SEC JEOPARDY: Widespread Panic for 400

On the previous SEC JEOPARDY! Urban Meyer eked out a win against Commissioner Mike Slive and SEC Linesman Wally Hough with a total of one dollar. He’s faces a tougher challenge today with contestants Lane Kiffin and Steve Spurrier. We pick up with Alex introducing the categories to the viewing audience.


Alex: Thank you Johnny Gilbert, thank you ladies and gentlemen. Welcome contestants. Looking to the board, the first round has as it categories the following:

Eat Mor Chikin, Hostess with the “Mostess”, Secondary Violations, H20, and finally Widespread Panic.

Urban you won the toss back stage again, yet . . . traded your first pick to Lane for a glass of water??? Alriiight then. Lane starts us off.

Lane: Thanks Alex, Let’s go with ‘Eat Mor Chikin for 200’
Alex: Leeman Bennett, the President of the Chick fi La Bowl Selection Committee coached these two NFL teams.
Lane: Who are the Tampa Bay Bucs and the Atlanta Falcons?
Alex: Yes Lane. Continue

Lane: I’ll take Hostess with the Mostess for 400
Alex: Known for their creamy filling, these hostesses got their start way back in 1933.
Lane: What are Twinkies, Hostess Twinkies. Let’s try Secondary Violations for 500 please.
Alex: In 2009 this SEC school reported 14 secondary violations in a six month period involving several sports.
Steve: Who is Tennessee?
Alex: No, that’s wrong Steve.
Lane: Who are the University of South Carolina Gas Pumpers.
Alex: Yes . . . continue Lane.
Lane: Let’s go back to Hostess with the ‘Mostess’ for 300
Alex: This Alabama incarnation of Hostesses was disbanded in 2004
Lane: Who are the Bama Belles.
Alex: Lane you’re on a roll. Please continue

Lane: Alex I’d like to give my turn to Urban, he’s looking a little peaked.
Alex: Well that’s highly unusual Lane, but ok. Urban you have the board.
Urban: Alex, I’d like to take things over with H20 for 500.
Alex: These two ailments are said to impact the outcome of football games. . . . Anyone? No takers? Yes Lane?
Lane: What are the Flu and Dehydration.
Alex: Well played Lane and that takes us to the break. Lane you’re cruising along with 1900 dollars. Urban and Steve have yet to be on the board. And you can all relax now as we pause for THIS.

(Back to back commercials with Lane Kiffin)

Alex: Welcome back everyone. Our first contestant we introduced on the show today was Steve. So Steve, they tell me you’re the ‘Old Balls” coach.
Steve: (Throwing his visor) That Ol’ not Old.

Alex: Next we have Lane Kiffin, the University of Tennessee coach who’s turning things around down there. Lane you were unstoppable in the first half.
Lane: Thank you Alex, I just think if you want to be the best, you have to be surrounded by the best. Otherwise you’re probably going to skunk people all day long on national television.

Alex: Touché Lane. Finally we come to our returning champion, Urban Meyer, whose winning totals equal ONE dollar. Urban, it’s been a rough start today.
Alex: I’m just having a hard time coping right now, I‘ll be ok.
Lane: (Turning his attention to Urban) Would you like some more water?
Alex: Ok then, well Steve you in the rear. So you have the board to get us back into things.

Steve: I’d like to focus on Hostess with the ‘Mostess’ for 100 Alex.
Alex: THIS school has the hottest hostesses in the SEC. Yes Steve?
Steve: Hey I thought this category was about exposing a ‘certain’ schools trying to win recruits over at all cost?
Alex: Is that your answer?
Steve: (Begrudgingly) No. What is Tennessee?
Alex: Congratulations Steve, you’re on the board. Continue.

Steve: I’d like Widespread Panic for 500 Alex.
Alex: After some initial trepidation, these fans seem to be concerned with the facts now and not some ‘spiel’ from gleeful trolls and such.
Lane: That would be our awesome fan base. Who are Tennessee fans where ever they may be.
Alex: Lane, you’re up to 2400. Please . . . continue

Lane: I’ll take The Rout Is ON for 400
Alex: Uh, Lane there is no The Rout is ON category.
Lane: Ohhhh, I’m sorry. I meant Widespread Panic for 400.
Alex: Oh and that signals the end of the round. Let’s take a look at the scores. Wow, Lane, kicking it with 2400 dollars, Steve hanging tough with 100 and our current champ, Urban struggling to get on the board. A chance to make up some ground with Our Final Jeopardy category entitled The Future. We will be back right after THIS.

(Back to back Lane Kiffin Commercials)

Alex: Welcome back everyone. Our contestants have placed their wagers and here we go, the Final Jeopardy answer pertaining to the future: This recruit made the right choice as he put up outstanding college numbers and accolades under a stellar defensive coordinator. He went on to a long and successful NFL career. Name the player AND the university he played for.

(30 Seconds)

Alex: Ok, times up. We go first to Steve Spurrier. Steve you had 100 dollars and you look confident. You wrote, Who is Alshon Jeffries. NO, I ’m sorry Steve that is incorrect. What did you wager? 60 dollars, that takes you down to 40.
Urban our defending champion, you borrowed 150 from the show to have wager money. What did you say? Who is Tim Tebow (Laughing) Uh, no. . . (Still laughing) that’s the wrong answer Urb. . (Laughing uncontrollably now).
Urban: What? That’s not out of the question.
Alex: The question concerned a defensive player. (Wiping a tear from his eye from laughing so hard). Ok, Lane, we have Steve with 60 and Urban at -150. You’re sitting on 2400.

How did you respond: Who is Brandon Willis and the University of Tennessee. Well done Lane. Let’s see what you will add to your total, 2400!! WOW. That takes you to 4800 and you’re our new Jeopardy champion.

Thank you everyone and join us next time on Jeopardy when our returning champion Lane Kiffin faces two new challengers.