Layla Kiffin SI Swimsuit Issue Saga

Swimsuit model or victim of viscious rumor?

VolNation was buzzing on Friday afternoon after Heather Harrington reported on the SportsAnimal that Layla Kiffin would appear in the next swimsuit issue of Sports Illustrated. That’s right, Tenneessee’s first lady of coaching in a bikini for all to see.

The story spread like wild fire, landing on both NCAA Fanhouse and Deadspin within (what seemed to be) minutes of the report.

While some fans bought it, many were hesitant to believe the story was legitimate. And as it turns out, they were correct according to Tiffany Carpenter, director of UT public relations.

The rumor is “Absolutely not true”, said Carpenter.

Meanwhile, Layla Kiffin claims she has never been contacted by anyone from SI.

Regardless of what Tiffany Carpenter or Layla Kiffin says, Heather Harrington is standing by her story according to a follow up report by the SportsAnimal just moments ago.

So the question remains: Is there something to this story? If not, where did the rumor originate? Or, could this be another ploy by Team Kiffin to manipulate the media?

Stay tuned.

3 responses to “Layla Kiffin SI Swimsuit Issue Saga”

  1. I’m ready to buy a copy NOW! Man, what a bonus recruiting tool and PR for UT that would be. Who-Hoo! Sorry coach Kiffin but she’s got it and should flaunt it. I think an orange and white bikini with a little “T”s on the side are in order.