A View from Big Ben: Georgia


London Vol

Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
A quote from the legendary Tennis player Jimmy Connors “I hate losing more than I like winning”

Firstly, I must say any loss stings. Josh Heupel clearly doesn’t subscribe to moral victories as he turned down a number of field goals to try to keep the score closer, he showed again he is only committed to win. This policy resulted in a bigger loss than we deserved and the same happened against Alabama. I salute you Coach Heupel for installing the attitude than no stone should be left unturned in the pursuit of victory. Jimmy Connors was partially right but closing the gap from losing to winning is also important. Please don’t forget the job CJH inherited was like climbing Thunderhead Mountain in your shorts and flip-flops.

Before we drill down into “the weeds” of last night’s performance I wish to highlight one point, The match result was in no doubt to me after the 3rd quarter field goal leaving us three scores behind, yet Smart left Davis and Wyatt (their two Defensive Tackles and their most important players re their national championship aspirations) in the game right to the very end. After years of watching our elite opponents “clearing the bench” in the third quarter, we clearly now have respect and that we cannot be treated lightly any longer. That to me is a true measure of have far we have come already.

It is important not to go overboard about last night’s performance because Hooker’s development has been sensational this season and we were against the best defense this century (according to some). That said I still rated this as his worst performance of the season. The ball sailed on him a number times, he overthrew three touchdown certainties and his decision making regarding handing off to the RB was also suspect. Oh, and the bad Interception was a back breaker as it was at the time I felt we really had Georgia worried. Despite that his figures were not so bad and when we talk about bad nights for Tennessee Quarterbacks Worley, Peterman, Dormady and Guarantano had far worse days. By accident we may have just caught a break here as if he had delivered a Kentucky like performance last night, not only would his Heisman chatter would have taken off but so would his draft ranking (already as 8th Quarterback according to McShay). He must seriously consider one more year, this would include the extra bowl practices followed by Spring and Fall camp to hone his skills, look what that did for Burrow and Pickett. The Vols will be even stronger next season with a year 2 Hooker. Finally, the original prom dance tease reappeared with an impressive cameo from Milton, he must be driving Heupel crazy, but it was impressive

I thought Small put up an admiral performance against the aforementioned historic Georgia defense, he may not see a defensive line like that the rest of his college career. With Hooker losing 51 yards the box score could have looked even better. We will be fine next season with Evans, Small and Wright.

The stars of the team for me last night. When you mention Cedric Tillman, I see the number 2. He was a 2* recruit, who posted 200 receiving yards against possibly the national champions, astounding. Don’t forget he also posted 152 yards against the No 2 team Alabama. 8 catches for Jones and 5 for Hyatt and Keyton (I truly forgot about him) and all this from an under-par performance from Hooker. This offensive system in LEGIT.

I did see some good blocking from Fant, however, Warren tripped when his number was called in the red zone. We still can’t quite get the output right from this department

Everything is relative and I though the Offensive Line “held their own”. Early on I thought they gave Hooker a lot of time to throw, far more than I expected, although as the pressure was ratcheted up, they did get overpowered a few times. There were very few running lanes but then who has created them against Georgia this season.

Much maligned last week I thought the D Line did well last night. There were more than a few 3 and outs especially early on when Butler and Thomas were getting penetration. Not the first time this season, they did wear down as the game went on, but that is more down to the lack of roster depth and our hurry up offense than their effort. I will make my weekly mention of Young, shame about the horse collar otherwise it would have been another couple of sacks. I can’t wait to see him becoming “Barnettesq” next season.

Total effort as always but the lack of Mitchell and the dearly lamented Bituli is obvious. The number of runs up the middle and missed tackles is clear. But again, all you can ask of a player is that he gives his all and both Banks and Beasley do that. So, it is what it is.

Taylor was the standout at the back, however I thought the safeties missed a number of tackles, I was hoping that they would have developed more this season (similar to Warrior). But, again no compliant here about effort.

Yes Jimmy, I don’t like losing as well but would I swap last night with Dan Mullen (the guy that Florida “stole” off us)?. NO

I always enjoy your comments and observations

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The difference last night was not in the ‘historical’ UGA defense, but in [both] offenses. Coming in allowing only 230 yards per game, Tennessee was able to put up 387 yards with several deep ball overthrows and a roster depleted running corp.

