Dane Bradshaw on why Tennessee beats Ohio State

Dane Bradshaw is a regular on the radio in Knoxville during basketball season. He makes a weekly appearance on Sports Talk where he gives insight and opinion on this year’s team. Granted, I don’t recall Bradshaw ever picking against Tennessee, but nevertheless, I enjoyed hearing his reasons for picking the Vols to upset Ohio State on Friday night.

1. He likes Tennessee’s chances when they have to shut down another team’s star player — in this case Evan Turner. Bradshaw believes Tennessee does a good job of either getting the targeted player in foul trouble or getting them out of the game somehow.

2. Reason two that Bradshaw is picking Tennessee, he believes Bruce Pearl has done a good job of game planning against Ohio State — whether it be in the underdog role or the favorite role. Granted, this is a different team than Pearl has faced the previous three times, but think back. Tennessee traveled to Columbus and took Ohio State to the wire. In the NCAA Tournament, the Vols forced the Buckeyes to overcome a 20 point deficit to win a close game — one Tennessee should have won. The following year, the Vols beat them in Knoxville. Bottom line, Bradshaw likes the coaching matchup.

3. The Vols are peaking. Bradshaw believes the current group of players are hitting their peak just at the right time. He likes the swagger, confidence, and chemistry that the players have right now.

4. Experience. Dane likes the fact that Tennessee has a solid core of seniors and other guys that have played in March. Last year was a good learning experience according to Bradshaw. Tennessee had a good taste of tournament play and the disappointment that followed their early exit. This year’s team is more motivated and tougher because of that loss.

In about 48 hours, we will know if Bradshaw’s theories have any merit.