Vescovi expected to be back



Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2006
Very unfortunate timing to get hit with influenza. Feel bad for Santi. If it is truly influenza and not some other pathogen, then I question whether he will be able to play effectively 36 hours after not being able to play at all against Creighton. Maybe he will be reasonably available for the Final Four if we can get past Purdue.
I sense smoke screen from CRB. No way, no way if it was flu that Vesco will have enough energy to be a factor on D and we all know something is off with his 3 ball. IF he can go it will be in short stints and just to let him launch a couple of 3's to see if he is hot from deep. The energy required to guard the Purdue guards from deep he simply will not have, bless his soul. So unfortunate for him. Hope I am totally wrong.
With this new version of Vescovi that's battling with his confidence shooting the ball id much rather ride with Mashack and Gainey playing more minutes. Hate to say it but we don't need this Vescovi version right now
With this new version of Vescovi that's battling with his confidence shooting the ball id much rather ride with Mashack and Gainey playing more minutes. Hate to say it but we don't need this Vescovi version right now
yea always my fav to watch however I have to agree with you
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I would not count him out. UT has better nutritionist and allowabel drugs available to help him recover than you and I have access to. I would not start him however put him and and see what he has. We know he has heart.
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Still think we need to start Mashack. His energy and aggressive play is contagious. We looked much better with him on the floor. Nothing against Vescovi.
Agree with all of this, except your use of the word contagious in a thread about Santi’s flu.
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He would be a good depth piece to cover some minuted if he is 90%. That was needed in the first half of the Creighton game.
Wish we would have played Carr, Dillione and even Estrella more throughout the season and just accept the growing pains along the way.
Concur with those who said Mashack needs to start. He brings an intensity that we will need today. And maybe Vesco will be better coming off the bench.
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You probably ought to start the player that will log the most minutes. Santi won’t be able to play 30+ and probably not even 18+. So you bring him off of the bench.

But starting Gainey is an option as well if you want to spread the floor. Mashack’s spacing on offense makes it more difficult for Knecht to operate. Unless they want to try a 2 man pick and roll thing with Mashack and Knecht - but that would work better with Aidoo and forcing PU defenders to switch into mismatches.
I wouldn’t be shocked if Santi plays today, but considering how much the flu can fatigue you, he won’t be 100%. You have to start Mashack and then pick your spots to bring Vescovi in wisely. If you can get a solid 8-10 minutes of defense from Vescovi today that’s better than nothing.
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Concur with those who said Mashack needs to start. He brings an intensity that we will need today. And maybe Vesco will be better coming off the bench.

He just has to play smarter. He has Ziegler level intensity, but can’t stay in the game

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