Today at the QB Club



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
I heard from someone that Sanders was laying a lot of the blame on the players? Can anyone confirm this?

If it is true it kind of reminds me of that Budweiser commercial.

"I can't do it all. This is a team game and so I have to lay the blame soley on the shoulders of my teammates. There is no I in team and there's no we either." ...or something like that.

:bash: :banghead: :gun:
If Sanders is blaming ANYBODY but himself, he is breaking THE cardinal rule of leadership!! A leader is ALWAYS supposed to assume the blame for the failure of those following him/her. If the talent isn't there, you work with what you have and DEVELOP it. I have been screaming for Sanders to be let go for YEARS. If he has gone so low as to openly BLAME the players - his firing is well overdue. Everybody always gripes about how UT fans are so spoiled. Well, in my opinion, which, admittedly, is worth what you pay for it, it's the UT COACHING STAFF that is spoiled. Al Wilsons, Travis Henrys, Travis Stephenses and Peyton Mannings aren't born every day and even if they were, they wouldn't all end up at UT. It's time for our coaches to stop resting on their laurels and create a great football team. Heck, at this point, I'd settle for a GOOD football team!!
Speaking of Al Wilson, they had him wearing a microphone during the Monday night football game tonight. I only go to hear bits and pieces, but boy do I miss that guy.
Well, I was at the QB club today, so maybe I can help clear up some things (and, perhaps, add some things).

First of all, I have to give Randy a lot of credit for the way he handled himself. He was very open to ALL questions. He clearly wants to win as bad as anyone and is just as clearly very frustrated with what has been transpiring on the field. The thing that he was OBVIOUSLY concerned about was not tearing into players in public; and by way of extension, not being quoted or "spun" into saying things that could hurt their confidence. I know...more on the talent thing in a minute.

He said one thing that shaped all of his comments: This football team lacks confidence and is waiting on bad things to happen. By the way, that is almost verbatim. Instead of laying on it on them, for better or worse, they are trying to take the ultra-positive route.

The question that started the talent issue was posed by a patron, who asked, "How do you think our personnel stacks up against the '98 team [I AM SO SICK AND TIRED OF THAT COMPARISON, by the way]?

The following is my best recollection of Sander’s comments: “Hmmmmmmmmmmmm…What do you think? Hmmm…I would say…there are probably…4 or 5 players that could start on that team…looking at both sides of the ball. That’s not to say we don’t have good players now, ‘cause we do. But you have to realize that the ’98 and ’99 teams were just super talented, in way that doesn’t come along very often. We just happened to recruit a bunch of players in the right places that turned out to be exceptional. There are only 3 or 4 players off of those teams that aren’t playing in the NFL right now.”

There were some other parts to the talent issue, many of which I would agree with. On the running game: “We are accustomed to having running backs make people miss and run through some tackles. We just don’t have that right now. When we had Jamal Lewis, Travis Henry, Charlie Garner, and some of those guys, we actually changed our schemes a little because we had those guys. We went up to Detroit to see how they were using Barry Sanders. What we started doing against 8 man fronts was to account for everyone except one man. The man that was left free, usually a LB or safety, we left to the RB. We knew that the RB could make one guy miss if we got it blocked everywhere else. Jamal would take people for a couple of yards at least. Sometimes, he would break it. You ought to look at the 4th quarter ’98 Ark film. I could show you some tape of their safety, who’s a great player in the NFL right now; and, I mean, he just flat out did not want to tackle Travis Henry anymore. What we have now, I mean, we’re just running two yards and getting tackled…So that is one of the things we have to do in recruiting is go get a top-flight tailback.”

You can take some of that for what it is worth. I don’t THINK Sanders meant to imply that we suck because our talent is way off, though I could certainly see how some would take it that way. I think he was trying to be as honest as possible.

Of course, some of his logic leads me to ask my standard questions: 1) what did you do with your dream team in ’99? How many conference championships did you win during the span of Peyton through ’99 (since those were the talent glory years you mentioned)? Why do you have to have first round draft choices at most every position in order to have a DECENT offense, when no one else has that talent either? When the NFL’s leading rusher is not carrying the load, does that mean we should expect to be 75th in the NCAA in rushing? You get the drift.

More on this later…there was some other stuff.
Originally posted by Vol-Star@Nov 4 2003, 04:42 AM

This football team lacks confidence and is waiting on bad things to happen.

After this weekend, they can stop waiting.

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