Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

Well today has been a crap day. I don't have an HOA thankfully, but pretty sure I have a Karen to deal with.

Roof replaced last week, dumpster still in the drive way. I had gotten a hand written letter in the mail box complaining about the dumpster eye sore this weekend, no name, no return address. two pages, stopped reading after the first paragraph. didn't think much of it, and just threw it away. I don't enjoy the dumpster either.

early this AM, got a call from the city today about an unpermitted work dumpster, and they were going to issue a fine. Thankfully the roof guys had a permit and I had a picture of the number. City said no-fine but that permit is only good for two weeks, told them I have already called the company twice.

so circle back to calling the roofing guys who hired a third party dumpster group. Let them know the situation. they called dumpster guys, and said dumpster was picked up. sent them a picture showing it wasn't, and that backed them up. about noon got a call from the owner of the dumpster company, and he apologized but his system said it was picked up last thursday, and they could have it picked up by next thursday. told him that wasn't acceptable. "but it costs us XXX dollars to store it and they don't need it for another week, so its going to stay." dude was just straight up refusing to have his dumpster hauled away.

called back the roofing guys and lit into them about the third party they used. Got a call back from the same owner at 2:30 they are picking it up today. just got news from my cousin that it is gone as of 4.

I looked into calling the dumpster's guy competition and asking if they wanted a free dumpster abandoned in my yard. also was trying to figure out who was the Karen and have someone haul the dumpster to the front of her house. glad it worked out this way.
I really like the idea of having the dumpster dropped in front of Karen's house.
Well today has been a crap day. I don't have an HOA thankfully, but pretty sure I have a Karen to deal with.

Roof replaced last week, dumpster still in the drive way. I had gotten a hand written letter in the mail box complaining about the dumpster eye sore this weekend, no name, no return address. two pages, stopped reading after the first paragraph. didn't think much of it, and just threw it away. I don't enjoy the dumpster either.

early this AM, got a call from the city today about an unpermitted work dumpster, and they were going to issue a fine. Thankfully the roof guys had a permit and I had a picture of the number. City said no-fine but that permit is only good for two weeks, told them I have already called the company twice.

so circle back to calling the roofing guys who hired a third party dumpster group. Let them know the situation. they called dumpster guys, and said dumpster was picked up. sent them a picture showing it wasn't, and that backed them up. about noon got a call from the owner of the dumpster company, and he apologized but his system said it was picked up last thursday, and they could have it picked up by next thursday. told him that wasn't acceptable. "but it costs us XXX dollars to store it and they don't need it for another week, so its going to stay." dude was just straight up refusing to have his dumpster hauled away.

called back the roofing guys and lit into them about the third party they used. Got a call back from the same owner at 2:30 they are picking it up today. just got news from my cousin that it is gone as of 4.

I looked into calling the dumpster's guy competition and asking if they wanted a free dumpster abandoned in my yard. also was trying to figure out who was the Karen and have someone haul the dumpster to the front of her house. glad it worked out this way.

Neighbors can be the worst part of owning a home. What a beeyatch... the dumpster at your home has exactly no effect whatsoever on Karens actual life. Thats a woman thats home all day though...doesn't work. Either retired or housewife. Women with jobs dont have time to worry about dumb crap like that. Should narrow down the field. In my experience, older women my moms and grannys age write in neat cursive with good grammar, punctuation, and penmanship too. Old people in general actually, because they had to in school. Girls my age and younger usually write in that bubbly letter type weird print most of the time. My wife writes in a weird hybrid between cursive and manuscript with bubbly looking letters like that. Its easy to read though you could probably figure out which Karen wrote it based on handwriting, words used etc if you still have it. Gotta know whose house to roll and egg this Halloween IMO. hahaha.
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Thinking about making 1 of these. Wish i had 1 as a kid lol. Its a slingshot gun...just need a piece of proper wood, nails, rubber tubing, nails and a fork. Pretty cool. With ball bearings or glass marbles its deadly. You could actually hunt squirrels or birds with ball bearings, but i am not gonna eat either so I wouldnt do that. I bought my son a wrist rocket slingshot and marbles when he was younger, with ball bearings it was as deadly as a .22 rifle. My nephews would have fun with 1 of these.
Edit: not from Tiktok. From YouTube. Just sayin


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Thinking about making 1 of these. Wish i had 1 as a kid lol. Its a slingshot gun...just need a piece of proper wood, nails, rubber tubing, nails and a fork. Pretty cool. With ball bearings or glass marbles its deadly. You could actually hunt squirrels or birds with ball bearings, but i am not gonna eat either so I wouldnt do that. I bought my son a wrist rocket slingshot and marbles when he was younger, with ball bearings it was as deadly as a .22 rifle. My nephews would have fun with 1 of these.

If someone wanted to start a job in bartending, would it be better to go to a school and get licensed that way or learn "OJT" and go from there? Or a mix of the two?

No, I'm not looking at a career change.
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If someone wanted to start a job in bartending, would it be better to go to a school and get licensed that way or learn "OJT" and go from there? Or a mix of the two?

No, I'm not looking at a career change.

Depends what kind of bar they want to work. Typically, wait tables with an expressed interest in working the bar. Barback at a club or cocktail bar.

Regardless, avoid bar school. Total scam.

If someone wanted to start a job in bartending, would it be better to go to a school and get licensed that way or learn "OJT" and go from there? Or a mix of the two?

No, I'm not looking at a career change.
100% agree with Dink. Bartender is a more trusted position. That's what you have to earn. School wont teach that

Did yall know these existed?

Suppressed and scoped air rifles that can put .35cal pellets AND .357 slugs THROUGH A 2X4 and out the backside still hustling?!?

It holds 15 of them. You could easily kill probably 8-10 people with 1 of those almost silently (compared to a gun). This dudes marksmanship is amazing too btw...fwiw all that is In the first 5mins of this video...

Getting one today

VN Store
