Knecht wins Riley Wallace award

Edey didn’t deserve POTY
He deserved it. Leading scorer in the country, second in rebounds...changed the way EVERY team gameplanned for Purdue. The guy is the most dominant player in the country. Is he the most skilled? Of course not, but he has a skillset and uses it to great advantage.
Knecht is more skilled.

Edey is just tall and protected by the officials.
I think you're shortchanging Edey's skills. There are plenty of big guys in the NCAA that can't do what he does. He clearly understands how to use his size very effectively on offense and defense, and he legitimately takes over the game on both sides. If it were as simple as you say, Uros would have been an All American.

Knecht had a phenomenal season, and he would have won the award in most years. He and Edey were in another class compared to everyone else, and it's kinda hard to give Knecht the edge over Edey if you're trying to be as objective as possible. That's not to take away from the incredible individual season we witnessed by Knecht.
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His results this year have been from a combination of a quirk in officiating generally (refs don't care or can't adjudicate 3 second violations in college) and in egregiously biased officiating specifically for him (refs admitting they won't call the "gray zone" fouls that had Awaka accumulating 8 fouls per 40 minutes). Knecht's transcendent year was against any defense that was thrown against him, with minimal influence of the way the game is called today. His performance was timeless -- a person 20 years from now can see his highlights from this year in astonishment, while the same person would see Edey's and comment, "wow, they played differently back then".
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I guess we will soon find out what the NBA values more. Top skills or oafish size and excellent whining skills.
He deserved it. Leading scorer in the country, second in rebounds...changed the way EVERY team gameplanned for Purdue. The guy is the most dominant player in the country. Is he the most skilled? Of course not, but he has a skillset and uses it to great advantage.
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