But offensively, Georgia had their best performance of the season and Tennessee did not. Even though UTs defensive play didnt quit, and it was nice to see several punts forced, we still were gashed a few times for big chunks. The score from the pass to Cook was a killer and UT was not containing Bennett (who rushed for 40 yards on 8 carries vs our Hooker who only had 7 yards on 17).

i agree with your observations. Will add that I think Kirby is a *** keeping his starters in up 41-10 late in the game. Classless, not from a run up the score stance, but from a let your freshman have some time. I’ll always agree its the other teams job to keep you from scoring, but Kirby showed his cards and I would delight in Bama whipping his tail in the SECCG and then watching them go down in the first round of the playoffs. Their fanbase is insufferable.

Also, there has got to be a rule change on the fake injuries. Kirby was as wise as Kiffen and used the ‘free timeout’ system of faking an injury to stop the momentum. I think players should have to sit out the series for injury.

Go Vols!
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I agree, their Receivers must have had Velcro on their gloves as they kept making "once in season" catches and often in important moments of the game.

The fake injuries are a joke and I support your idea of sitting a series, Wyatt was in and out like a hokey dokey dance
The difference last night was not in the ‘historical’ UGA defense, but in [both] offenses. Coming in allowing only 230 yards per game, Tennessee was able to put up 387 yards with several deep ball overthrows And a roster depleted running corp.

But offensively, Georgia had their best performance of the season And Tennessee did not. Even though UTs defensive play didnt quit, and it was nice to see several punts forced, we still were gashed a few times for big chunks. The score from the pass to Cook was a killer as ut was not containing Bennett (who rushed for 40 yards on 8 carries vs our Hooker who only had 7 yards on 17.

i agree with your observations. Will add that I think Kirby is a *** keeping his starters in up 41 - 10 late in the game. Classless, not from a run up the score stance, but from a let your freshman have some time. I’ll always agree its the other teams job to keep you from scoring, but Kirby showed his cards and I would delight in Bama whipping his tail in the SECCG and then watching them go down in thenfirst round of the playoffs. Their fanbase is in insufferable.

Also, there has got to be a rule change on the fake injuries. Kirby was a wise as Kiffen and used the ‘free timeout’ system of faking an injury to stop the momentum. I think players should have to sit out the series for injury.

Go Vols!
LMAO. The last sack was by a LB who isn't even in the rotation. Davis barely played.
Yeah, I felt Kirby left his starting defense in to try and keep his scoring record intact. IMO, Kirby is a POS.
Right, the character thing to do would be to in backups so Tennessee could score. You know, like a Pop Warner game. Everyone has played hard and we don't want anyone going away feeling bad. If nothing else is would have made you feel better.
I don't even have to read this post to know it's going to be excellent.

Now, on to a good analysis of the game. Thanks, London Vol.
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A quote from the legendary Tennis player Jimmy Connors “I hate losing more than I like winning”

Firstly, I must say any loss stings. Josh Heupel clearly doesn’t subscribe to moral victories as he turned down a number of field goals to try to keep the score closer, he showed again he is only committed to win. This policy resulted in a bigger loss than we deserved and the same happened against Alabama. I salute you Coach Heupel for installing the attitude than no stone should be left unturned in the pursuit of victory. Jimmy Connors was partially right but closing the gap from losing to winning is also important. Please don’t forget the job CJH inherited was like climbing Thunderhead Mountain in your shorts and flip-flops.

Before we drill down into “the weeds” of last night’s performance I wish to highlight one point, The match result was in no doubt to me after the 3rd quarter field goal leaving us three scores behind, yet Smart left Davis and Wyatt (their two Defensive Tackles and their most important players re their national championship aspirations) in the game right to the very end. After years of watching our elite opponents “clearing the bench” in the third quarter, we clearly now have respect and that we cannot be treated lightly any longer. That to me is a true measure of have far we have come already.

