Tour de France Thread



Oct 21, 2004
Haven't seen much discussion of the Tour or Lance Armstrong.

I figured it's worth a thread given the worldwide importance of the event and the current attempt to do something that has never been done.

The tour has a history of streaks - Eddie Mercks (sp? 3 or 4 or 5 wins), Benard Hinault - "The Badger" (late 70's early 80's -- 5 wins), Greg Lemond (first American Tour winner - won 3 in the 80's), Miguel Indurain (5 consecutive wins - late 80's to 90's) and now Lance Armstrong - only the second American to win and winner of both the most and the most consecutive Tours.

Lance Armstrong is in a Wayne Gretsky category. His accomplishments are amazing. He is strong, even dominant in every phase of the Tour. Six straight will be very hard to beat. Seven will be damn near impossible.

As to the 'roids question? I don't know. He says no; testing is pretty thorough; he hasn't failed a test; and the evidence against him isn't especially strong. I say give him the benefit of the doubt. Even if he is juicing, he can't be the only one and he is still dominating. If he's juicing - he's not getting a competitive edge and bottomline, that's all the anti-doping rules should be about.

I hope the lead holds up (38 seconds after 12 stages).
Hey, putting your money (Figuratively speaking) on Lance is a no-brainer. The man is right where he wants to be and come the end of the event, he will once again be THE MAN! :rocks:
Lance is the most tested athelete in history... he's clean. I saw a sports century about him on ESPNClassic the other night, and they had an interview when he was 17 and doing the Triathlon... even THEN they mentioned his super human respiratory efficiency. Its just amazing genetics that gave him a gift.

I think he's amazing . . . as long as I don't see pictures of him standing next to Sheryl Crow and think about his personal life.
Saw them going through the mountains yesterday and it was unreal. Don't know how they do that and go so far.

I also am not up to snuff on how all the strategy plays out.

GO LANCE!!!!!!!
I remember last year he was being spit on in several stages,is he having to go through that type of $#!* this year?

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