Zack's Ten Thoughts: Florida Edition

1. Contain the outside– Florida runningbacks Jeff Demps and Chirs Rainey can fly. Rainey has averaged 150 yards this season all purpose. Demps has burned Tennessee a few times over the years. They aren’t good between the tackles runners. So what does this mean? The ends have to stay in their lanes. You cannot let the backs have cutback lanes and get in one on one situations with the linebackers. They will get burned repeatedly. This is an absolutely critical game for the defense to stay in their lanes and play assignment football.

2. Keep using the other receivers– Eleven of the thirty-four completed balls by Tyler Bray last weekend were to other receivers not named Justin Hunter or Da’Rick Rogers. This is a very good percentage (32.3% to be exact). Rivera especially showed up big, catching six balls. Zach Rogers caught a nice touchdown and Brendan Downs made a big play. I like that Chaney did a good job mixing it around, especially in the middle of the field. Dominating the middle of the field with the passing game will open the outside, where Hunter and Rogers do their most dangerous work.

3. Blitz Brantley– This is important, and I think defensive coordinator Justin Wilcox has saved his best blitzes for Saturday. Florida QB John Brantley has not shown ability in his career to handle pressure. There’s no reason to think that has changed at this point in his career. Confuse him and do not let him get comfortable. If you keep him out of rhythm, he will become antsy and make bad decisions.

4. The offensive line needs to keep it going– Forget the run blocking for a minute. The big boys up front did a good job against Cincinnati. Bray picked Cincy apart early, and when they tried to blitz later in the game, the line held their ground. With Bray’s first game outside the state, Florida head coach Will Muschamp is going to bring the pressure. The line has to keep him on his feet and keep the jersey clean. Also expect a lot of Tauren Poole in this game on third downs, because of his excellent ability to pass block.

5. Defensive player to watch: Brent Brewer– Florida is going to try and run the ball. And even if they don’t, they are going to use screens, swings, and slants in the short passing game. So why is a safety being featured? Because I think you are going to see some Eric Berry 2009 in this game with Brewer. Brewer’s a physical safety with pretty decent sideline to sideline coverage. I think he is going to play in the box and help contain the outside. Watch early where Brewer lines up and see how Wilcox uses him. He could be an X-Factor in this game.

6. Keep moving Justin Hunter and Da’Rick Rogers around– What I loved about Jim Chaney’s plan in the Cincinnati game was how he used Hunter and Rogers. You keep the defense off balance, you can use more routes, find more open space for them, and get mismatches. I mean, getting Da’Rick Rogers matched up with a strong safety (which happened a couple times last Saturday) is about as good as it gets. This also can get mismatches on the outside for the other receivers if they get stuck on safeties.

7. The secondary has to play better– The Florida offense hasn’t showed any inclination to go deep. That could be because Florida offensive coordinator Charlie Weis was playing vanilla football the last two weeks, or he doesn’t trust Brantley. Either way, the secondary needs to step their game up. Play physical near the line, and tackle. There’s a great chance Justin Wilcox does: A) Brings the safeties up to help stop the run or B) Blitzes a lot to pressure Brantley. Either way, the corners are going to have to play straight up a lot more than they did in Cincinnati. Florida’s group of receivers has not shown a lot of ability. There’s no reason to be conservative against Florida’s wideouts.

8. Offensive players to watch: Alex Bullard and Zach Fulton– “Seriously Zack? You are telling me to watch offensive lineman instead of Tyler Bray slinging it? That’s boring!” That’s probably what you are thinking, but watch how they perform in the middle of the line on run plays. I don’t know if Tennessee can run the ball. If they can, Bullard and Fulton are going to be the reason why. Florida’s defensive line just has a crazy amount of talent. Dominique Easley, Jaye Howard, and Shariff Floyd all have major talent and Florida’s run defense has been very good so far. These guys need to give Tauren Poole and Marlin Lane room to run. This will help open up the passing game for Tyler Bray and bring the safeties in.

