Tennessee's Offense vs Austin Peay, play by play

For a long time now, I’ve wanted to take a look at each and every offensive snap by the Vols in a game. For those of you who saw my video that I posted earlier in the week on the board, which basically shows every offensive play in a 13-minute video, this post is the reason I created that clip.

Now, I don’t claim to be any sort of offensive mastermind, quite the opposite actually. And my lack of knowledge is compounded by the fact that I’m not all that familiar with the zone read offense, but I’m learning, albeit slowly. My hope is that we can further learn together. I would love to have input and participation from our readers: tell me what I missed, call me on misrepresenting a play or formation, tell me I’m flat out wrong in my analysis—just explain why so I, and our readers, can learn something. With your help, I’ll try not to make the same mistakes next time—assuming I decide to tackle this again.

Tennessee’s offense is based around the shotgun zone read. I’m still learning to exactly classify the differences between the inside zone read and the outside zone read, but it’s not as simple as where the back runs. In Chip Kelly’s system at Oregon, he positioned the back at different depths for the inside reads and the outside reads. Butch doesn’t appear to do that. It looks as though the key is the direction of the line push as well as the angle of the tailbacks path, relative to the line of scrimmage. Beyond that, if you have any tips to help me identify those plays, I”m all ears.

Forum Discussion on this topic

Formation: Shotgun Wing Trips    Play: IZR
Play: Neal, R. rush for 5 yards to the UT41 (Perry, E.).
Analysis: Neal does a nice job of reading his blocks and cutting the play back to the left, but I would have liked to see him finish strong rather than running sideways.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Wing Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Neal, R. rush for 7 yards to the UT48, 1ST DOWN UT (Perry, E.).
Analysis: The tight end picks up the backside defensive end. Good sping move by Neal causing the defender to completely whiff and he falls forward on the play.
Formation: Shotgun Spread    Play: Pass
Play: Worley, J. pass complete to Howard, A. for 5 yards to the APSU47 (Owens, J.).
Analysis: Worley locks in on his receiver on the left side. Could have been some sort of high/low but seemed to watch Pigg the entire time. Is that Richardson being driven back into the quarterback?
Formation: Shotgun Normal Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Neal, R. rush for 47 yards to the APSU0, 1ST DOWN UT, TOUCHDOWN, clock 12:43.
Analysis: The backside end almost makes the tackle–should have. OL did a great job of creating a running lane. The LG (Bullard) makes a great block downfield on the LB and #18 (Croom) makes a solid block, accidentally blocking two defenders.
Formation: Shotgun Wing Trips Weak    Play: OZR Reverse
Play: Howard, A. rush for 7 yards to the APSU18 (Owens, J.).
Analysis: Line blocks hard left to the outside. Great block by Fulton. If James could have picked up the saftety down field or Worley got in his way, could have been a big gain.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Neal, R. rush for 4 yards to the APSU14, 1ST DOWN UT (Bulmash, R.;Owens, J.).
Analysis: Looks like the weaside end forced Neal outside further than he would have liked, and into the defenders. A strong run though. Not the greatest block downfield by Downs.
Formation: Shotgun Split Slot    Play: IZR
Play: Lane, M. rush for 14 yards to the APSU0, 1ST DOWN UT, TOUCHDOWN, clock 10:50.
Analysis: First time we’ve seen the split formation with both Lane and Neal in the backfield. Great block by RG taking out both a lineman and the middle linebacker.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Weak    Play: Pass
Play: Worley, J. pass incomplete to North, M..
Analysis: Deep pass single coverage downfield to North. Underthrown by Worley or it may have been six points. Also two receivers eneded up in the same area. Not sure if by design.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Wing Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Lane, M. rush for 8 yards to the UT47 (Salisbury, T.;Eaddy, L.).
Analysis: Good move by Lane at the line of scrimmage, making a player miss. He finishes strong.
Formation: Shotgun Twin TE Slot Weak    Play: IZR Keep
Play: Worley, J. rush for 11 yards to the APSU42, 1ST DOWN UT (Shuler, J.).
