The Recruiting Fix: 'Twas the Night Before Signing Day

It’s like Déjà vu. We were just talking about having a slew of commitments and it’s happened once again. Regardless of the quality of athletes, one has to be impressed with what Dooley has accomplished in his short time here. While it may not be a good indicator of what’s to come, if you judge him on what he has done after being placed in the worst position imaginable in terms of recruiting, he gets straight A’s.

It’s not Dooley’s fault that Chaz Green and Ralph Williams do not want to talk to him or be recruited by Tennessee. He wasn’t even given the opportunity to explain who he is or how he does things. You cannot fault him for the prospects he doesn’t land, rather praise him for the ones he has pulled in.

So let’s look at the visitors that we had this weekend.

Dave Clark is a JuCo safety from Kansas that committed to Mark Mangini at Kansas early in the process, but decided to open it back up after his ouster. Colorado recruited him heavily along with Louisiana Tech which is the tie to Dooley. Clark is also familiar with Tennessee assistant Terry Joseph who recruited him to Louisiana Tech. Arkansas came in late with an offer as well.

It did not take Clark long after seeing Knoxville for the first time to decide to go ahead and commit to the Vols.

He called his commitment to UT a “no-brainer” and praised Coach Dooley for the plan he has to take UT back to the top of the SEC and the BCS rankings.

This is a big, fast guy who could help immediately in the third level of the defense.

This class longed for a true middle linebacker after Kiffin missed on Jeff Luc and Michael Taylor, while not a true inside guy, decided to switch his commitment to Florida. John Propst fits that mold very well.

Propst was a three year starter at the highest level of Alabama football at inside linebacker and played extensively as a freshman. He was named to the Alabama All-Star game as a senior which his High School coach coached.

Here is an extremely smart player that flies to the ball and has the ability to stuff the run. He will get everyone lined up in the right places on the defense and be a leader for his team.

Propst, the nephew of infamous Hoover coach Rush Propst of MTV’s Two-A-Days fame, was committed to West Virginia, but decided to give the Vols a look upon the urging of linebackers coach Lance Thompson. After seeing the facilities and meeting with the people in Knoxville, Propst decided he felt more comfortable there. Very lucky for Vol fans.

Raiques Crump finds himself in the same situation as his fellow linebacker Robert Nelson was last year — waiting on the Vols to see how things shake out. The feeling among many is that if Glen Stanley switches to USC, which we will discuss some below, then he may be extended an offer.

Crump is a bit of a reach, but could end up one of those guys that has enough fight in him to progress enough to earn some playing time. Lesser-talented linebackers saw extensive playing time last year after injuries riddled the linebacking core.

And then we have Donatvis Sapp who also committed on his visit this weekend. I’ve caught some flack for saying that the Vols should not have accepted a commitment from Sapp, but I base my comments on reviews of his play and first-hand reports from several people that have seen him play — not recruiting stars. Anyone who knows me knows that I pay very little attention to star rankings. Offer lists are a much better indicator of the caliber of athlete you are looking at and Sapp’s offer list is completely devoid of interest from any school worth mentioning.

This is a guy that will not only be recruited over, but will very likely never break the depth chart.

Listen folks, those of you that have been reading the Recruiting Fix for awhile know that I do not blow smoke. I will tell you how it is whether it is good news or bad. I have never once said anything negative about taking a commitment from a guy like Nash Nance. He has potential to be a good player for us. And I would say the same if he did not have an uber-talented teammate and virtual brother. This guy would have to walk-on to any other SEC program. I just don’t see offering him a scholarship. But that’s just my opinion and I have my reasons for it as I’m sure if you disagree you have good reason to do so also, right?

To be Markeith Ambles this weekend… I know that it had to be frustrating getting stranded at an airport in Charlotte and subsequently having to fly back to Atlanta where he received a ride to Knoxville from Tennessee assistant Steve Rubio. A lucky happenstance for Vol fans is that our best recruiter happened to be in the Atlanta area as well.

Markeith’s clock started ticking as soon as UT officials met up with him and Lance Thompson took advantage of the 3 hour drive (which ended up being longer because of closed roads and highways around K-town.) and recruited his butt off trying to secure Ambles for UT.

The feeling from everyone I talk to is that he succeeded. Ambles isn’t giving any hints, but I have it from a very good source that has been correct on numerous occasions that Ambles has indeed decided to be a Vol.

The feeling is that he has eliminated USC from consideration despite the late interest and the cross-country trip to see them last weekend and is now down to UNC and Tennessee. He had some very pointed things to say to Rivals regarding Lane Kiffin’s abrupt departure from Knoxville to take over the head coaching duties at USC.

