The (many) indictments of Donald Trump

What happened in Florida. Didn’t make it to trial. He is about as guilty as you are. Anybody with the IQ above 50 knows this is BS. But you do you and keep living in fantasy land.

Why did Trump refuse demands to return the classified documents? Why did he try to destroy surveillance?

Still no answers.
She never claimed before the election that it could be unfair. As has nearly every GOP-Trumpster to date.
When you come up with the rules that actually matter please let us know as it’s too hard to keep up with the goalposts always moving.
Judge in Trump’s hush money trial threatened to remove witness from court for behavior on stand!!

The transcript is incredible. Robert Costello got his ask reamed.

"the most tense moments happened with Costello on the witness stand. Merchan first sent the jury out of the courtroom to discuss proper decorum. He chided Costello for remarking “jeez” when he was cut off by a sustained objection and, at another point, “strike it.” Merchan told him: “I’m the only one that can strike testimony in the courtroom. Do you understand that?”

“And then if you don’t like my ruling, you don’t give me side eye and you don’t roll your eyes.”

Merchan was about to bring the jury back in when he asked Costello, “Are you staring me down right now?” and then kicked out the press to further admonish him.

“I’m putting you on notice that your conduct is contemptuous,” Merchan said, according to the transcript of the conversation that occurred when the press was out of the room. ”If you try to stare me down one more time, I will remove you from the stand.

Strategy by the Defense? WTFK?
Making dirty looks and audible noises at a judge when they do something you dont like is going to warrant the judges wrath. Doesnt matter the case. As a former fed prosecutor he should know this. Perhaps why DJT lawyers reportedly did not want him on the stand
Audible noises I can maybe understand….but „dirty looks“? What is this, two kids in the back of the car? “Mom!!!!! My brother is looking at me!!!!!!”
What a thin skinned maroon
Making dirty looks and audible noises at a judge when they do something you dont like is going to warrant the judges wrath. Doesnt matter the case. As a former fed prosecutor he should know this. Perhaps why DJT lawyers reportedly did not want him on the stand
what if one has to fart..I mean so sometimes you have to relieve the pressure.

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