Guitar Shots to the Head: Indefensible

guitarshotsThis has been a very puzzling week for the Tennessee faithful, for good reason. First, the mirage of discipline touted so frequently by Lane Kiffin was shattered by the actions of three of his own recruits. It didn’t help that all three were prize recruits, and symbolized the new era of Tennessee football. Then, Ole Miss put UT back in the loss column with a beating we haven’t seen since the days of the old regime. Talk about confusing.

The last two times I’ve been down to Knoxville, I haven’t seen the bed until 3 am. Yet, on both occasions I managed to get back to my hotel room without trying to rob anybody. I can think of a million excuses for a college student being at a Pilot at 2 am in the morning. That is what college students do. However, pulling a pellet gun on the guys in the car next to you is indefensible.

Two of these guys were anchors to a miraculous recruiting class. Jackson performed like a freshman AA. Regardless of what Nuke did on the field, every time he took the field, he had the crowd at Neyland saying his name…NUUUKKKEEE. Sure he has had bouts with homesickness, but Vol fans welcomed him home every Saturday in Neyland. His actions have led to an indefensible act of betrayal.

For some of you that might be strong language. Others who understand the herd mentality will get it right away. I cannot remember a time that Neyland has paid such homage to an unproven player who cannot even field a punt.

We can argue all day about how much fans actually care for players. We live definitely live in a world of instant gratification. However, these guys were absolutely adored by the UT fan base before they stepped onto the field because of the new era they represented. Perhaps it is unfair, but that is just the way it is. I wish them all the best, and genuinely hope that they go on to be productive in life’s endeavors. It is hard to imagine any of them ever regaining the trust or affection of the VolNation.

Over the years, I have seen and heard coaches make excuses for all types of behavior. It happens at every SEC school. The fact that Nuke, Edwards and Janzen are not indefinitely suspended for their roles in “The Great Filling Station Hold Up II” is indefensible.

How can we even bring up indefensible without giving Dexter McCluster a shout? He ran around, through and over the Vol defense like a hot knife through milk. I know…butter is the word, but that would be giving way too much credit to the Vol defense.

Before we jump off of the Lane train, and throw Monte under the tracks, we should also mention one other thing. The talent pool left for the current group of coaches is also indefensible. It is amazing that it took 10 games for the lack of depth to finally catch up with the Vols. Dexter McCluster is good. But he ain’t a Heisman hopeful.

The outcome of the Ole Miss game is disappointing. It is not indefensible. This team has had a physical answer for every team they have played this year. They have been punched in the mouth, and they have punched back harder every time until Saturday. Unfortunately, on Saturday, they simply ran out of gas. They didn’t have the personnel to punch back.

Now, the roller coaster ride that is the 2009 football season is back in full swing. Can the Vols rebound? Can we find an answer for some of the holes on our defense? Can we beat Vanderbilt and Kentucky to finish 7-5?

It would be a nice finish, but judging by what I saw on Saturday the only real the only thing that will get this team off of the roller coaster on defensible ground is a strong finish in the first week of February 2010. That is just the way it is.

5 responses to “Guitar Shots to the Head: Indefensible”

  1. Lex – I have to disagree a bit with your characterization of discipline on this year’s team as being a “mirage.” You are absolutely correct in your point about how much this foolishness by two prized recruits hurt the team (and the fanbase), but this is, at least as of now, an abberation. Remember a couple of years ago when a day couldn’t pass by without one of our players getting into trouble with the law? I’m in the Army and I can tell you that even in the best, most elite units soldiers get into trouble and do stupid things. The actions by Jackson, Richardson and Edwards are, as you say, indefensible. But this idiotic behavior has been the exception rather than the rule this year. Our penalties are down and the off-the-field antics by players has been virtually non-existent until this past week. I like what Kiffin is doing . . . we’ll see how he utlimately handles this situation with JJ, Nuke and Edwards. I think we will all be satisfied with the outcome.

  2. Last week was definitely a momentum killer… no matter how you slice it.

    The consensus pre-season prediction for this team was roughly seven wins. As it stands, Tennessee needs to beat Kentucky and Vanderbilt to match that expectation in the regular season. Add a bowl win, and the Vols finish 8-5 with a least a bit of momentum to build on.

    But a loss to Vandy or Kentucky would be disastrous.

    It will be interesting to see how this staff responds. I know Kiffin doesn’t like to classify games as ‘must win’, but these last two games are just that.

  3. My fellow Vol fan in the Lexington area has his points but I also disagree with the mirage statement. Kiffin and staff have worked hard to put some discipline in this program and two idiots do not destroy that fact. The jury, no pun intended, is still out on Jackson. I hope he was in the wrong place with the wrong time. Kiffin has dismissed the two perps and waiting to hear more on Jackson. He kept his cool when we were ready to throw them all under the jail for their self-centered actions. He waited to cool down. You could tell in the videos on Thursday afternoon he was hot and I’d say hurt by betrayal. He waited and now he has taken action. Good job coach!

    Thanks again Lex for your contribution. You ALWAYS do a great job on your posts.

  4. Most convenience stores have video of their store and parking lot. I think it would be easy to tell what role Jackson had in the bungling duos holdup from the tape. Since it was Haslam’s store it would seem that a copy could make it way to Lane’s desk for review!!! My mom had the best comment when she said why would anyone think someone driving a 1987 Hyundai would have any money?