Tennessee fans: you might be part of the problem if…

As a new feature on the blog, I will occasionally take posts from the forum and post them here. The content and type will vary, and these won’t be opinions I necessarily agree or disagree with. Rather, it will be an opportunity to recognize posts on relevant topics that are well thought out and aim to make a point.

Today, the honor goes to Sheik Yerboutia post titled, “You might be part of the problem if…“. Anyway, I thought it had a nice Jeff Foxworthyesqe ring to it.

… you start a thread proposing a quick-fix solution to the Vols’ current woes.

Seriously, think about it. We took about 5 years to dig ourselves this hole. Why on God’s green Earth could we fix the problem in a single offseason… especially one in which we had to endure a traumatic coaching change?

If you have recently started a thread bashing Wilcox, or demanding that we start Bray instead of Simms, or complaining that some freshman wide receiver is not getting sufficient touches, or any other similar thread, take a step back and think.

We need experience and quality depth and an opportunity for our coaches’ systems and philosophies to take root and flourish.

The common denominator here is time.

We need time.

So, while I love the competitive spirit and I think we should be working to maximize our return on this season, we also need to take a three year look at this process and settle down a bit.

We’re rebuilding. It will take a while. In the interim, we have opportunities for young talented athletes to come get amazing in-game experience while being coached by excellent coaches. The school provides a good education set in a beautiful part of the country populated by friendly people. We have a frigging navy that shows up to our games in a gigantic stadium on the river, and we are probably one of the top twenty most storied programs in all of college football. There is a lot to offer here.

The message we need to be sending is calm, confident and patient. I think that would appeal to recruits.

Just a thought.

See a forum post that you believe should be featured on the blog? Send me a link and I will consider it.

6 responses to “Tennessee fans: you might be part of the problem if…”

  1. Good stuff Sheik. A pretty level-headed take on the situation. The bashing needs to stop regardless. No one had high expectations for this team in the first place.

  2. Yep, just like the blog indicates, it’s unfair to judge the coaches or the players at this point. You can’t really shout that the play calling has been bad because of two factors. One factor is that the play book has obviously been limited in order to keep things simple for the young or inexperienced players. The other factor is that the young inexperienced players don’t always execute. Even the easiest of calls. Then just for good measure, throw in the depth issue. Just like the poster said, it’s going to take some time to get some depth. It’s going to take some time to those players who can play within the system. Say what you will about Fulmer and company, but one thing recruits loved about Tennessee was the “family like atmosphere” and the solidarity. It’s going to take some time to build that again too. It’s very hard to be patient in today’s “I want it now” society, but that’s what we’re going to have to be. We don’t really have a choice.

    • Good comment OWB. Injuries haven’t helped matters either. Plus, the youth on our offensive line is astounding. Bottom line: I think this team is going to be judged more on what they do in November.

      • That’s exactly what I’ve been saying. Memphis, Mississippi, Vanderbilt and Kentucky: those games will be the deciding factor in this team’s legacy.

    • In my opinion, when you have a young team that isnt expected to do much anyway, why go conservative with the gameplan to protect them? I’d much rather push them. They will probably fail either way so why not get some good learning experience reps under their belt by pushing the envelope?? Failing while playing conservative and close to the vest isnt a good way to expand your team’s football IQ in the long run. So what are they going to do? Wait till everyone is a junior and senior to implament the “real” offense? They should do it now and struggle through it. Next year they will struggle less. By their senior year they will have 4 years of running big boy plays and will be know what to do and what not to do. And for the coaches…….when 3 players come out 5 cant go in. FACEPALM!

  3. Pat them on the back! Just like in the movie Crimson Tide, Denzel Washington told Gene Hackman that the guys needed a boost to their moral, we need to boost team spirit…go get en guys, win one for the gipper, win one for bobby cox, win one for your mom…..hell, just win one!