Chase Burns....



Well-Known Member
May 23, 2011
In my opinion Vitello made the right decision moving Burns to the bullpen and was a heck of a move last year... However and not sure how much is true... But if the main reason Burns entered the portal was because Vitello wouldn't guarantee or give him security at starting the next year was the reason he left... That is looking like a huge mistake... Don't know the total truth with things but def looks like it's biting us in the butt bad... Huge loss I'm afraid
In my opinion Vitello made the right decision moving Burns to the bullpen and was a heck of a move last year... However and not sure how much is true... But if the main reason Burns entered the portal was because Vitello wouldn't guarantee or give him security at starting the next year was the reason he left... That is looking like a huge mistake... Don't know the total truth with things but def looks like it's biting us in the butt bad... Huge loss I'm afraid
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In my opinion Vitello made the right decision moving Burns to the bullpen and was a heck of a move last year... However and not sure how much is true... But if the main reason Burns entered the portal was because Vitello wouldn't guarantee or give him security at starting the next year was the reason he left... That is looking like a huge mistake... Don't know the total truth with things but def looks like it's biting us in the butt bad... Huge loss I'm afraid
LOL! 🙄
I’m very thankful to Chase Burns and the HUGE role he played in getting us to the CWS last year, but he now plays for another university and has no impact on UT games.

We need to focus on pissing and moaning about our current roster.
In my opinion Vitello made the right decision moving Burns to the bullpen and was a heck of a move last year... However and not sure how much is true... But if the main reason Burns entered the portal was because Vitello wouldn't guarantee or give him security at starting the next year was the reason he left... That is looking like a huge mistake... Don't know the total truth with things but def looks like it's biting us in the butt bad... Huge loss I'm afraid
I believe your timing is alittle off. Burns was already out the door before the season ended. I don’t think there were any discussions about “next year”. TV got to Omaha with CB coming outta of the BP. CB was really struggling as a starter LY. It was the best decision for the team & that’s what TV is paid to do.

CB left on his on. In the scenario that was LY, I’ll support TV decision every day.
Hopefully CB is back on track for his career. TV had no other choice but to put him in the pen last year. He was hurting his team as a starter and the move had its intended result. IMO it just shows how good a coach TV is. CB may never say it but the move probably helped his career as much as anything to this point. As stated he’s no longer a part of this program and gets very little of my attention any more. Wish him well!
Wake Forest ends up winning and Burns gets the win (6-1 record). Faced 28 batters, gave up 3 hits, 3 walks, 5 runs, and struck out 15.

Yeah, I think Chase will be fine.
He’ll be fine but 15k isn’t nearly as good when it goes with 5 runs. He was either gunning them out or getting crushed.
Just because Burns decided to go elsewhere doesn't mean he can't still be a great player, and that Vitelli can't still be a great coach.
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In my opinion Vitello made the right decision moving Burns to the bullpen and was a heck of a move last year... However and not sure how much is true... But if the main reason Burns entered the portal was because Vitello wouldn't guarantee or give him security at starting the next year was the reason he left... That is looking like a huge mistake... Don't know the total truth with things but def looks like it's biting us in the butt bad... Huge loss I'm afraid
To what extent anything is true about why he left, I have no idea.

I do find it funny, though, that players think starting vs. coming out of the bullpen is some make or break optic for major league clubs. If a professional team thinks you're a better fit to start for them? That's what they'll have you do. If they think you'll be better coming out of the bullpen? That's what they'll have you do.
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To what extent anything is true about why he left, I have no idea.

I do find it funny, though, that players think starting vs. coming out of the bullpen is some make or break optic for major league clubs. If a professional team thinks you're a better fit to start for them? That's what they'll have you do. If they think you'll be better coming out of the bullpen? That's what they'll have you do.

To add to this, coming out of the pen is less pitches and chances for injury.

Pros will determine if you can pitch or not and they will apply as needed. They won't hesitate to take talent, regardless of how many games were started or relieved.

That being said, he is gone and Go Vols!
He was struggling massively as a starter when he got moved to the pen. He was lights out in the pen. We don’t know the back and forth of it all, but as others have said, Tony’s job is to think of the team’s best interests above everything else. He clearly made the right call with Chase. Continuing to trot him out there as a struggling starter would’ve made the team worse.

Chase seems to be doing well for Wake, but he’s also one of a few bright spots on a team that has waaaaaaaay underperformed expectations this season. Grass isn’t always greener. He’ll almost certainly get where he wanted to go (MLB), but I’ll always hate that a coaching decision that made our team better caused him to leave.
He was struggling massively as a starter when he got moved to the pen. He was lights out in the pen. We don’t know the back and forth of it all, but as others have said, Tony’s job is to think of the team’s best interests above everything else. He clearly made the right call with Chase. Continuing to trot him out there as a struggling starter would’ve made the team worse.

Chase seems to be doing well for Wake, but he’s also one of a few bright spots on a team that has waaaaaaaay underperformed expectations this season. Grass isn’t always greener. He’ll almost certainly get where he wanted to go (MLB), but I’ll always hate that a coaching decision that made our team better caused him to leave.
To think, maybe he works himself this year back into the starting rotation if he stays - maybe not. He was a beast out of the pen. Only positive is that we don't have to deal with the cringe worthy overzealous throat slashes this year. 😣

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