Guitar Shots to the Head: Roughing The Snapper

guitarshotsIt is hard to believe that our first season under the new regime is beginning to wind down. Our defense is limping into every game at this point, so it is probably not such a bad thing. The SEC officials seem to be wearing down too, but I must admit, I cannot wait for them to call a roughing the snapper penalty on Florida or Bama in the SEC championship game.

Apparently, earlier in the day Bama had the same penalty called against a hapless Chattanooga team. Can someone please explain the SEC officiating logic? Did Rogers Redding wake up on Saturday in November and decide it was time to protect the long snapper? Does Mike Slive have a relative in the snapping business? How else could such an arbitrary penalty (that sounds more like an adult film title) become an overnight sensation?

The answer is really simple: Because the officials have no real leadership. Furthermore, if the officials don’t stop calling phantom penalties like pass interference, excessive celebration, and personal fouls before the whistle it is going to harm the credibility of the SEC.

It is a complete sham and shame that the collection of talent in the SEC is subject to this particular zoo of zebras. They need leadership and accountability now. Perhaps they could take the money that Urban Meyer “donated” earlier this year and buy everyone a new copy of Officiating for Dummies. With that said, lets move to the more enjoyable story of the week.

When this season began, Lane Kiffin seemed determined that Wes Brown would be a key cog in our defensive lineup. Frankly, at the time, I didn’t understand it. Wes has always been a gutsy player, but he had never really separated himself of the average defensive lineman on the roster.

On Saturday night, Wes Brown became a Vol legend. It wasn’t just the pick. He carried a Vanderbilt defender for ten yards on spaghetti legs. If you didn’t have chills when that happened, then you need to leave your Vol card at the door.

Has there ever been a play that was also such a perfect metaphor? Much like Wes Brown, the SEC continues to carry the Vanderbilt football program to pay dirt. Yes, the Commodores are “0 fer” in the SEC once again. It couldn’t happen to a better bunch of folks.

I’ve got news for all of the Vandy fans. UK fans may want to listen to this as well. If you don’t get it done this year, it isn’t going to happen anytime soon. See you in Lexington, and until next time, go Vols!

6 responses to “Guitar Shots to the Head: Roughing The Snapper”

  1. the chills were there my man, the chills were there. Good point on the metaphor. Thanks Lex for a good GSTTH as always.

  2. Lex, Vol fans are countng on you, up there in hostile enemy territory, to bring home the the win this weekend.

  3. This is wonderful stuff. It goes to show how little fans know about officiating. Here’s a thought. Why don’t you avoid drivel like the above until you go to an officials clinic, and try a few low-level games to realize (a) how damn hard it is and (b) how little you really know.

  4. Fascinating, Canuck. Perhaps you missed the part about one SEC crew being suspended already this year. I’ve played/watched football for 30 years and I’ve seen it called one other time in my life time. Statistcally, without a circulating memo does it get called twice in a day?