Recruiting Kryptonite?

According to Eamonn Brennan of, that’s the effect the notion of a postseason ban has on basketball recruiting.

… and recruiting kryptonite doesn’t come in a much more distilled form than that. The mere notion of a postseason ban — whether realistic in this case or not — is enough to send top prospects running from your program faster than if you told them they had to stay for all four years.

A bit dramatic are we Eamonn? Combined with Bruce Pearl’s school-imposed one year ban from recruiting off campus, of course the threat of postseason penalties will have a huge impact on basketball recruiting at Tennessee. But kryptonite? That stuff will bring a super hero to his/her knees, and worse. Much worse. According to our good friends at wikipedia (and yes, I think wikipedia is an acceptable reference on this radioactive substance), kryptonite ’causes immediate physical pain and debilitation, reduces their (referring to super heros) powers, and kills within hours.

Furthermore, Brennan is talking about kryptonite in it’s most distilled form. The effect of which would be unfathomable.

So, the mere ‘notion’ of such penalties will kill Pearl and/or Tennessee basketball within hours? Someone should probably let Mike Hamilton know.

Kidding aside, if the NCAA deals the Vols a postseason ban or suspends Pearl from coaching, ‘kryptonite’ would probably be a fair assessment. But it seems a decision from the NCAA is coming sooner rather than later. According the Luke Winn of, Tennessee expects the NCAA’s official response to come in December. In other words, in about two and a half months, notions won’t matter.

3 responses to “Recruiting Kryptonite?”

    • ESPN just likes a story. And we are a good story right now… in more ways than one.

  1. I think it makes Bruce sound like a super hero… with the kryptonite and all. 🙂