ESPN is imploding

Let go today:

David Pollack
Todd McShay
Jeff Van Gundy
Jalen Rose
Max Kellerman
Keyshawn Johnson
Steve Young

More to come too. Holy cow.
I seem to recall, probably barely a year ago if that, some NASA employee on here telling me that ESPN cared not what peons like me think and was immune from any and all financial challenge. Wish I could find that post - seems it didn't age well.
ESPN is owned by Disney. Disney made ESPN political. Choosing sides in politics costs you the viewership of those that disagree with your viewpoints. Lack of viewership costs advertising dollars. Supporting the WNBA, which no one watches, costs you money. Stakeholder capitalism destroys companies. ESPN is not profitable & going bankrupt. Disney is not profitable and going bankrupt. Pixar is now unprofitable. If you make 3m, plus the cost of your co-workers, plus the costs of production, and the overhead of corporate managers, you better bring in a significant viewership by your presence. None of the people fired really did. They will be replaced by people who make a fraction of what those let go did. This is why profitability & staying out of politics is so important. Notice how no one in upper management got fired. I guarantee you many in management are looking to jump ship. They know they are next.
I would probably start watching them again if they would get rid of Stephen A. (I like to flap my gums) Smith
And that Jemele woman is still around.

Like @Vol-e-ball said, ESPN has decided to be a political channel and is still sticking to it. We'll see how long they last without major change.

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