Analysis: The defense was completely fooled on the play. Nice read by Worley. This play is going to be open a lot depending on how often the coaches and or Worley wants to take it. I imagine it will be just enough to try to keep the defense honest.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Lane, M. rush for 4 yards to the APSU38 (Teague, C.).
Analysis: Lane looked to have a ton of room to the outside but cutback into traffic and was tackled.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Weak    Play: Pass
Play: Worley, J. pass complete to Carter, J. for 14 yards to the APSU24, 1ST DOWN UT.
Analysis: Nice protection, but not much rush. Good job by Worley picking out an open receiver. TE and RB released so there were five receivers on the play.
Formation: Shotgun Y-Trips    Play: IZR
Play: Neal, R. rush for 15 yards to the APSU9, 1ST DOWN UT (Rich, S.).
Analysis: Neal cuts it back in the backfield to avoid the lineman who the TE was unable to block. Nice run.
Formation: Shotgun Wing Trips Weak    Play: IZR PA Pass
Play: Worley, J. pass complete to Young, D. for 9 yards to the APSU0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 06:20.
Analysis: Uses play action off of the inside zone read, I believe for the first time. Worley has pressure in his face because the backside defensive end isn’t picked up and doesn’t bite on the fake, but is still able to complete the throw off of his back foot.
Formation: Shotgun Wing Trips    Play: IZR
Play: Neal, R. rush for 9 yards to the APSU40 (Owens, R.).
Analysis: Good job by Neal of finding the hole and getting down field. Great block by the LG hiitting the lineman and then peeling off to take out the linebacker. That block created the run.
Formation: Shotgun Y-Trips Weak    Play: OZR
Play: Neal, R. rush for 8 yards to the APSU32, 1ST DOWN UT (Clark, T.).
Analysis: This looks like an outside zone read for the first time. The line blocking looks like the play is intended outside and Lane’s inital path is more toward the sideline than the IZR. Zach Fulton absolutely destroys his man.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Neal, R. rush for 9 yards to the APSU23 (Owens, J.;Shuler, J.).
Analysis: Neal had to cut back to avoid pressure from the backside defensive end. The entire defense was cheating playside, so when Neal cut back he had a lot of room. Good block (or maybe a hold) downfield by Howard. Worley is 10 yards down field attempting to block.
Formation: Shotgun Y-Trips Weak    Play: OZR Keep
Play: Worley, J. rush for 11 yards to the APSU12, 1ST DOWN UT (Eaddy, L.).
Analysis: The backside end chases the HB down the line and Worley has no one arond. He puts a nice move on the safety but is unable to get by him.
Formation: Shotgun Y-Trips    Play: IZR
Play: Lane, M. rush for 1 yard to the APSU11 (Goines, M.).
Analysis: James wasn’t able to block his man and derailed the play.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Weak    Play: Pass
Play: Worley, J. pass incomplete to North, M..
Analysis: Most of the time the back has been offset. In this case he’s not and it’s a pass play. I believe it was Howard lined up at HB and release out into the flat. Tough pass with two defenders in the area was incomplete. Pretty good protection as the defense rushed five.
Formation: Shotgun Trips Weak    Play: Pass
Play: Worley, J. pass complete to Howard, A. for 11 yards to the APSU0, 1ST DOWN UT, TOUCHDOWN, clock 14:46.
Analysis: Tennessee did a nice job of picking up the 2 lb’s blitzing up the middle. Once the blitz was picked up, it’s an easy inside throw and catch for Worley and Howard against single coverage. the TB, Lane i think, did a nice job picking up the lb up the middle.
Formation: Shotgun Y-Trips Weak    Play: Pass
Play: Worley, J. pass complete to North, M. for 7 yards to the UT27 (Eaddy, L.).
Analysis: Nice easy short throw and catch. Corner is 10 yards off the ball.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Neal, R. rush for 4 yards to the UT31, 1ST DOWN UT (Owens, J.).
