George Floyd Protest/Riots

They'd hit innocent people like they always do, and that powder keg is going to explode even more than it is now

Nope. Appeasement gets the results you are seeing now. Cowardly thieves love the no resistance.

People dont like being on the receiving end of beatdowns. And innocent people dont need to be out protesting among rioters at night.
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It's a very good thing that they will be declared the domestic terrorist group that they are!
This is about as dumb as it gets. antifa is not a group. It’s not an organization. It’s just as idiotic as someone trying to call the conservative movement or the civil rights movement a terrorist organization.
This is about as dumb as it gets. antifa is not a group. It’s not an organization. It’s just as idiotic as someone trying to call the conservative movement or the civil rights movement a terrorist organization.
At least we know you side with the George Soros paid communists in Antifa. The rioting has to be put down with force.

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