It is important not to go overboard about last night’s performance because Hooker’s development has been sensational this season and we were against the best defense this century (according to some). That said I still rated this as his worst performance of the season. The ball sailed on him a number times, he overthrew three touchdown certainties and his decision making regarding handing off to the RB was also suspect. Oh, and the bad Interception was a back breaker as it was at the time I felt we really had Georgia worried. Despite that his figures were not so bad and when we talk about bad nights for Tennessee Quarterbacks Worley, Peterman, Dormady and Guarantano had far worse days. By accident we may have just caught a break here as if he had delivered a Kentucky like performance last night, not only would his Heisman chatter would have taken off but so would his draft ranking (already as 8th Quarterback according to McShay). He must seriously consider one more year, this would include the extra bowl practices followed by Spring and Fall camp to hone his skills, look what that did for Burrow and Pickett. The Vols will be even stronger next season with a year 2 Hooker. Finally, the original prom dance tease reappeared with an impressive cameo from Milton, he must be driving Heupel crazy, but it was impressive

I thought Small put up an admiral performance against the aforementioned historic Georgia defense, he may not see a defensive line like that the rest of his college career. With Hooker losing 51 yards the box score could have looked even better. We will be fine next season with Evans, Small and Wright.

The stars of the team for me last night. When you mention Cedric Tillman, I see the number 2. He was a 2* recruit, who posted 200 receiving yards against possibly the national champions, astounding. Don’t forget he also posted 152 yards against the No 2 team Alabama. 8 catches for Jones and 5 for Hyatt and Keyton (I truly forgot about him) and all this from an under-par performance from Hooker. This offensive system in LEGIT.

I did see some good blocking from Fant, however, Warren tripped when his number was called in the red zone. We still can’t quite get the output right from this department

Everything is relative and I though the Offensive Line “held their own”. Early on I thought they gave Hooker a lot of time to throw, far more than I expected, although as the pressure was ratcheted up, they did get overpowered a few times. There were very few running lanes but then who has created them against Georgia this season.

Much maligned last week I thought the D Line did well last night. There were more than a few 3 and outs especially early on when Butler and Thomas were getting penetration. Not the first time this season, they did wear down as the game went on, but that is more down to the lack of roster depth and our hurry up offense than their effort. I will make my weekly mention of Young, shame about the horse collar otherwise it would have been another couple of sacks. I can’t wait to see him becoming “Barnettesq” next season.

Total effort as always but the lack of Mitchell and the dearly lamented Bituli is obvious. The number of runs up the middle and missed tackles is clear. But again, all you can ask of a player is that he gives his all and both Banks and Beasley do that. So, it is what it is.

Taylor was the standout at the back, however I thought the safeties missed a number of tackles, I was hoping that they would have developed more this season (similar to Warrior). But, again no compliant here about effort.

Yes Jimmy, I don’t like losing as well but would I swap last night with Dan Mullen (the guy that Florida “stole” off us)?. NO

I always enjoy your comments and observations


I always look forward to your insightful comments and even-handed analysis! I can't believe you didn't grow up watching this sport.
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Good write up. I'll disagree on our RB situation. I think we need some serious help there outside of Evans and his durability is in doubt. Small and Wright aren't what we need in this league. I'd kill to flip Hayden. He's what we need along with a solid RB from the portal.
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@SLODAWG, you are just as bad as your coach. And, to my knowledge, your fans are the only ones that come in here after a victory and post crap
Posted before and after the game. I've done no gloating. Pushing back on the narrative that Kirby Smart has bad character because he didn't let TN score. You know nothing about me or him.
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The difference last night was not in the ‘historical’ UGA defense, but in [both] offenses. Coming in allowing only 230 yards per game, Tennessee was able to put up 387 yards with several deep ball overthrows And a roster depleted running corp.

But offensively, Georgia had their best performance of the season And Tennessee did not. Even though UTs defensive play didnt quit, and it was nice to see several punts forced, we still were gashed a few times for big chunks. The score from the pass to Cook was a killer as ut was not containing Bennett (who rushed for 40 yards on 8 carries vs our Hooker who only had 7 yards on 17.

i agree with your observations. Will add that I think Kirby is a *** keeping his starters in up 41 - 10 late in the game. Classless, not from a run up the score stance, but from a let your freshman have some time. I’ll always agree its the other teams job to keep you from scoring, but Kirby showed his cards and I would delight in Bama whipping his tail in the SECCG and then watching them go down in thenfirst round of the playoffs. Their fanbase is in insufferable.

Also, there has got to be a rule change on the fake injuries. Kirby was a wise as Kiffen and used the ‘free timeout’ system of faking an injury to stop the momentum. I think players should have to sit out the series for injury.