Analysis: The linebacker cuts off the outside and neal does a nice job cutting it back for 4 yards.
Formation: Shotgun Spread Weak    Play: Pass
Play: Worley, J. pass complete to North, M. for 3 yards to the UT34 (Carlton, M.).
Analysis: Again, tailback is not offset and it’s a pass. Neal with a good block picking up pressure. Soft coverage on the outside so easy pitch and catch.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Wing Weak    Play: OZR PA Pass
Play: Worley, J. pass complete to Smith, Jo. for 9 yards to the APSU42 (Clark, T.).
Analysis: Worley rolls out right, nice throw on the run.
Formation: Shotgun Wing Trips Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Neal, R. rush for 4 yards to the APSU38, 1ST DOWN UT (Clark, T.).
Analysis: Nice run but Neal loses a yard trying to bounce it ouside at the end. Would like to see Howard a bit more aggresive on his downfield block.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Weak    Play: OZR
Play: Neal, R. rush for 4 yards to the APSU34 (Owens, J.;Teague, C.).
Analysis: A lot of defenders cheating to the area. (7)
Formation: Shotgun Normal Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Lane, M. rush for 7 yards to the APSU27, 1ST DOWN UT (Roberson, G.;Lartey, N.).
Analysis: Great tough run by Lane. This play was all him.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Weak    Play: Pass
Play: Worley, J. pass complete to North, M. for 23 yards to the APSU4, 1ST DOWN UT.
Analysis: Back is not offset, releases into the flat. Throw is behind North, orhtewise would have been six points.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Lane, M. rush for 4 yards to the APSU0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 06:56.
Analysis: Yet another tough run by lane running through an tackle at the line by the persuing backside end.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Weak    Play: Screen
Play: Worley, J. pass complete to Neal, R. for 7 yards to the UT39 (Noble, A.).
Analysis: Screen pass to neal. Set up nicely. Very close to being a big play.
Formation: Shotgun Normal    Play: IZR
Play: Neal, R. rush for 6 yards to the UT45, 1ST DOWN UT (Houston Jr., J.).
Analysis: Neal and the line just drive the pile down the field.
Formation: Shotgun Y-Trips Weak    Play: OZR
Play: Neal, R. rush for 13 yards to the APSU42, 1ST DOWN UT (Carlton, M.).
Analysis: Pretty good job by the line to get a body on everyone.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Wing    Play: OZR Slot
Play: Young, D. rush for 6 yards to the APSU36 (Eaddy, L.).
Analysis: Slot in motion then OZR to the slot. The DE and LB were unblocked at the point of attack, however. Hard to say whether is was a missed assignment or not.
Formation: Shotgun Normal    Play: IZR PA Pass
Play: Worley, J. pass complete to Howard, A. for 13 yards to the APSU23, 1ST DOWN UT.
Analysis: Five receivers on the play as the TE and RB both release. Looks like the first read was to the tight end, then Worley found Howard down the field.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Weak    Play: IZR Keep
Play: Worley, J. rush for 6 yards to the APSU17 (Mitchell, B.).
Analysis: Again fools everyone. Easy 6 yards.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Wing Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Neal, R. rush for 7 yards to the APSU1 (Lillard, M.).
Analysis: Strong run by Neal, straight ahead. Made a LB miss at the line and then drove through a tackler falling foward for 3-4 additional yards.
Formation: Shotgun Y-Trips Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Worley, J. rush for loss of 7 yards to the APSU8 (Lartey, N.).
Analysis: Tough play as the backside DE shoots through untouched and dumps Worley for a loss
Formation: Shotgun Twin TE Slot Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Neal, R. rush for loss of 1 yard to the APSU3 (Siliva, I.;Eaddy, L.).
Analysis: Play had no chace. Weakside corner and de pursuit unblocked safety on the strong side came up and made the play.
Formation: Ace Twin TE Slot    Play: HB Dive
Play: Neal, R. rush for no gain to the APSU3 (Lillard, M.;Goines, M.).
