NFL vs NFLPA: an update

A special report to VolNation from Indianapolis

Just minutes before the annual NFLPA agent meeting, the seriousness of a potential lockout is palpable. The reality is that the players will lose their health care benefits on March 3rd if no agreement is reached, all free agency deals will be frozen, and the only real business teams can conduct is preparation for April’s draft.

With mediators and behind the scenes meetings, it’s hard to know how close the two sides are to an agreement. What is clear is that an extended lockout will be devastating to players, coaches, and NFL cities.

The league and the player’s union are embattled on many fronts. On Thursday, the NFLPA and the NFL presented arguments to US District Judge David Doty in Minneapolis appealing a previous ruling by Special Master Stephen Burbank in Dallas. The case involves to possible breach of the Reggie White Settlement Agreement which requires that the NFL use their “best efforts” to negotiate deals that are mutually beneficial to the league and the player.

The final decision could affect the NFL’s 4 billion dollar “lockout” insurance policy of the guaranteed television contract.