2024 Presidential Race

Obama to Putin: I'll have more flexibility after the election. Ds...no biggie.
Romney to America: Putin and Russia is our biggest threat. Ds...LOL moron stuck in the cold war.
Trump is president: Ds...OMG PUTIN!!!!
Imagine claiming Russia is a problem but not giving a shat when they invaded GA in 08 or their first push into Ukraine. All of which happened under Dem admins. But Trumps encouraging them. Idiots.

Here are McCleary’s top takeaways from this new national poll:

  1. Trump’s job approval (48%) now overshadows Biden’s approval (37%) by more than 10 percent. Among key voter groups like college-educated women, married women, and black voters, Trump’s approval has also jumped five percent.
  2. Over 80 percent of voters oppose the pro-Hamas protests occurring on college campuses across the country. Only three percent, mostly comprised on young liberal Democrats, support the protests calling for the death of Jews – 82 percent support police clearing them out.
  3. A majority of black voters now see the Democrat Party as more extreme than Republicans. Overall, voters’ views that Democrats are more extreme has increased five percent since January.
  4. The Biden campaign’s attacks on RFK Jr. appear to be having their intended impact. Three percent of voters have shifted away from RFK Jr. and now say they will definitely support Biden. But the full head-to-head presidential ballot matchup still has Trump leading Biden by two percent (47% Trump; 45% Biden).
  5. Inflation and the economy regains prominence as the top issue (26%) priority for voters with border security (25%) remaining a close second. Abortion (7%) has also increased three percent as a tertiary issue, particular among single women and Democrats, since March.
  6. Voters overwhelmingly reject (61%) the Biden Administration’s changes to Title IX which requires colleges and universities to grant the same rights as biological women to biological men who identify as women.

Number 4 . Anyone but Trump would be trouncing Biden.
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