Analysis: Quinn wasn’t able to hold his block on the LB
Formation: Shotgun Twin TE Weak    Play: IZR PA Pass
Play: Worley, J. pass complete to Downs, B. for 3 yards to the APSU0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:53.
Analysis: Playaction. Nice execution. Nice call. Wide open.
Formation: Shotgun Wing Trips    Play: IZR
Play: Peterman, N. rush for 8 yards to the APSU19 (Shuler, J.;Clark, T.).
Analysis: Knew peterman would keep on his first play. lol. Strong run.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Smith, T. rush for loss of 1 yard to the APSU20 (Bulmash, R.).
Analysis: Play had no chance as the defenders strung it out nicely.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Wing Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Smith, T. rush for 1 yard to the APSU19 (Goines, M.;Perry, E.).
Analysis: Correct read by peterman. the left side of the line just isn’t getting much push.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Wing    Play: IZR
Play: Smith, T. rush for 6 yards to the UT25 (Eaddy, L.).
Analysis: Good hole and good strong straigh-ahead run by smith.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Wing    Play: IZR
Play: Smith, T. rush for 8 yards to the UT33, 1ST DOWN UT (Johnson, K.).
Analysis: Another good hole and strong run by smith dragging a lineman downfield with him.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Wing    Play: IZR
Play: Smith, T. rush for no gain to the UT33 (Carroll, D.).
Analysis: The left guard got whipped. looks like Kerbyson maybe. Actually the tackle split the lg and lt. maybe the LT’s fault. Marques Pari.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Wing Weak    Play: IZR PA PAss
Play: Peterman, N. pass incomplete (Shuler, J.), QB hurry by Shuler, J..
Analysis: This never had a chance. Peterman had three defenders in his face. Had he handed off, a hole was there.
Formation: Shotgun Spread    Play: PAss
Play: Peterman, N. pass complete to Harris, P. for 15 yards to the UT48, 1ST DOWN UT (Owens, R.;Shuler, J.).
Analysis: Hard throw by Peterman. great catch by Harris.
Formation: Shotgun Spread    Play: IZR Keep
Play: Peterman, N. rush for loss of 5 yards to the UT43 (Lartey, N.).
Analysis: The left dt went unblocked. A missed assingment by either the RG or RT. The defender went right between them. My guess is RG. Basically the end and tackle were in the backfield so the play had no chance.
Formation: Shotgun Y-Trips Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Smith, T. rush for 5 yards to the UT48 (Houston Jr., J.).
Analysis: Hard run by Tom Smith without much room.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Wing Trips Weak    Play: Pass
Play: Peterman, N. pass incomplete to Blanc, C. (Owens, R.).
Analysis: Good protection and a pretty good throw by Peterman. It was a little behind Blanc but he should have made the play, in my opinion.
Formation: Shotgun Y-Trips Weak    Play: Pass
Play: Peterman, N. pass incomplete to Dallas, V..
Analysis: Pass. Peterman with a man in his face was looking for Dallas down the sideline. Good coverage and the ball was out of bounds.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Wing Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Hill, A. rush for 6 yards to the UT16 (Salley, C.).
Analysis: Strong run by hill falling forward for six yards.
Formation: Shotgun Spread    Play: Pass
Play: Peterman, N. pass complete to Johnson, J. for 9 yards to the UT25, 1ST DOWN UT (Perry, E.), PENALTY APSU personal foul (Perry, E.) 15 yards to the UT40, 1ST DOWN UT.
Analysis: Pass. Nice play on third down. Good protection. Blitz pickup. Good read and throw by Peterman and a nice catch by Johnson.
Formation: Shotgun Split Slot    Play: IZR
Play: Hill, A. rush for no gain to the UT40 (Siliva, I.).
Analysis: Backside end makes the tackle.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Wing Weak    Play: IZR PA PAss
Play: Peterman, N. pass complete to Branisel, A.J. for loss of 2 yards to the UT38 (Clark, T.).
