2024 Presidential Race

Like Mojo @BigOrangeMojo I dont think this will pass. It feels like red meat to his covetous base.

In the rare event it became law, it would further slow inflation (my opinion). It would also dramatically increase the participation in cap gains tax avoidance or deferment strategies. It would decrease the supply of homes for sale which would continue to drive up prices...think of investment properties, not residential, which investors would simply hang on to.

If there is a way to convert retirement instruments to tax free people will rush to do that, too. Hopefully mojo can comment.

Yeah, pretty much nailed it. I have nothing else to add.

You'd likely see more short term shocks in the equity markets since there'd no incentive to hold long term...

Entities that assist with 1031s would make a mint.
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Trump can't fix that. Californians and New Yorkers need to wake up and elect new Governors, State Legislatures, Mayors, etc. The local government has more impact on that than the Federal Government.

How about a fantasy? The states could be split 25/25 - initially an equal share of natural resources, beauty, etc. The only thing is if your a democrat you're forced to live in one country, if you're a republican you're forced to live in the other initially. How likely is it the democrats would want to get the hell out their country to flea to the republican country? I put the odds at very high.
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the Dems are coming for us
This sort of thing is of course all Kabuki theater for the Dem base. The very people having to pay capital gains tax in any large amount are the ones capable of hiring expensive tax lawyers to move the money into safe havens. The only people really affected sadly are the small middle class investor trying to cash in on a wise investment. The Democrat way is preach sticking it to the rich while actually demolished the middle class. The ultimate Leftist dream is a huge impoverished lower class totally dependent on government and ruled by a tiny bit powerful upper class (themselves). There can be no middle class
How about a fantasy? The states could be split 25/25 - initially an equal share of natural resources, beauty, etc. The only thing is if you’re a democrat you're forced to live in one country, if you're a republican you're forced to live in the other initially. How likely is it the democrats would want to get the hell out their country to flea to the republican country? I put the odds at very high.
It isn’t really state vs state as much as it is urban vs rural. The average rural Californian farmer is probably just as disgusted by his state government as we would be but is powerless to change things due to the massive urban Sheeple vote. The possible solution might be to have the largest counties in America be disconnected from their states and allowed to govern themselves as modern city states and leave their rural populations to live in peace.
I have more in common with a working class rural Californian than I do with the average urban resident of Nashville right now
It isn’t really state vs state as much as it is urban vs rural. The average rural Californian farmer is probably just as disgusted by his state government as we would be but is powerless to change things due to the massive urban Sheeple vote. The possible solution might be to have the largest counties in America be disconnected from their states and allowed to govern themselves as modern city states and leave their rural populations to live in peace.
I have more in common with a working class rural Californian than I do with the average urban resident of Nashville right now

My scenario eliminates state vs state, and urban vs rural. In my scenario it would be an equal split. It has nothing to do with current state lines. It is hypothetical. It is meant to demonstrate even democrats don't want to live in a world they create. High crime, low performing school, open borders. It's only when they can get someone else more responsible to share the burden for their bad mistakes. They would be attempting to flea and cross over illegally.
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How about a fantasy? The states could be split 25/25 - initially an equal share of natural resources, beauty, etc. The only thing is if your a democrat you're forced to live in one country, if you're a republican you're forced to live in the other initially. How likely is it the democrats would want to get the hell out their country to flea to the republican country? I put the odds at very high.
And when they move to a Republican state turn it into a dump just like the state they left.
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My scenario eliminates state vs state, and urban vs rural. In my scenario it would be an equal split. It has nothing to do with current state lines. It is hypothetical. It is meant to demonstrate even democrats don't want to live in a world they create. High crime, low performing school, open borders. It's only when they can get someone else more responsible to share the burden for their bad mistakes. They would be attempting to flea and cross over illegally.
I was trying to work as much as possible within the Constitution as it currently exists. There would need to be a single additional amendment specifying that once a particular county or urban statistical area reaches a certain population threshold (say 1,000,000 possibly), they are no longer considered as part of a “state” any longer and can set their own policies independent of the state. In exchange, their population no longer participates nor is included in elections influencing the rest of the nation (ie they are not included in Senatorial or Presidential elections). They get the ability to tax, regulate, and screw up their own communities to their poor little woke heart’s content (everything excluding foreign policy). The rest of the nation gets to finally live in peace, hopefully being able to avoid having to travel to one of the soon to be third world h3llholes.
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I was trying to work as much as possible within the Constitution as it currently exists. There would need to be a single additional amendment specifying that once a particular county or urban statistical area reaches a certain population threshold (say 1,000,000 possibly), they are no longer considered as part of a “state” any longer and can set their own policies independent of the state. In exchange, their population no longer participates nor is included in elections influencing the rest of the nation (ie they are not included in Senatorial or Presidential elections). They get the ability to tax, regulate, and screw up their own communities to their poor little woke heart’s content (everything excluding foreign policy). The rest of the nation gets to finally live in peace, hopefully being able to avoid having to travel to one of the soon to be third world h3llholes.

It only takes these unrealistic scenarios to realize what a cluster their policies are. No way they stay in these areas where the population is like the middle east. They would be beating and robbing each other. There would be no shared values. Only the haves and have not, and they would create divides like fences, walls, moats, etc to hold the animals back. There would be no one to blame for the liberal utopia they've created.
It only takes these unrealistic scenarios to realize what a cluster their policies are. No way they stay in these areas where the population is like the middle east. They would be beating and robbing each other. There would be no shared values. Only the haves and have not, and they would create divides like fences, walls, moats, etc to hold the animals back. There would be no one to blame for the liberal utopia they've created.
Oh there would need to be some restrictions on movement of course. I anticipate that the unfortunate souls in the cities would retain American passports but in terms of moving to the rest of America that certain residency requirements would be needed before voting. You wouldn’t want to prevent people from moving out but you would want to make sure they have to acclimate before being allowed to make their new home into the same horror show they just left (like is happening to poor Nashville right now) 😢
Coming from a guy who routinely spouts off about how bad of a president Lincoln was, and that Michelle Obama is going to be the next president...I'll take that as a compliment.
Is suspending habeas corpus, declaring martial law, and burning American Cities to the ground your idea of a “good” president?

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