Guitar Shots to the Head: Dooley, Slippin’ up the Holler

Don’t blame Vol fans for taking a “wait and see” attitude with new head coach, Derek Dooley.  Considering what the program has offered in the four or five years prior to his arrival, most of the fan base is anxious and weary about what awaits in the fall of 2010.

It is now Dooley’s responsibility to capture the imagination of the Vol Nation.  It has become more obvious by the day that he doesn’t plan to do that by talking to the press, opening practices, or inviting fans to the weight room at 5 am.  Of course his predecessor did all three of those things, then he bashed the fans for being too consumed with football.  Go figure…

Frankly, none of those things really matter to me.  This is not the Pac 10, and it definitely isn’t LA.  In the SEC closed practices and limited access has proven to be a winning formula for Urban Meyer and Nick Saban.

For the record, Dooley is not Nick Saban.  He has done nothing from the sidelines (as a head coach) to prove that he is ready for the task that awaits him in Knoxville.  However, I will say that I’m pleased as punch that he is willing to thumb his nose at the media and run things his way. Whether you like him or not, he seems to be in complete control of this program.

That control comes with a price.  It may not be fair, but it is not a fan’s responsibility to warm up to Dooley.  Dooley has to win us over.

How can he do it?  He has to win…often.

In 2010 when the chips are down, the Vols have to be competitive.  When next signing day rolls around, the Vols have to keep pace.  I don’t envy the job that Dooley is getting paid to do, but he is getting paid very handsomely to do it.

Face the facts.  UT lags noticeably behind Florida and Alabama.  I’ve got news for you.  The rest of the SEC is in that very same boat.  The internet message boards would have you believe that UT is a step away from becoming the next Vanderbilt.  That is simply not true.  Yes Tennessee continues to lack the speed needed to win an SEC title.  That just puts them in the very same category as 9 other SEC teams.  LSU has the speed, but I think we all know how that is going to turn out.  UT still has the size and strength to compete with the first 22 of nearly every team in the SEC.  Depth remains as a major issue.  Once again, that is true for 9 out of the 12 SEC teams.

Let’s not cry about the offensive line or the QB positin.  Dooley’s predecessor proved that you can compete with a makeshift OL and Jon Crompton last year.  That is why this spring is essential to Dooley’s success.

Spring Ball is a big deal this year, because of all the truisms in college football, one resonates above all others.  You still play like you practice.  If you practice as close to game speed as possible and you pay attention to detail Tennessee should compete with most of the teams they play.

Dooley can win the fans over this year, and he doesn’t need to win 8 games to do it.  Just give us a competitive product brought about by hard work and good practice habits, and the Vol Nation will follow.

2 responses to “Guitar Shots to the Head: Dooley, Slippin’ up the Holler”

  1. You have it wrong. It is the fans responsibility to be supportive of the new regime. If after the coach has had time to show what he is made of, they have the right to complain.

    “Win us over?” … very cheezy

  2. It is our job to be supportive of the program and its head coach. Especially when he hasnt even coached a game yet.