Analysis: Pressure on peterman and the TE was tightly covered. No chance.
Formation: Shotgun Spread    Play: Pass
Play: Peterman, N. sacked for loss of 6 yards to the UT32 (Salley, C.).
Analysis: LB blitzed up the middle. Peteman just held the ball too long, in my opinion.
Formation: Shotgun Wing Trips (guess)    Play: IZR
Play: Summerhill, D. rush for 15 yards to the APSU35, 1ST DOWN UT (Shuler, J.).
Analysis: Huge hole. Summerhill picked up an extra ten yards after breaking an open-field tackle.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Wing Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Summerhill, D. rush for 4 yards to the APSU31 (Bulmash, R.).
Analysis: Summerhill with good shiftiness, making a couple of defenders miss.
Formation: Shotgun Spread    Play: IZR
Play: Peterman, N. pass incomplete to Williams, M.F. (Slagle, L.).
Analysis: Peterman threw into the raised hands of the DE.
Formation: Shotgun Spread    Play: IZR
Play: Peterman, N. pass complete to Johnson, J. for 6 yards to the APSU25, 1ST DOWN UT.
Analysis: Good protection. A little behind the receiver. Nice catch.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Wing Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Hill, A. rush for 3 yards to the APSU22, fumble forced by Mitchell, B., fumble by Hill, A. recovered by APSU Mitchell, B. at APSU22.
Analysis: Hill coughed it up after a 4-5 yard gain. he didn’t get another carry.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Wing Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Summerhill, D. rush for 13 yards to the UT35, 1ST DOWN UT (Turner, A.).
Analysis: Very nice run by Summerhil cuttin the play back inside. He also made a very nice cut down the field eluding a defender and falling forward at the end of the run.
Formation: Shotgun Wing Trips    Play: IZR
Play: Summerhill, D. rush for 12 yards to the UT47, 1ST DOWN UT (Shuler, J.;Whitfield, D.).
Analysis: Again summerhill makes the perfect read and cut at the line and finishes strong down field.
Formation: Shotgun Wing Trips    Play: IZR
Play: Summerhill, D. rush for 4 yards to the APSU49 (Gray, A.J.).
Analysis: Summerhill strong run.
Formation: Shotgun Normal Wing    Play: IZR
Play: Smith, T. rush for 4 yards to the APSU45 (Gilbreath, P.).
Analysis: The true read may have been a keeper, but at this point in the game with the run working, not seeing any qb runs.
Formation: Shotgun Wing Trips    Play: IZR
Play: Smith, T. rush for 2 yards to the APSU43, 1ST DOWN UT (Salisbury, T.).
Analysis: Not much there and the backside DE makes the play
Formation: Shotgun Normal Wing    Play: IZR
Play: Smith, T. rush for 4 yards to the APSU39 (Johnson, K.).
Analysis: Good run. but again, the backside end is making the play.
Formation: Shotgun Wing Trips Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Summerhill, D. rush for 14 yards to the APSU25, 1ST DOWN UT (Eaddy, L.;Lartey, N.).
Analysis: This time the TE comes across to block the backside end and again summerhill finds a hole and scampers through it, finishing strong down field. This kid is impressive.
Formation: Shotgun Wing Trips Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Summerhill, D. rush for 2 yards to the APSU23 (Turner, A.).
Analysis: TE comes across to block the backsid end again, but not much for summerhill this time.
Formation: Shotgun Wing Trips    Play: IZR
Play: Summerhill, D. rush for no gain to the APSU23 (Lartey, N.;Turner, A.).
Analysis: Not a lot of room and this time summerhill was caught by the backside end.
Formation: Shotgun Wing Trips Weak    Play: IZR
Play: Summerhill, D. rush for 3 yards to the APSU20 (Jones, D.;Lartey, N.).
Analysis: Summerhill ran into his own blocker who was knocked into the backfield (appeared to be Bullard) but somehow managed to turn it upfield and gain three yards.