Throw the ball to precious

Although, Derek Dooley hasn’t spent much time speaking to the fans or media outside of his press conferences — which have been pretty dry — his mother, Barbara Dooley, isn’t shy about telling embarrassing stories about her youngest son.

Today, Mrs. Dooley told ESPN Radio 1180 about her baby, Derek ‘precious‘ Dooley.

Derek was always my baby. He will always be my baby. For those parents who have more than two children, you kind of know that a baby is special — whether it’a your third or whether it’s your fourth.

We had three close together which Vince called ‘the bunch‘ and then we had one later, which was Derek, and we called him ‘precious‘. So we had ‘the bunch‘ and we had ‘precious‘. And ‘the bunch‘ really didn’t like ‘precious‘ too well because we babied the fool out of him.

When he was playing college ball at the University of Virginia, his roommate was the quarterback. And I never thought Shawn threw the ball to Derek enough. You know mothers want their sons to be the stars of everything, of course. So I had bumper stickers made up that said, ‘throw the ball to precious’.

So, how long before we see these bumper stickers for sale on the internet?