Bammers blaming the refs.

1. Bama has gotten every controversial call in the last 15 years (including tonight where the DPI that was called but was clearly OPI). They didnt complain about them. In fact, they mostly said "blown calls are part of the game". No, the refs didnt cost them the game. You cant give up 52 points, lose, and blame the refs. Its your D that lost you the game.

2. Why is it that when UT wins, its "LSU will beat them, Bama will beat them, oh wait, Georgia will beat them"? Vicarriously living through another fan base beating a team that their team lost to is so weak.

3. Love that Henry T left UT to go to Bama just to lose to UT.
Look Alabama has no complaint against the zebras. Truth be told they've been the beneficiaries of a ton of calls over time. Hell maybe we have too. But it does swing both ways...its college football. Just ask 2021 TN vs Purdue. It's part of the game you can't control. If you take care of you - like make your FG (you control that), catch that pass, then you might've won. As it stands, two great plays by TN got our kick, and the knuckle ball didn't miss. We won what we controlled. End of story. Bubba's are fighting a bigger issue, they just can't admit it to themselves yet.
1. Bama has gotten every controversial call in the last 15 years (including tonight where the DPI that was called but was clearly OPI). They didnt complain about them. In fact, they mostly said "blown calls are part of the game". No, the refs didnt cost them the game. You cant give up 52 points, lose, and blame the refs. Its your D that lost you the game.

2. Why is it that when UT wins, its "LSU will beat them, Bama will beat them, oh wait, Georgia will beat them"? Vicarriously living through another fan base beating a team that their team lost to is so weak.

3. Love that Henry T left UT to go to Bama just to lose to UT.

Banks was clearly the better LB tonite.
Imagine having a gifted PI in the end zone to save you, and crying about it. Maybe just play better and don’t be so boneheaded and you won’t get flags. Undisciplined team

That was the old Dallas Cowboy play. Drag the defender down on an obvious offensive pass Interference and wait for your paid ref to make the call the other way
We had some calls in our favor, for once...Must be hard to be a bama fan and be so used to having the refs 100% call everything in your favor for the last 10 years
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