Loser Rattler

Well, they did beat Clemson @Clemson as well about 2 weeks later. They got hot late that year, played ND pretty well in the Gator Bowl also. Collectively, we as a fanbase are desperate to find any excuse for that face plant. The truth is that secondary was the soft underbelly of that team and we just had the misfortune of having it fully exposed that night by a dude who got dialed in and made throws and it lit the fuse for that night game crowd and became a snowball rolling down a hill. That is always a danger in these SEC venues. We are not the first good team to get ambushed by an underdog in the SEC on the road at night. Then you have the demoralization of Hooker being injured late snuffing out any hope of a comeback. It was a perfect storm.

Michigan had also taped Clemson's signs (as well as our during the UK game). It was also a week later, not two weeks later.

This is the same South Carolina team that spanked 38-6 by a 6-4 UF team the week prior to the UT game.

It is not hard to do the math as to what happened.
I've never seen it, but much of people's perceptions of him are shaped by his appearance on that QB1 show. I heard multiple people say they couldn't stand him before he ever took a snap at OU because of how he supposedly acted on that show.
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Michigan had also taped Clemson's signs (as well as our during the UK game). It was also a week later, not two weeks later.

This is the same South Carolina team that spanked 38-6 by a 6-4 UF team the week prior to the UT game.

It is not hard to do the math as to what happened.
Not hard if you are looking for an excuse. Some of y'all think we never lost a game we weren't cheated out of in some respect and can't understand that you look a thousand times worse doing that than just manning up and admitting you got beat. There is no transitive property in college football, irregular results happen all the time. How on earth did we lose to Florida last year, were they stealing our signs or is it hard to win on the road in the SEC at night? The year we won the SEC with Peyton we lost to Florida by two scores, beat Georgia by like 25 and then Georgia turned around and kicked Florida's azz. There is no accounting for results in football sometimes.
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OJ Simpson was the 1st pick and he was a loser. Just because you are an NFL draft pick does not mean you are not a loser.

I'm not trying to piggy back an opinion, but even you have to admit that's a bit of a stretch to use OJ when comparing him to someone just because he's not liked for whatever reason. It's just a little out there IMHO...

I know he torched UT a couple of years ago(We saw what happened in the rematch),but I wish him the best.
Everyone is piling on to the OP. Maybe I misread it, but I took the post as just your run of the mill sports fan trash talk… not truly wishing Rattler ill. Lots of people trashed Stetson Bennett and Manziel the same way for the same reasons but most felt bad for them when things went south for real.

In basketball, just take a look at the Edey thread for some truly nasty comments that hopefully people don’t really mean.
I've never seen it, but much of people's perceptions of him are shaped by his appearance on that QB1 show. I heard multiple people say they couldn't stand him before he ever took a snap at OU because of how he supposedly acted on that show.

I have never even seen the show in question either.

That being said, the first time I ever saw Spencer Rattler he was on the sidelines joking about something and laughing with someone else on the team. Pretty innocuous.

I dunno if you remember all the jokes during the NFL draft a few years back about Josh Rosen having a very "punchable" face, but for some reason Rattler is in the same category for me.

I can't explain it, I really can't. Just one of those guys where something about him that is begging for someone to punch him in the nose. Best way I can explain my feelings about Spencer.
Not hard if you are looking for an excuse. Some of y'all think we never lost a game we weren't cheated out of in some respect and can't understand that you look a thousand times worse doing that than just manning up and admitting you got beat. There is no transitive property in college football, irregular results happen all the time. How on earth did we lose to Florida last year, were they stealing our signs or is it hard to win on the road in the SEC at night? The year we won the SEC with Peyton we lost to Florida by two scores, beat Georgia by like 25 and then Georgia turned around and kicked Florida's azz. There is no accounting for results in football sometimes.
I'm not one to seek out excuses. The way I see it, if you have a 'legit' excuse, then you have a problem. So, tell me about solutions to the problem instead of talking about excuses.

That said, we definitely sucked that night, but there was something very odd about that game. The SC offense knew what was coming.. It's not like this was some vague rumor at the time. There was quite a bit of discussion about this and not just here on VolNation..

Surprisingly but thankfully, it all went away pretty damn quick..
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I'm not one to seek out excuses. The way I see it, if you have a 'legit' excuse, then you have a problem. So, tell me about solutions to the problem instead of talking about excuses.

That said, we definitely sucked that night, but there was something very odd about that game. The SC offense knew what was coming.. It's not like this was some vague rumor at the time. There was quite a bit of discussion about this and not just here on VolNation..

Surprisingly but thankfully, it all went away pretty damn quick..
At the time, I recall the usual rumination and meltdown over a loss, which always includes that element of the fanbase who thinks we never lost a game we weren't cheated out of or that something wasn't "off" about the game. Those kind of things can be and are said by die hards of all the fanbases (at least in our conference) after any irregular result. This past year for instance, how in the hell did Auburn get blown out at home by New Mexico State and nonetheless take Georgia and Alabama down to the wire? Regardless, as you allude to, WWTFA this past year and sent them packing back to Murdaugh Country and that's really all that matters now.
Further research, there are always conspiracy theories from a select few when we lose, especially if it's an upset:

Again, apples and oranges due to context. Prolly hard for you to figure that out, but as @Lawrence Wright says, making these kind of comparisons against the given context is what makes America great
I’m not saying he will become a murderer but I will say he is/was a total douchebag and I think most of the guys that played with him prior to him being humbled after being benched at Oklahoma would agree. He’s just not very mature and not a good leader and that’s what you need at that position. Ironically he is very similar to a guy that was on the Saints roster recently, just without the legal issues. Jameis Winston…
I’m not saying he will become a murderer but I will say he is/was a total douchebag and I think most of the guys that played with him prior to him being humbled after being benched at Oklahoma would agree. He’s just not very mature and not a good leader and that’s what you need at that position. Ironically he is very similar to a guy that was on the Saints roster recently, just without the legal issues. Jameis Winston…
So I’ll just say again…

Imagine being such a bad a** that you could call a 5th round NFL draft pick a loser!!! Life goals man, life goals.
So I’ll just say again…

Imagine being such a bad a** that you could call a 5th round NFL draft pick a loser!!! Life goals man, life goals.
Yeah he could have been a top 10 pick with all that talent but he dropped because he wasn’t a good leader. Glad he got humbled and hopefully for his sake he has started treating his teammates better. He will be playing with a bunch of grown men now so he won’t be able to get away with calling his teammates out on national television without getting popped in the mouth.
Yeah he could have been a top 10 pick with all that talent but he dropped because he wasn’t a good leader. Glad he got humbled and hopefully for his sake he has started treating his teammates better. He will be playing with a bunch of grown men now so he won’t be able to get away with calling his teammates out on national television without getting popped in the mouth.

He dropped because he wasn't good at all.

However, I think he might be one of those weird cases where he wasn't good in college but for whatever reason ends up making a good living as a pro. Probably a career backup but I totally expect him to get a 2nd contract
I was never a Rattler fan back in the day due to the hype surrounding him coming out of high school and then signing with OU. Before the young man had ever taken a college snap most of the national media had him on their preseason Heisman watch lists. That he was benched that same season I saw then and see now as another indictment of the national media pushing a narrative rather than reporting the news. I think he’s a decent college QB who may very well end up as a good NFL QB as he has the tools.

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