Wow!!!! I found VN by accident back in 2004. Used the moniker orangeman or something like that. Quit a bit. Came back later using a different moniker as I had forgotten my original one. Seems I got called on that. Hung around a few months, and quit. A few years later, came back again, finally stayed around. But I lost some 6,000+ likes when Freak revamped VN. Quit again briefly, don't recall why. Found my login info one day while upgrading my computer or breaking in a new one. I'm always replacing components, new system, taking them apart and rebuilding them or something. Came back then, so came back again. Replaced my old ASUS for a HP recently, made sure this time to use AOMEI to clone the 2.5s to the NVMEs so I didn't lose VN again. So? I'm surprised I'm still a VN'er after all the quitting, upgrading, losing login info, and so forth. But, as to why I kept coming back, I explored other boards, both Vols, and more. VN was the best, most fun, informative, and well, just kept getting better to this day.
EDIT: Back then, when I cloned my drives it was with Acronis, not AOMEI. Now with NVME chips drives, AOMEI seems to do it best, for me anyway.