Vaccine or not?

Have I ever said that? Answer is no. All I’ve ever said is some of the long term side effects from the shot can take years to manifest.

That’s why long term safety data is imperative.

So you can stop making up sh-t.

It was posted by someone else (amd you liked the post)...
How can any sane, knowledgeable person that has lived through the past 4 years still not question the medical industrial complex and our government leaders? After all of the lies, the coercion and the insanity.
Because I can read.
Again, clinging to the ivermectin silliness only discredits you when you point out legitimate problems
So you still believe in a shot where they were basically drawing up a play in the dirt. And if you didn’t take all the boosters you were deemed unvaccinated. For a virus with a survival rate of 99%.

Don’t call people gullible.
you are gullible if you believe any of the crap you just posted.
Go put your mask back on while buying your new hero’s book.
Why didn’t you complete the regimen? If the 1st dose was so great why didn’t you follow through with the rest?
Have you talked to my Drs ?
No I’m good.
In fact I’m positive I’m in better health than you.
Show up august 30th and post a picture shirtless in the weight in thread. Cause I’m betting you’re also a fat bastard

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