“It was a shock. I was mad about it. I told him that. But I still went out there to S.C. to check it out because me and him were real close, too. That was one of the main reasons I went with Tennessee. I still like him, but I’m mad at him.”

Ambles was also somewhat dissuaded by Kiffin’s immediate call to him upon leaving Knoxville and his urging to tell no one about the phone call.

Ambles’ father is said to really like Tennessee.

Whispers continue that he may delay his signing until after Signing Day in order to use the remainder of his visits, but if he opts to announce on Wednesday the feeling is that it will be UT.

Da’Rick Rogers and Nash Nance made it into Knoxville late Saturday evening to take in the Sunday basketball game and by all accounts had a grand time. Rogers, Nash, and host Chris Walker were seen and photographed celebrating with the students in the student section and on the floor as well. Rogers was heard singing Rocky Top and seen waving a sign that said “Go Vols.”

The feeling here is that Tennessee is in very good shape to land his signature but do not count the Bulldogs out. There is tremendous pressure around him to stick with Georgia. There have even been death threats made to Mike Nance, the father of Nash and mentor to Da’Rick. That is one reason they are laying so low right now and not talking to anyone that has any connection to the media.

There are abounding rumors that he will switch to the Vols, but I have nothing concrete nor have I been able to verify this with anyone aside from a few people that claim to have spoken with Nash Nance at the game. We will all be waiting patiently at 9:45 Eastern to see what Rogers chooses to do, but it may be an early surprise for the Vols on Signing Day.

Random Ruminations

Word continues to spread that Dooley has already settled on a Defensive Coordinator. The secrecy seems to point to it being someone in the college ranks likely to be named after Signing Day.

I do not know who, but I can throw some names out there. Obviously Kevin Steele is a candidate. Dooley and Tennessee had a very hard time accepting a “No.” from him and rumors have persisted that the offer could have grown to as much as 1.5 million a year.

A Steele announcement after Signing Day would not surprise me, but it would certainly excite me.

Another candidate is Tommy Spangler the DC at Louisiana Tech and a very good one at that. He is known in coaching circles as a brilliant defensive mind and was hand-picked by Dooley to be his defensive coordinator at LA Tech. It certainly would not be a bad hire. Some had him pegged as a candidate to succeed Dooley when he inevitably moved on to greener pastures.

In other coaching news, Chuck Smith is very likely the next Defensive Line Coach here at Tennessee. I’m not sure what the hold-up on the announcement is there. Must be somehow related to the Defensive Coordinator announcement, but all indications are that he is the choice.

Smith would be just another NFL name to add to the others that have decided to join the Vols’ coaching staff.

People close to James Stone seem to think UT is in the best shape to land his signature, but Alabama has been fighting hard and is certainly not out of the picture. This is just a testament to the potential of this young man at the next level. The guy has everything you want in a guard.

We will likely add another guard to this class as well, the popular candidates being Damien Robinson or Dalvin Glass.

I prefer Robinson over Glass, personally simply by the eye test. Not many 6’8″ 330lb guys can move like Robinson can. Barry Every of Rivals fame, describes Robinson as someone whose “mobility for his size is just incredible.”

We are, arguably, Robinson’s best offer but for some time the thought was that he would land somewhere in-state.

Robinson was scheduled to visit Knoxville this past weekend, but the inclimate weather prevented him from doing so. He ended up tripping to Memphis which I view more as a leisure trip than a business one.

The Vols are by no means out of it despite the no-visit. Robinson has seen Knoxville previously and seems to be genuine in his interest in the program.

He claims a final list of Mississippi State, Arkansas, and Tennessee. It will be MSU or UT and I want to give us the slight edge.

Glass is no slouch though. He has some good offers — among them, Nebraska and Arkansas.

He wanted to visit UT this past weekend, but for whatever reason did not get the chance. The feeling is that if Tennessee is willing to accept his commitment, he would give it.

Delvin Jones was very public about his intention to re-commit to UT once a new coach were hired, but academic troubles may be keeping UT from accepting that commitment.

Jones is yet to take a standardized test and is rumored to not have the grades to make it into school.

He is set to announce Ole Miss, along with current UT commitment Ralph Williams, but Jones doesn’t appear to factor into the Rebel’s immediate plans next year. He is likely to go the Junior College route.

The coaches did pay Jones a visit at some point, but my guess it was to explain things in a professional matter rather than an attempt to have him re-commit.

Williams did tell Scout

“I know Ole Miss is thin at linebacker and I feel like I can come in and compete for playing time early in my career.”

