5 Vols Tackle NFL Draft Combine

The NFL Draft Combine — It’s a pretty weird spectacle, honestly.

Drills and workouts. Questions and answers. Poking, prodding, gauging and measuring. Players are evaluated in every sense of the word as NFL teams develop as much insight as possible into their prospective million-dollar investments. Yeah. That’s a lot of money. I guess I’d do my due diligence too, then.

combineThe combine officially began Feb. 19 and runs until the 25th, but before the forties are ran the and the benches are pressed, the players met with the media and were measured for height and weight. This information and the pretty picture above are courtesy of the fine folks at UTSports.com.

OT Ja’Wuan James 6-6, 311 with 35 inch reach

OT Antonio Richardson 6-6, 336 with 35 inch reach

OG Zach Fulton 6-5, 316 with 33 1/4 inch reach

C James Stone 6-4, 306 with 33 7/8 inch reach

I’ve not had much luck finding all the players’ interviews, but here is James’ courtesy of the St. Louis Rams’ website. A couple highlights if you’re too lazy to click the link and watch for yourself.   8^ )

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Photo courtesy @jwyattsports
Photo courtesy @jwyattsports

— He was glad he came back for his senior year; it was the best decision for him. The decision is different for everybody, surrounding circumstances play a big part.

— Said his experience in the SEC prepared him for the NFL, feels he run blocks and pass blocks proficiently.

— His ability to move and his strength were two of his best attributes, also three different coaches and three different play books showcases his ability to learn quickly.

James and Richardson have ideal size and arm length for NFL tackles and project to be taken in rounds 2-4 depending on which projection you’re looking at.

Stone and Fulton project to be taken in the later rounds or sign as free agents after the draft is complete, much like Tyler Bray and Da’Rick Rogers from last year.

We’ll keep you updated with all the numbers from the various drills and lifting as they become available. For a complete schedule of who does what when, check out the itinerary put together by SB Nation.

UPDATE: Tiny’s bench numbers and body fat percentage