Go Vols!
I think Kirby keeping his starters in was about respecting this offense. We showed in the KY game that we can hit TDs in less than a minute of game clock. A 21 point lead can evaporate quickly against this team. And side observation, they did have several second or third string guys in too. That Chambliss guy that got the final sack for them is definitely a backup.
Also, there has got to be a rule change on the fake injuries. Kirby was a wise as Kiffen and used the ‘free timeout’ system of faking an injury to stop the momentum. I think players should have to sit out the series for injury.

If it's all about the players' safety as they claim with every rule change, I agree completely. If a player goes down, he needs to sit until the next possession so he can be properly evaluated by the staff.
LMAO. The last sack was by a LB who isn't even in the rotation. Davis barely played.
Thank you for proving my point. ”insufferable”

I guess what I should have wrote was…GA was able to stomp a mud hole in Tennessee with half their roster out with the flu.

Even the a** hat Gary Daniels could see Kirby had his starters in until the end. Why was the ’injured’ Davis playing in the final series?
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If it's all about the players' safety as they claim with every rule change, I agree completely. If a player goes down, he needs to sit until the next possession so he can be properly evaluated by the staff.
If it's all about the players' safety as they claim with every rule change, I agree completely. If a player goes down, he needs to sit until the next possession so he can be properly evaluated by the staff.

I think the player that stops a game due to an apparent injury, should be tagged sent to the medical tent. Then team Dr./trainer checks him signs off as responsible for safety on the player to return next series if cleared. There should just be one sub for an apparently injured player and the O can have one sub to balance out.
A quote from the legendary Tennis player Jimmy Connors “I hate losing more than I like winning”

Firstly, I must say any loss stings. Josh Heupel clearly doesn’t subscribe to moral victories as he turned down a number of field goals to try to keep the score closer, he showed again he is only committed to win. This policy resulted in a bigger loss than we deserved and the same happened against Alabama. I salute you Coach Heupel for installing the attitude than no stone should be left unturned in the pursuit of victory. Jimmy Connors was partially right but closing the gap from losing to winning is also important. Please don’t forget the job CJH inherited was like climbing Thunderhead Mountain in your shorts and flip-flops.

Before we drill down into “the weeds” of last night’s performance I wish to highlight one point, The match result was in no doubt to me after the 3rd quarter field goal leaving us three scores behind, yet Smart left Davis and Wyatt (their two Defensive Tackles and their most important players re their national championship aspirations) in the game right to the very end. After years of watching our elite opponents “clearing the bench” in the third quarter, we clearly now have respect and that we cannot be treated lightly any longer. That to me is a true measure of have far we have come already.

It is important not to go overboard about last night’s performance because Hooker’s development has been sensational this season and we were against the best defense this century (according to some). That said I still rated this as his worst performance of the season. The ball sailed on him a number times, he overthrew three touchdown certainties and his decision making regarding handing off to the RB was also suspect. Oh, and the bad Interception was a back breaker as it was at the time I felt we really had Georgia worried. Despite that his figures were not so bad and when we talk about bad nights for Tennessee Quarterbacks Worley, Peterman, Dormady and Guarantano had far worse days. By accident we may have just caught a break here as if he had delivered a Kentucky like performance last night, not only would his Heisman chatter would have taken off but so would his draft ranking (already as 8th Quarterback according to McShay). He must seriously consider one more year, this would include the extra bowl practices followed by Spring and Fall camp to hone his skills, look what that did for Burrow and Pickett. The Vols will be even stronger next season with a year 2 Hooker. Finally, the original prom dance tease reappeared with an impressive cameo from Milton, he must be driving Heupel crazy, but it was impressive

I thought Small put up an admiral performance against the aforementioned historic Georgia defense, he may not see a defensive line like that the rest of his college career. With Hooker losing 51 yards the box score could have looked even better. We will be fine next season with Evans, Small and Wright.

The stars of the team for me last night. When you mention Cedric Tillman, I see the number 2. He was a 2* recruit, who posted 200 receiving yards against possibly the national champions, astounding. Don’t forget he also posted 152 yards against the No 2 team Alabama. 8 catches for Jones and 5 for Hyatt and Keyton (I truly forgot about him) and all this from an under-par performance from Hooker. This offensive system in LEGIT.

