat throws and Tennessee responded with slants over the middle. When the opportunity opened up for it, he rolled Jonathan Crompton out wide. It’s becoming a tad embarrassing at this point for anyone to call him out for his resolve in sticking with Crompton.

No Window Dressing
A month ago in Gainesville, the feeling following that loss was that the Vols had hung in and played well enough to not be embarrassed. That was taken as a positive. This game hurts. It’s a loss that was a win well within reach. What can be taken from it is that what is happening with Tennessee’s football program is no mere window dressing.

The Vols are 3-4; Auburn is 5-3, whose fan base would you say is more concerned? Clearly, Tennessee is moving in the right direction. Once again, recruiting will get a boost. Lane mentioned it in the postgame. These coaches are obsessed with recruiting. You got to love it.

What does the GPS say?
South Carolina will come into here on Halloween next Saturday. One question Tim Priest posed to several players in the post game locker room was about a letdown. Everyone said, in effect, ‘no way’. However, an emotional effort like this one, with the subsequent loss can allow the sting to linger.

The good news is that this coaching staff is veteran and seemingly pulling the right strings ever better as the season goes along. If we had a GPS for the season, right now the directions would be:

“In seven days turn into Neyland Stadium. Face the Gamecocks with resolve and build on what you learned from today. Continue forward taking one game at a time. Go two months, then take the Bowl Game Exit and continue on your journey. . . “

It’s good to have the rivalry meaningful again. This season the combined three of Florida, Georgia, and Alabama ended with 1-2 and a plus fourteen (14). Last year? 0-3 and a minus fifty-six (-56) Yes, things are trending in the right direction. And despite the loss, THAT was a Tennessee Alabama game for the ages.