Do you Run?……Walk?….Bike?…..Swim?

Aaaahhh the split.
Both playing sports?
The worst I had it was one in middle school football while the other was in high school football.
A completely different type of running.
Youngest plays everything she can. Soccer, basketball, tennis…
Oldest retired from sports after HS and loves being just a student now.
Are any of you parents that struggled finding time to workout after having a kid? Our firstborn still is not sleeping much even after almost 1.5 years. I don't have the energy for a workout due to so many nights of on/off sleep. I used to consistently get 5 days a week of some activity, but now a good week is like twice.
That's what caffeine is for! I'm a big fan of the Bucked Up products, but start with the regular pre-workout if you aren't habituated to caffeine, beta-alanine, and esp ephedra-like compounds.

I'll echo the suggestion of a good jogging stroller. I used to wear that thing out, and kids usually love to move.

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