I did see some good blocking from Fant, however, Warren tripped when his number was called in the red zone. We still can’t quite get the output right from this department

Everything is relative and I though the Offensive Line “held their own”. Early on I thought they gave Hooker a lot of time to throw, far more than I expected, although as the pressure was ratcheted up, they did get overpowered a few times. There were very few running lanes but then who has created them against Georgia this season.

Much maligned last week I thought the D Line did well last night. There were more than a few 3 and outs especially early on when Butler and Thomas were getting penetration. Not the first time this season, they did wear down as the game went on, but that is more down to the lack of roster depth and our hurry up offense than their effort. I will make my weekly mention of Young, shame about the horse collar otherwise it would have been another couple of sacks. I can’t wait to see him becoming “Barnettesq” next season.

Total effort as always but the lack of Mitchell and the dearly lamented Bituli is obvious. The number of runs up the middle and missed tackles is clear. But again, all you can ask of a player is that he gives his all and both Banks and Beasley do that. So, it is what it is.

Taylor was the standout at the back, however I thought the safeties missed a number of tackles, I was hoping that they would have developed more this season (similar to Warrior). But, again no compliant here about effort.

Yes Jimmy, I don’t like losing as well but would I swap last night with Dan Mullen (the guy that Florida “stole” off us)?. NO

I always enjoy your comments and observations

Great write-up. I didn't want to be to critical on HH but if there is one thing he really needs to improve on, and that is knowing when to get rid of the ball. He holds the ball way too long and when he starts scrambling, he no longer looks to pass. With that said, what we all consider a "bad" performance is still better than any "good" performance we've had the last several years, so I'll take it.

As for the defense, teams now have tape to watch and they recognize our defensive formations and able to anticipate what we are doing. The missed tackles, getting off the field on 3rd down, and overall lack of defensive speed are concerning but correctable through the portal. Correct those and I think we'll see a big improvement.

Regardless, I do believe we have found our coach and now only one thing left to prove, can he recruit at a high level? If this staff can do that, we are in good hands and better days await.

Go Vols!!
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Thank you for proving my point. ”insufferable”

I guess what I should have wrote was…GA was able to stomp a mud hole in Tennessee with half their roster out with the flu.

Even the a** hat Gary Daniels could see Kirby had his starters in until the end.
Kirby had better be happy that our QBs did not have their best game against him. Our offense missed at least 3 TD opportunities during the 2nd and 3rd quarters plus we turned down at least 3 Field goal opportunities to attempt to score Tds I think he was afraid to take his starters out. Alabama will likely clean their clock in the SEC Championship game next month and in the National Championship. Georgia will flop again, even with the best talent in the Nation.
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Also, there has got to be a rule change on the fake injuries. Kirby was as wise as Kiffen and used the ‘free timeout’ system of faking an injury to stop the momentum. I think players should have to sit out the series for injury.

I agree 100 percent. I call it the "Floppy Dawg Syndrome". How many flops did we see? I think I counted at least 5. Why not take advantage of the hole in the rule books? They need to look at this and change the rule on injuries.
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Great write-up. I didn't want to be to critical on HH but if there is one thing he really needs to improve on, and that is knowing when to get rid of the ball. He holds the ball way too long and when he starts scrambling, he no longer looks to pass. With that said, what we all consider a "bad" performance is still better than any "good" performance we've had the last several years, so I'll take it.

As for the defense, teams now have tape to watch and they recognize our defensive formations and able to anticipate what we are doing. The missed tackles, getting off the field on 3rd down, and overall lack of defensive speed are concerning but correctable through the portal. Correct those and I think we'll see a big improvement.

Regardless, I do believe we have found our coach and now only one thing left to prove, can he recruit at a high level? If this staff can do that, we are in good hands and better days await.

Go Vols!!
Great post
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I thought it was a decent effort. UT had its chances, but couldn't convert in Georgia territory in the 3rd quarter. 2 Turnovers and none for Georgia also were deflating. I don't mind Kirby keeping the starters in when Milton scored, gives me a little more hope for the future. He definitely had backups on our last drive. The one thing to mention is Georgia can go 24-25 deep on defense and not lose anything. Their depth finally is as good as Bama and the SEC championship should be interesting. I am actually pulling for Georgia over Bama or any team besides Florida or Ohio St. over Bama.