All indications are, although J.C. Copleland did make a late visit to LSU, UT remains the front-runner in his recruitment. Copeland enjoyed his visit to Baton Rouge, but apparently did not see enough to sway him from his UT commitment.

EDIT: Late word Monday night is that Copeland has reaffirmed his commitment to the Vols.

This is HUGE news because Copeland figures in the plan at Defensive Tackle which is an area of huge need both on the roster and in the class.

Watch Mike Thornton. After Jeffrey Whittaker committed to Auburn on Monday morning, it seems that he is unlikely to follow and the common thought is that he may be headed to Georgia, but in truth, no one really knows what he is going to do. Tennessee remains on his list and is a dark horse in the race.

If there is a surprise commitment tomorrow, (and I believe there will be) I am of the opinion it will be a defensive tackle. Again, watch Thornton, Kelcy Quarles, or possibly another guy that’s committed somewhere else. Just a stab in the dark, but that’s why they call it a “surprise commitment.”

After the proclamation that he would not recruit anyone committed to Tennessee unless that recruit claimed to be no longer interested in UT, Lane Kiffin is on one of our prospects and brought him in for a visit this past weekend.

That prospect is linebacker, Glen Stanley.

I would not be shocked to see Stanley switch to USC on Signing Day, but I do not have any inside information regarding it. It just appears that it is a possibility. I would put Tennessee’s odds at about 50/50.


BrierVol61: Will this signing class meet UT’s needs?

A: Yes, I believe we will fill most of our needs but it will not be the names you were familiar with up until the coaching change. Not to say we aren’t getting quality players, but there will be far fewer “sure thing” type guys than there would be had our strategy not been totally disrupted. We could use another offensive tackle and you can never have enough defensive lineman — tackle is obviously the pressing need there and we could use one more. But we are getting the need players which was something Fulmer was unable to do late in his tenure.

423VOL:Yes or No on being a Vol in two days:

Glen Stanley?
Markeith Ambles?
Da’Rick Rogers?
James Stone?
JC Copeland?


Glen Stanley – No
Markeith Ambles – Yes
Da’Rick Rogers – Yes
James Stone – Yes, but not 100%
JC Copeland – Yes

lilesrt: What positions of need will be top priority in 2011?

A: Much the same as this year. DT will be a huge need. TE is a very big need and there are a ton of talented TEs in next year’s class. LB is a need and OL. We’ll look for one stud running back.

gorockytop: Which of the three Quarterbacks(Tyler Bray, Matt Sims, and Nash Nance) has the best chance at earning some playing time?

A: Sims because he has the experience, followed by Bray, followed by Nance. Lamaison figures somewhere in-between Bray and Nance in my opinion.

volfan607: If we get Ambles and/or Rogers, do you think Meline moves to DB?

A: There is no way of knowing that for certain. Wait until he gets here and the coaches get a good look at him in pads. It’s certainly a possibility but I wouldn’t venture a guess either way.

gorockytop: Should there be any worries about Justin Hunter rethinking his decision?

I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Baggett is a huge draw here and the myth of too many WRs in a class is one that I would classify as “busted.” Good players want to play with other good players and if you are good enough at WR, you will see the field. Especially in Chaney’s offense. You are going to see a lot of 4 WR sets with Chaney I predict. There’s no crime against having too many wide receivers.

SteelerVol: Some whacked out questions here…

Which recruit should we fear losing that we haven’t been too concerned with? Assuming Rogers is 50/50 forget that.. flip a coin. I’ll even say Hunter may not end up here.
Call Ambles 50/50 flip a coin and forget it. I think we can realistically hope for 2 of those 3 WRs. Other than those. And on a worry scale of 1- 10.

A: Uh…yes? I’m sorry. I don’t speak crazy.

gorockytop101: Will you be participating in the epic NSD fax prank?

A: No, but my evil twin, Sabacornholio will be.


1. Is there a potential for anything to come from Corey Miller’s accusation towards Blake at UNC?

A: Not likely. Miller would have to participate in an investigation and I doubt he wants to get involved with that. It would be his word against the UNC coaches and those do not usually get investigated.

2. Aside from Willis, and assuming Stone replaces Chaz Green, what was the biggest loss(among recruits we probably would have got) you see from the departure of Lane Kiffin?

A: I don’t usually like to dwell on what we lost, but I’ll entertain this. Biggest loss by far is Chaz Green followed by Brandon Willis. Stone does not replace Green because they project at two completely different positions.

warhammer: Do we get Bo Wallace?

A: I think the ship has sailed with Bo Wallace and Tennessee. I don’t think we showed him enough to sway him from his commitment to Arkansas State. Future NFL starter IMO.

