DEI = Racism

Did you open that link and compare Rudy’s crime rates to the current numbers yet? Looking forward to your report back
Did you open that link and compare Rudy’s crime rates to the current numbers yet? Looking forward to your report back
I am aware that New York has stopped reporting lots of crimes. Statistics can say whatever you want them to say, especially when the City doesn’t want to be embarrassed
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I am aware that New York has stopped reporting lots of crimes. Statistics can say whatever you want them to say, especially when the City doesn’t want to be embarrassed
That article is about package theft and you're trying to imply there are hundreds of unreported murders, please be serious or read better. The city is safer now than under Rudy and it's indisputable
That article is about package theft and you're trying to imply there are hundreds of unreported murders, please be serious or read better. The city is safer now than under Rudy and it's indisputable
The article is about MORE than Just package theft and for you to make that claim is profoundly dishonest. What’s the term the left is always throwing around „misinformation“?
The article is about MORE than Just package theft and for you to make that claim is profoundly dishonest. What’s the term the left is always throwing around „misinformation“?
Your reading comprehension is about as good as your use of quotation marks if you don't think this article was about package theft and not felonies lol

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Your reading comprehension is about as good as your use of quotation marks if you don't think this article was about package theft and not felonies lol

I use German style quotation marks because I use a German keyboard. But to be fair, most people don’t know about that.

And the article used package theft as the central example. But since you accuse ME have a problem with reading comprehension, 😀 let me help you out a bit. Package theft isn’t even mentioned until the fifth paragraph . Here are the first four. Please READ them

Progressive politicians and their allies in the media have been running victory laps over New York City crime statistics. It’s true—and salutary—that shootings and murders have declined, though not to their pre-pandemic lows. Mayor Eric Adams and the NYPD deserve credit for going after the gangs and crews known to commit the preponderance of the city’s gun crimes.

But we should take much of the rest of the city’s crime data with a pinch, if not a full shaker, of salt. Most New Yorkers would agree that street crime, arbitrary mayhem, and general hostility are all trending the wrong way. Compstat data may say that shoplifting is down—but if that’s true, why are so many stores locking away anything that can’t be nailed to the floor? And how many victims of muggings or “minor” assaults have simply decided that it’s not worth the bother of filing a police report, when the perpetrator, if he is even caught, will likely walk away with few consequences?

It’s hard to make these arguments stick, however, when feckless elected officials—the same ones who demand that we defund the police and close the jails—insist that officially sanctioned criminal impunity not only coexists with public safety but actually improves it.
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“Tough on crime” publicity stunts in election years don’t make sense to you?
So she is saying that there is a crime problem them that requires her intervention with military force.

Don't get me wrong, New Yorkers in particular are as stupid as they come. Look at what's in the White House and AOC. But if crime is not a problem....
So she is saying that there is a crime problem them that requires her intervention with military force.

Don't get me wrong, New Yorkers in particular are as stupid as they come. Look at what's in the White House and AOC. But if crime is not a problem....
She is saying this. The “crime problem” in the subway is 3 deaths in 3 months when there are 4-5 million riders a day, and the NYPD has more than enough resources to perform bag checks by themselves.

The National Guard also can’t arrest anyone, it’s pure theater, and we discussed it in the NYC thread where that discussion actually makes sense

“I’m going to demonstrate that Democrats fight crime as well,” she said Thursday morning on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “This narrative that Republicans have said and hijacked the story that we’re soft on crime, that we defund the police — no.”

LaShonda Brenson, senior researcher at the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, warned that the dissolution of the ODI has placed democracy itself at risk.

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Hundreds of different sources have said the family was angry Hochul showed up at the wake...
No they haven’t. One uncle was allegedly mad

“We always ask: ‘Would the families like us there?’ If the families say, ‘No, this is the time for our personal family grieving, we don’t want a politician there,’ we don’t go,” Hochul said. “In this case, we asked. We were told the family is welcoming. We always check, and they said to come, and I went. And no one told me to leave.”
You are believing her when literally everyone else is saying the opposite. Hack gonna hack...

My point remains it was a publicity stunt for her and one that backfired...
I heard the family debunked that too, certainly haven't seen anyone from the family saying the opposite. Have you?

It was a publicity stunt for both her and Trump, this board focuses on only one of them
Anyone who thinks Obama wasn't far and away more qualified than Trump is insane. Temperament, smarts, speaking ability, moral compass. Not even close.

Well, moral compass maybe, although I believe that most of Trump's decisions that had good moral outcomes were the result of experience rather than convictions. So maybe a tie there.
Mother Cleveland could reach into a Chinese Elm tree, rip off a branch, strip it of leaves and put that switch to work without ever taking her eyes off the target.

True story. I must of been about four years old when I "discovered" I could see my tongue by sticking it out. Had the brilliant idea of showing Mama. She was rolling out biscuits and I walk up, get her attention and say, "Mom! Look!" and stuck my tongue out at her.

To this day, my memory is the woman never stopped rolling biscuits. It was like she sprouted a second left hand, popped me and kept on rolling biscuits. 58 years and I've still not forgotten it and remember thinking what did I do?

You were lucky. If she had been woke, you would have been subjected to a two hour lecture followed by an afternoon planting seedlings at the park. Then, at the of the day, you would have been further mortified when your mom tearfully apologized for her bad parenting.

Much better to take the temporary hit and move on.
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You were lucky. If she had been woke, you would have been subjected to a two hour lecture followed by an afternoon planting seedlings at the park. Then, at the of the day, you would have been further mortified when your mom tearfully apologized for her bad parenting.

Much better to take the temporary hit and move on.
LOL! Very good! Always look on the bright side.

But none of that was likely. She was an un-Reconstructed Confederate.
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