AD White on UVA HC

I'm good. Congrats on making an extremely vague post 6 hours after Trey Wallace broke the story.
That was a thread. I was talking about posts. Either way it doesnt matter one way or another. You're so bent on being right and proving I'm wrong, the truth could fall from the sky and wriggle around on your face and you'd deny it.
God he has to be embarrassed....Pruitt is the only one that would understand that move...
Some interesting posts from the Clemson board:

I saw that. I find it hard to believe Elliott would turn down Tennessee just to take the Virginia job a year later. May have been a misunderstanding there somewhere.

Actually, there's more opportunity with the uva gig. It wouldn't take anywhere near as much to turn around uva. If Elliott gets the program to even, it would be a major accomplishment and an easy springboard to something bigger. He gets the chance to screw up, without huge repercussions, and he has several years to figure out what works. UT? Not much margin for error.

This is tacky by Elliott. There's no reason for him to discuss Tennessee, his candidacy there, a job offer, or anything of the sort. Easy - "I'm here to talk about Virginia" and move on.

Just a trashy response from an AD that works for a trashy fan base. Never blamed Kiffin for leaving the way he did. Probably would have set house on fire

More confirmation that the Vols are trash. It wasnā€™t even necessary for the AD to make that statement.

The UVA boosters are already giving up on Elliott. This season may be it. UVA is picked last in the ACC.
Franklin wasn't offered.
Do we even know if anyone other than Heup was offered? We all know that the Knoxville media tends to be a little...extra, especially pertaining to UT Athletics as of late. I remember AD White, basically shutting EVERYONE out, including the media.
IMO, it was nothing more than second hand rumors, from this site and the pay site and the local media was trying hard to get the scoop.
White knew what he was doing when he kept the local media at a safe distance and imo, it was justified. We have some absolute clowns doing the ā€œreportingā€ in Knoxville.
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Do we even know if anyone other than Heup was offered? We all know that the Knoxville media tends to be a little...extra, especially pertaining to UT Athletics as of late. I remember AD White, basically shutting EVERYONE out, including the media.
IMO, it was nothing more than second hand rumors, from this site and the pay site and the local media was trying hard to get the scoop.
White knew what he was doing when he kept the local media at a safe distance and imo, it was justified. We have some absolute clowns doing the ā€œreportingā€ in Knoxville.
Dan White noted that there were two leaks during the coaching search. So two times, real info got through his impressive curtain of silence.

Of course, White didn't tell us who the two leakers were or what they said. So we have no idea who of the many media types throwing rumors around during that week were actually giving us tidbits of fact.

But someone was.
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TE was saying things far less complimentary about UT a couple of years ago. I went from indifferent to him, to loathing him.
He strongly implied God saved him from our dysfunction and the fallout from the Pruitt scandal, and taking this job would have been the biggest mistake of his life and for his family.
The biggest mistake is going to be having to play us on September 2, 2023. Were going to give them a beat down!!!! GBO
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You know, I think Danny White was really smart to kick the tires on James Franklin. He is really disliked on this forum, but he is a freaking winner and would have done well here.
We came out in the best possible situation, but I was good with Franklin being the HC. He could recruit lights out in Knoxville, and we would have been really good in a few seasons.

Like Kiffin, he was an A-Hole, but he was our A-Hole for almost a year. Franklin can get in the heads of coaches and opposing fanbases, and I admire that if it can be backed up, and Franklin does back it up 90% of the time. He has a lifetime job at PSU due to the situation he walked into and turned them back into contenders. It will be tough to lure him away.

He'll win the B1G once in a blue moon, and that's enough in Happy Valley. Win 9-10 games each season feasting on also-rans, Lurk around the Top 10-15, sniff a National Championship once or twice per decade, and he is golden. I think Franklin has a higher ceiling than PSU, and may eventually bolt for a perfect opportunity, but until then, he is in a really good situation.
Some interesting posts from the Clemson board:
Clemson posters are incapable of understanding facts or matters of taste. They must have gotten lucky to guess that Elliott was tacky.

I hope you dropped a couple of Orange Bowl vids before you cut out. šŸ˜‚

I wish Elliott had not made it prudent to be responded to like that, in DW's good judgement. I don't think it was the first time he'd done it. And I don't think DW wishes the topic to be thematized by TV or other media. They'd be back discussing Schiano by the second quarter.

DW protects the brand.
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