talked with someone very high up in UT AD office

I can confirm this. I work at a restaurant on the strip and Pruitt personally called in a big order after the Georgia game. We provide food for the team pretty much every week. The employee who answered the phone recognized that it was Pruitt and asked if it was him. When Pruitt said that he was, our employee said something like “That was a tough game, coach. We’re all pulling for you.” To which Pruitt yelled “Tough game?!? We f#@king suck!! We f#@king suck!!“.“

Needless to say, our employee was shocked and a little more than a little uncomfortable taking his order.
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guys there is a difference between coaching with fire and passion, and being a f@#$ing a$$hole to you players and coaches. I'm sure everyone has had bosses that were passionate in the right way, and the wrong way.
You think firing a coach at halftime in front of everyone is a sign of great leadership? I have no doubt that Pruitt wasn't yelling to inspire, but getting personal. I think Saban coaches with fire, but I would assume Saban knows where the line is, and also has more push on that line considering his national championship rings. Pruitt has zero rings as a head coach, but was coaching like he earned them all singlehandedly.
I can confirm this. I work at a restaurant on the strip and Pruitt personally called in a big order after the Georgia game. We provide food for the team pretty much every week. The employee who answered the phone recognized that it was Pruitt and asked if it was him. When Pruitt said that he was, our employee said something like “That was a tough game, coach. We’re all pulling for you.” To which Pruitt yelled “Tough game?!? We f#@king suck!! We f#@king suck!!“.“

Needless to say, our employee was shocked and a little more than a little uncomfortable taking his order.
I didn't know McDonald's took call-ins.
And some of you said Pruitt lost his fire. Wonder how many whiteboards he kicked? Wonder how many face masks he tugged? Finally, wonder what Brambaugh said in response that got him fired.
This takes me back. I had a connection to the person who controlled the sideline headsets while Fulmer was here. All heresay, but based on what I was told, if the fan base heard it, he would as hated as Dooley and Butch.

Do tell.
guys there is a difference between coaching with fire and passion, and being a f@#$ing a$$hole to you players and coaches. I'm sure everyone has had bosses that were passionate in the right way, and the wrong way.
You think firing a coach at halftime in front of everyone is a sign of great leadership? I have no doubt that Pruitt wasn't yelling to inspire, but getting personal. I think Saban coaches with fire, but I would assume Saban knows where the line is, and also has more push on that line considering his national championship rings. Pruitt has zero rings as a head coach, but was coaching like he earned them all singlehandedly.

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guys there is a difference between coaching with fire and passion, and being a f@#$ing a$$hole to you players and coaches. I'm sure everyone has had bosses that were passionate in the right way, and the wrong way.
You think firing a coach at halftime in front of everyone is a sign of great leadership? I have no doubt that Pruitt wasn't yelling to inspire, but getting personal. I think Saban coaches with fire, but I would assume Saban knows where the line is, and also has more push on that line considering his national championship rings. Pruitt has zero rings as a head coach, but was coaching like he earned them all singlehandedly.

I agree. As much as I dislike Saban, multiple Bama players have referred to him as a mentor and said that he frequently talks with them even after they graduate/leave for the NFL or whatever path they choose. He's a hard ass for sure, but he doesn't disrespect his players or staff in my opinion.
I agree. As much as I dislike Saban, multiple Bama players have referred to him as a mentor and said that he frequently talks with them even after they graduate/leave for the NFL or whatever path they choose. He's a hard ass for sure, but he doesn't disrespect his players or staff in my opinion.

Exactly. They respect Saban because he’s shown them he cares. If that’s not the case with Pruitt, I can see how his tantrum would not be well received. I get it - it’s football. But if all you do is tear people down and not build them back up and acknowledge your part in the problems... well... you don’t get to go ballistic and people still respect you. (If that was the case.)
1998 gives Phil Fulmer a permanent get out of jail free card.:rolleyes:
Fulmer didn’t get a pass. Plenty on here have been celebrating his a$$ being shown the door.
He didn’t just decide to step down, he’d still be setting in whites office making more boneheaded decisions if he had his way!
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He's gone. How is that a pass?

The pass was him being allowed to retire honorably, plus his buyout instead of being fired and implicated in this mess. Some want to blame the faction of boosters who fired him for Tennessee's failures. Some will blame Fulmer and his friends for it. In truth, it is the instability caused by their constant bickering that has dragged this program through the mud.
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I have no idea for sure and am very far from insider status. But something happened in that locker room during UGA halftime. Maybe we will find out some day.
Do it didn't.

JG turned the ball over three times in the third quarter is what happened. The o-line couldn't block but it was basically his fault entirely.
15 transfers and counting seems like a lot of kids liked Pruitt.
They are worried about themselves.
Some entered the portal before he was fired because they knew they wouldn’t be getting PT here.
Others leaving because of the looming sanctions they were a big part of creating ,

Others because their positions coach that they committed to is gone.
I have no idea for sure and am very far from insider status. But something happened in that locker room during UGA halftime. Maybe we will find out some day.
we're still trying to find out what happened at half-time at UGA game in Athens when Hurd was blind-sided and fumbled going in to score. we won but the Hurd/Jones falling out impacted that entire season, imo. 2016,(?), when we had the east nailed down and lost to A&M, USCe, Vandy.
I'm nowhere near connected to the program and I heard he was a real azzhole.
Hard to deal with period
Dude is the only guy I've ever heard of who didn't get along with Mark Richt, who despite having coached at Georgia is by all accounts is a really decent fellow. That should've been more of a red flag.
I can confirm this. I work at a restaurant on the strip and Pruitt personally called in a big order after the Georgia game. We provide food for the team pretty much every week. The employee who answered the phone recognized that it was Pruitt and asked if it was him. When Pruitt said that he was, our employee said something like “That was a tough game, coach. We’re all pulling for you.” To which Pruitt yelled “Tough game?!? We f#@king suck!! We f#@king suck!!“.“

Needless to say, our employee was shocked and a little more than a little uncomfortable taking his order.
Thanks for the insider info. Everyone start following Orangejuicebox going forward and you will be in the know.
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I can confirm this. I work at a restaurant on the strip and Pruitt personally called in a big order after the Georgia game. We provide food for the team pretty much every week. The employee who answered the phone recognized that it was Pruitt and asked if it was him. When Pruitt said that he was, our employee said something like “That was a tough game, coach. We’re all pulling for you.” To which Pruitt yelled “Tough game?!? We f#@king suck!! We f#@king suck!!“.“

Needless to say, our employee was shocked and a little more than a little uncomfortable taking his order.

Why would Pruitt ever be the person calling in a food order for the team?

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