New mexico allows killing babies

My son was born at 31 weeks. That beautiful, innocent baby is now a 10 year old boy out throwing snowballs and playing with friends. But we’ve got idiots who actually try and argue that a baby at 7 months “isn’t a baby”, “isn’t alive”... I’ll never understand that mindset. Had my wife decided to abort our baby at any point, be it one month or five months or whatever, it would have ended and prevented a life. That wonderful little boy out running around with his friends wouldn’t be here. There’s no denying that. You are ending/taking/preventing an innocent life. And most of it done in the name of convenience. A bunch of irresponsible people who want to have sex but not deal with any of the consequence/responsibility that comes with it. Truly one of mans greatest evils.
I get that.

Had my mom not had a miscarriage 18 months before I was born, I would not be here. (teed it up)

There are millions of people running around today who would not exist had their mothers not been able to abort an unwanted pregnancy prior to a wanted pregnancy..
Oh evillawyerfakename, I actually have an executive job and unlike you I make (and have made) differences in people’s lives while making a great living and I enjoy my job.

Meanwhile, your mentally ill persona talks to themselves with two fake names because you have no life and no one likes you 😂
By making differences in people's lives you mean you've played Paul Blart and made sure kids didn't stick gum underneath a bench. I'm glad you're happy with what you do, we need people in our society willing to do it.
By making differences in people's lives you mean you've played Paul Blart and made sure kids didn't stick gum underneath a bench. I'm glad you're happy with what you do, we need people in our society willing to do it.
Weird, I’ve never worked at a mall. But I’m sure in your delusional state of talking to yourself you may creat stories of those who laugh at you. It’s a common defense mechanism for the mentally ill who can’t cope in their lives. I hope you tell your doctor about this next time.
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I get that.

Had my mom not had a miscarriage 18 months before I was born, I would not be here. (teed it up)

There are millions of people running around today who would not exist had their mothers not been able to abort an unwanted pregnancy prior to a wanted pregnancy..
And how would you know that? Just because someone has an “unwanted” pregnancy doesn’t mean future pregnancies still wouldn’t follow (except for those women who can’t have kids again after getting an abortion)
Weird, I’ve never worked at a mall. But I’m sure in your delusional state of talking to yourself you may creat stories of those who laugh at you. It’s a common defense mechanism for the mentally ill who can’t cope in their lives. I hope you tell your doctor about this next time.
No reason to be ashamed of yourself there Rick. Like I said, the world needs people like you that enjoy doing braindead jobs all day.
I get that.

Had my mom not had a miscarriage 18 months before I was born, I would not be here. (teed it up)

There are millions of people running around today who would not exist had their mothers not been able to abort an unwanted pregnancy prior to a wanted pregnancy..

Trying to act as if choosing to end the baby’s life is the same as miscarriage is laughably idiotic. Also, your point is speculation. You do not know that it would have prevented the parents from further pregnancies, and even if so it wouldn’t have involved physically ending their lives. The parents likely simply wouldn’t have conceived again. But enough with the fantasy scenario. And the point remains, aborting a baby is ending/preventing a human life. It’s an undeniable fact.
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Death penalty? murder is murder, right?
Ha ha, murder is the taking of an innocent life. Death penalty and war are not murder.....but if you want to tie them together I’d be ok with that would you? I’d give up the death penalty for completely outlawing willing to give up the excessive delays for the death penalty to keep abortion?
House legislators voted to approve the repeal of the 1969 statute that has gone unenforced since the U.S. Supreme Court upheld in 1973 the right to an abortion.
Soooo, we should appeal speed limits on hwys that see less than.......5% enforcement? And it didn't repeal the entire statute, just the limitations/conditions on abortions. Ergo, the response that now abortions are literally unlimited. Blinders looth, blinders.
I get that.

Had my mom not had a miscarriage 18 months before I was born, I would not be here. (teed it up)

There are millions of people running around today who would not exist had their mothers not been able to abort an unwanted pregnancy prior to a wanted pregnancy..
after reading this about 15 times, I see the point you are trying to make, but it really makes no sense. Math Looth, you are not very good.
Trying to act as if choosing to end the baby’s life is the same as miscarriage is laughably idiotic. Also, your point is speculation. You do not know that it would have prevented the parents from further pregnancies, and even if so it wouldn’t have involved physically ending their lives. The parents likely simply wouldn’t have conceived again. But enough with the fantasy scenario. And the point remains, aborting a baby is ending/preventing a human life. It’s an undeniable fact.
Who said they were the same? But they do have a couple of things in common, they end a pregnancy and are frequently followed by pregnancies that may not have occurred otherwise. I and my oldest daughter provide two such examples.

Birth control is preventing a human's an undeniable fact. It's the whole purpose.
Ha ha, murder is the taking of an innocent life. Death penalty and war are not murder.....but if you want to tie them together I’d be ok with that would you? I’d give up the death penalty for completely outlawing willing to give up the excessive delays for the death penalty to keep abortion?
I think you misunderstand my position.
I don’t believe any life should be taken. Wrong is wrong. I also don’t believe it is the federal government’s job. I think it is a state issue.
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When are people going to wake up and realize politicians do not want to overturn Roe, they want the issue so they can pander to single issue voters.

Exactly. Idiots said when Kavanaugh and Barrett were confirmed for SCOTUS, oh no Roe v Wade is a serious threat to be overturned. Lol.
Could you try and address the last part of my post.
"Please explain why it’s fine to murder a living human being but you will go to prison for murdering a police dog? Or killing an endangered animal?"

I just completely reject the whole premise of your first question. I do not know a single living soul who thinks it's fine to murder another living human being.
"Please explain why it’s fine to murder a living human being but you will go to prison for murdering a police dog? Or killing an endangered animal?"

I just completely reject the whole premise of your first question. I do not know a single living soul who thinks it's fine to murder another living human being.

You and Tyler Durden obviously thinks it’s fine. Because my body my choice.

So here is another question, what is your definition of a living human being?
Who said they were the same? But they do have a couple of things in common, they end a pregnancy and are frequently followed by pregnancies that may not have occurred otherwise. I and my oldest daughter provide two such examples.

Birth control is preventing a human's an undeniable fact. It's the whole purpose.

Birth control pills stop ovulation, thus there is no fertilization of the egg. Abortion is killing what is now already there. If you kill it, you are ending and preventing a life that’s already started and is growing/developing. There’s a very distinct difference, but people like you are either genuinely stupid or simply play dumb with facts and distinctions such as these because it destroys your attempted rationalization of ending the life of unborn babies in the name of convenience.
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So the fact that a baby can be born prematurely, with a functional heart, brain, circulatory system and cellular respiration is taking place doesn’t make it human?

My son was born at 31 weeks. And this idiot dares say he wasn’t human simply because one minute he was in the womb and the next not.
Men go ape when a woman makes a decision without consulting them. That's exactly what it's all about.

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