When they come back to Knoxville, we should be hitting on all cylinders, and I want the Georgia game to be for the SECe when I think we will have the depth to be able to beat them.
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A quote from the legendary Tennis player Jimmy Connors “I hate losing more than I like winning”

Firstly, I must say any loss stings. Josh Heupel clearly doesn’t subscribe to moral victories as he turned down a number of field goals to try to keep the score closer, he showed again he is only committed to win. This policy resulted in a bigger loss than we deserved and the same happened against Alabama. I salute you Coach Heupel for installing the attitude than no stone should be left unturned in the pursuit of victory. Jimmy Connors was partially right but closing the gap from losing to winning is also important. Please don’t forget the job CJH inherited was like climbing Thunderhead Mountain in your shorts and flip-flops.

Before we drill down into “the weeds” of last night’s performance I wish to highlight one point, The match result was in no doubt to me after the 3rd quarter field goal leaving us three scores behind, yet Smart left Davis and Wyatt (their two Defensive Tackles and their most important players re their national championship aspirations) in the game right to the very end. After years of watching our elite opponents “clearing the bench” in the third quarter, we clearly now have respect and that we cannot be treated lightly any longer. That to me is a true measure of have far we have come already.

It is important not to go overboard about last night’s performance because Hooker’s development has been sensational this season and we were against the best defense this century (according to some). That said I still rated this as his worst performance of the season. The ball sailed on him a number times, he overthrew three touchdown certainties and his decision making regarding handing off to the RB was also suspect. Oh, and the bad Interception was a back breaker as it was at the time I felt we really had Georgia worried. Despite that his figures were not so bad and when we talk about bad nights for Tennessee Quarterbacks Worley, Peterman, Dormady and Guarantano had far worse days. By accident we may have just caught a break here as if he had delivered a Kentucky like performance last night, not only would his Heisman chatter would have taken off but so would his draft ranking (already as 8th Quarterback according to McShay). He must seriously consider one more year, this would include the extra bowl practices followed by Spring and Fall camp to hone his skills, look what that did for Burrow and Pickett. The Vols will be even stronger next season with a year 2 Hooker. Finally, the original prom dance tease reappeared with an impressive cameo from Milton, he must be driving Heupel crazy, but it was impressive

I thought Small put up an admiral performance against the aforementioned historic Georgia defense, he may not see a defensive line like that the rest of his college career. With Hooker losing 51 yards the box score could have looked even better. We will be fine next season with Evans, Small and Wright.

The stars of the team for me last night. When you mention Cedric Tillman, I see the number 2. He was a 2* recruit, who posted 200 receiving yards against possibly the national champions, astounding. Don’t forget he also posted 152 yards against the No 2 team Alabama. 8 catches for Jones and 5 for Hyatt and Keyton (I truly forgot about him) and all this from an under-par performance from Hooker. This offensive system in LEGIT.

I did see some good blocking from Fant, however, Warren tripped when his number was called in the red zone. We still can’t quite get the output right from this department

Everything is relative and I though the Offensive Line “held their own”. Early on I thought they gave Hooker a lot of time to throw, far more than I expected, although as the pressure was ratcheted up, they did get overpowered a few times. There were very few running lanes but then who has created them against Georgia this season.

Much maligned last week I thought the D Line did well last night. There were more than a few 3 and outs especially early on when Butler and Thomas were getting penetration. Not the first time this season, they did wear down as the game went on, but that is more down to the lack of roster depth and our hurry up offense than their effort. I will make my weekly mention of Young, shame about the horse collar otherwise it would have been another couple of sacks. I can’t wait to see him becoming “Barnettesq” next season.

Total effort as always but the lack of Mitchell and the dearly lamented Bituli is obvious. The number of runs up the middle and missed tackles is clear. But again, all you can ask of a player is that he gives his all and both Banks and Beasley do that. So, it is what it is.

Taylor was the standout at the back, however I thought the safeties missed a number of tackles, I was hoping that they would have developed more this season (similar to Warrior). But, again no compliant here about effort.

Yes Jimmy, I don’t like losing as well but would I swap last night with Dan Mullen (the guy that Florida “stole” off us)?. NO

I always enjoy your comments and observations


Very accurate and clearly stated. I stated in another thread that "line building" is the time consumer. From what I read onto your analyses I think you see the same.
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