9. Stick with your strengths offensively– I think over the few years, Tennessee has tried to outsmart Florida instead of just playing football. What does Tennessee do best? But the ball in Tyler Bray’s hands and get the ball to the incredible talents of Justin Hunter and Da’Rick Rogers. There is no need to try and run twenty-five times in the first half. Stay with the KISS theory here: Keep It Simple Stupid. You are going to live and die with how Tyler Bray carries this team. There is no need to change that. You want balance, but you want the ball in your best player’s hand. That’s Tyler Bray.

10. Final Thoughts– This is the best chance since 2007 to beat Florida going into the Third Saturday of September. Florida has the talent edge, but not by much, and right now we don’t know enough about the coaching staffs on either side to know which one has the advantage. The run game looked better against Cincinnati, but I don’t think it will be good enough to beat Florida. The defense has to do a better job tackling, and I’m a little worried about how Bray will play going into his first true road test as a starter. Tennessee has a great shot, but I just don’t think the defense it there to pull off the upset. But it will be a barnburner.

Florida 30
Tennessee 27

4 responses to “Zack's Ten Thoughts: Florida Edition”

  1. This isn’t the typical UT vs UF matchup. These are 2 young teams going at it. Normally a slugfest, this year not so much if UT can execute their offensive game plan. There isn’t a ground and pound offense on either side. Expect some big hits, and some big plays on both sides of the ball.

    I don’t think our guys are buying into the UF hype this year. If they are mature enough to play their ball game, I like our chances. Confident? Yes. Arrogant? No. This team seems to have the “it” factor which is so hard to coach into kids. They do a good job of verbalizing their confidence, without sounding overconfident.

    UF’s offense has showed a strong tendancy to fall apart inside the red zone this year early and often. Typically, red zone let downs aren’t easy problems to fix, so don’t expect those woes to go away in just one week.

    UT should win this game if they don’t give up any points on special teams, and don’t give up any points to the UF defense.

    UF is ranked based on their pedigree and their recruiting *stars,* rather than by their on the field play this year. If UF offense had played as well as UT’s, then the spread for this game would be 42.

    By the same token, UT is still being perceived as last years team. This is the time and Florida is the place for this team to create a new identity for themselves, and to shrug off that old perception.

    This team isn’t brach enough to say it, but I can hear it in their comments. They BELIEVE the “WILL” win, not “can”, but “WILL” win. They have worked hard since last December, and the coaches are pleased with this team’s progress, attitude, and work ethic, as witnessed by their comments.

    This team BELIEVES, therefore I BELIEVE.

    UF – 29 – 2 TD – 5 FG
    UT- 37 – 4 TD – 3FG

  2. Good words. I like it.

    Joe Vols:
    This isn’t the typical UT vs UF matchup. These are 2 young teams going at it. Normally a slugfest, this year not so much if UT can execute their offensive game plan. There isn’t a ground and pound offense on either side. Expect some big hits, and some big plays on both sides of the ball.

    I don’t think our guys are buying into the UF hype this year. If they are mature enough to play their ball game, I like our chances. Confident? Yes. Arrogant? No. This team seems to have the “it” factor which is so hard to coach into kids. They do a good job of verbalizing their confidence, without sounding overconfident.

    UF’s offense has showed a strong tendancy to fall apart inside the red zone this year early and often. Typically, red zone let downs aren’t easyproblems to fix, so don’t expect those woes to go away in just one week.

    UT should win this game if they don’t give up any points on special teams, and don’t give up any points to the UF defense.

    UF is ranked based on their pedigree and their recruiting *stars,* rather than by their on the field play this year. If UF offense had played as well as UT’s, then the spread for this game would be 42.

    By the same token, UT is still being perceived as last years team.This is the time and Florida is the place for this team to create a new identity for themselves, and to shrug off that old perception.

    This team isn’t brach enough to say it, but I can hear it in their comments. They BELIEVE the “WILL” win, not “can”, but “WILL” win. They have worked hard since last December, and the coaches are pleased with this team’s progress, attitude, and work ethic, as witnessed by their comments.

    This team BELIEVES, therefore I BELIEVE.

    UF – 29 – 2 TD – 5 FG
    UT- 37 – 4 TD – 3FG

  3. Maybe you should check your score total again. The combination of TD’s and FG’s do not compute.