The Genius that is Mike Slive


Well he did get it right. For all the hoopla, criticism, and bad PR, Mike Slive did what he had to do. Namely, make good on his word. To have skirted those words or whittled them down to a fine point would have been petty and partial.

Not that rule 10.5.4 aka ‘The Kiffin Clause’  is the best thing since Prohibition. It’s not. Well, it is kind of like a prohibition. Instead of whats going in, this is about whats coming out. Either way, it’s been a rough couple of weeks for the SEC Commissioner’s Office chaired by Slive.

The rule to impose fines and suspensions for criticizing officials is what it is and it appears that it will be dealt with fairly.

Whether a $30,000 fine imposed on Florida coach Urban Meyer is excessive, commenserate, or somewhere in between, it does call off the hounds. The comical side is that Meyer or someone will pay 30k for some national  attention that Kiffin has gotten free of charge over the last year.

It’s likely, a reporter somewhere ask Slive about his wrestling with the correct formula. What did lead to the right equation?  From the looks of Slive these days, his response was something like, “I was not about to play dice with the conference”

2 responses to “The Genius that is Mike Slive”

  1. After watching the LSU vs Bama game, I actually hope Les Miles tests the waters and DOES comment on the officiating that was POOR at best in the game…..Since when can the SEC over rule FREEDOM of SPEECH??

  2. The fine meant for Kiffin caught Meyer, Slive’s pet. Talk about the rule of unintended consequences. Despite the spin that Meyer was trying to take attention away from the Spikes incident, Meyer must be furious at Kiffin for setting this up. I love seeing the pompous get their comeuppance.