RR Vol: News on Demar Dorsey?

A: FSU is Dorsey’s likely destination. USC has an outside chance. He is still a qualifying question mark.

RATROD: Did HH and Ambles get to go bone to bone? If so he’s all VOL!

A: Strong rumors that it indeed took place in the men’s room at OCI.

orangeblood79: Who are some of 2011’s highest rated prospects that TN will target?

A: Great question. I don’t have all the names in front of me, but wide receiver Jabriel Washington will be a top target. Obviously you have the quarterbacks, Worley, Stephen Rivers, Lemay. Tennessee did lead for GA defensive end Sterling Bailey at one time. Las Vegas DE Jalen Grimble, VA ATH Dominique Terrell, in-state OT Antonio-Richardson, OT Cyrus Kouandjio, TX ATH Aaron Green(RB IMO) are some other names to watch. Don’t forget A.J. Johnson.

AirVol: Do you know if we have any academic issues with any recruits?

A: We still have a semester to go so many of the questionable guys still have a chance, but the guys to be concerned about are JuCo DT John Brown, LB Glen Stanley, Eddrick Loften is close as well.

MUR73: What is the cure for the common cold???

A: Going bone to bone with Heather Harrington.

volfan89:Will Dooley drop some of these lower rated players if we get both ambles and rogers, stone, robinson and we keep glen stanley. I have heard rumors that Kelcey Quarles is not going to sign on wednesday and visit ut this weekend any validity to this?

A: The one guy I see us potentially dropping is Sapp. No others. South Carolina fans are not worried about Kelcy Quarles at all so I would say that is a pretty good indicator that he is signing with South Carolina Wednesday.

WoMI: Is the DLine rotation next season going to include me and my oil change guy at Jiffy Lube?

A: I would tell Billy down at Jiffy Lube to get his pads ready.

Dooley_Era: Next season, do you think we will be in it with as many big time recruits with Dooley as we were with “X”?

A:We will shoot for the moon next year. Dooley will not shy away from going after top players. How many of them are receptive? Hard to say. I think we will start slow like we did this past year and once we show what the offense and defense will look like we will gain some momentum. I would lean toward next year’s class being in the bottom half of the top 10 just because we will likely struggle with a tough schedule and very young players at key positions.

2. Also, since Ambles plans on signing past NSD, if we sign both Hunter and Rogers, does it hurt our chances with Ambles?

A: IF Ambles plans to delay his signing which I do not think he will. Ambles and Rogers are both well-aware of who we have committed and who we are going after. I don’t think either one is afraid of the other or Hunter. This could potentially be the best WR class in the history of UT football — I do not think that’s a stretch at all — and one of the best ever, anywhere. Good wide receivers make quarterbacks great.

With all of the setbacks (Kiffin leaving us 2 and a half weeks before NSD), how long do you think it will take until UT is competing for the SEC East and for SEC Titles?

A: It’s really hard to say. I would probably lean toward it being 3 more years counting the ’10 season. I think we basically lost a year, perhaps more with the players Kiffin ran off and the ones we lost then we are starting basically where we were when Kiffin took over. We may be in a better position in terms of talent, but depth is a huge concern.

If you go anywhere but for your info tomorrow you will be missing out. If it’s anywhere, it’s here. Get your text alerts by following the instructions in the pinned thread in the recruiting forum. Start inventing that story you are going to use for calling in sick to work.

That is it folks. Buckle those belts. Get that beer cold and prepare for a ride.

4 responses to “The Recruiting Fix: 'Twas the Night Before Signing Day”

  1. Is there anyway that you could do a read only thread on Volnation with just commitments as they sign. So that we do not have to wade through all the cheers. Provide another thread link inside the Read Only thread for comments on commitments. Just a Thought.

    • Are you the one that PM’d me on this? Check your PM inbox. We will do a thread tomorrow and will update the first post throughout the day as we do each year.

  2. Freak: I want to once again Thank You for this wonderful web site. I do not have a membership at ESPN, Scout, or Rivals. This is hand-down the best forum for anything related to Tennessee Sports. I appreciate all that you and your staff does for us Tennessee fans!

  3. I can see why people are down on Sapp considering his offers and star rating. I wasn’t really excited about that pick up either. But I heard that he has a lot of room to bulk up and is going to be converted to linebacker. I have no idea how fast the guy is, but given his height he has to have some room to grow. East Carolina isn’t a premier school you want to steal recruits from, but they were able to put some good athletes on the field by finding some hidden gems. Maybe this guy is one of those.