Give the Outback a Big Round of Applause

These days, surprises come as. . well no surprise really. As Tennessee fans we’ve dealt with a plethora of them over the past couple of years. Some have been pleasant; others have been, well downright shocking.

The latest surprise to ripple through Vol Nation is an apparent curt rejection by the Outback Bowl. Like the gnome in a Travelocity commercial, it was the Outback Bowl ‘to the rescue’. They have decided (or were convinced) that Auburn would travel better and spend more money.

It is a surprise to be sure. But after thinking it over you may come to this realization. The Outback Bowl deserves a big round of applause. Thank you. How come you ask?

Well all along, many Vol fans hearts were not in going to Tampa. But it has that darn New Year’s Day Bowl stigma. After all what proud and on its way back program wants to play a bowl game in December for crying out loud?

I‘ll tell you who. The Tennessee Volunteers and its legion of faithful followers. Did you really want to go 700 miles away and play at eleven in the morning (the morning after New Year’s Eve no less) against Big Ten drone Wisconsin? Let’s see, that’s 8AM on the west coast. No doubt TV numbers wil be huge in that region for the game.

On the other hand, the Chick fi La Bowl is in Hot-lanta. A New Years Eve night in a packed out Georgia Dome. Forget recent history in the dome. This is Lane Kiffin & Co.’s Vols. Tennessee will be staring down a good opponent in #12 Virginia Tech. It should be an exciting fast game.

Now Tennessee fans can look at this bowl as an upgrade. I was one of those who thought it would be the Outback and gave reasons why Tampa was a good place to land. But while a lot of fans did not want the Outback, ultimately, the Outback did not want the Vols. Word is the good folks in Atlanta however, do.

We opened by mentioning that Vol fans have grown accustomed to ‘surprises’ and deal with them accordingly. I suppose nothing would surprise a Big Orange fan at this point. Good thing to, because it’s not official yet.

Wait a minute, they wouldn’t, I mean they can’t. . . Leeman Bennett* wouldn’t pull the rug out from under our. . . I will NOT go to Nashville. Sunday can’t get here fast enough.

*Chairman of the Chick fi La Bowl Selection Committee

2 responses to “Give the Outback a Big Round of Applause”

  1. Well Outback used to be a good place to eat but now it sucks. Maybe they should travel “down under” to learn again what food is served there. And Tampa, who cares? Even the Bucs want out!

  2. This isn’t the first time the Outback Bowl has rejected the Vols. Well, they can take their blooming onions and stick ’em where the sun don’t shine. GO VOLS!!