Cade Klubnik's Parents stranded by Southwest

He didn't say he hopes they wreck, chill out man.

He's saying he hopes they are super bummed out because they have to drive all the way back after watching Clemson take an L.
I don't know I'm used to going to threads like these in these forums and seeing people be decent and wish folks going through something like that the best.. opponent or not. I wasn't expecting a thread just making fun of and piling onto someone's bad luck. Just lame to me... my opinion just like his post was his. We are all free to express our thoughts here I have as much right to express mine as he does. Right?
ANY drive that begins in, crosses, or ends in Texas might as well be a cross country drive šŸ˜‰. That place makes the steppes of Central Asia seem like a city park by comparison size wise
I completely understand that. Kids played club soccer and club basketball throughout the state and beyond.
Distance from Miami to Austin
The shortest route between Miami and Austin is 1,349.31 mi (2,171.51 km) according to the route planner. The driving time is approx. 24h 38min.

Depending on the route driving across the country is 2,500 - 3,500 miles.

Neither is optimal unless you have lots of time.

The things parents do for their family/children is remarkable and should be applauded at every level.

I'm a parent and 95% of my effort is done for my family and children. The 5% set aside for myself is special as well.

Best of luck to all the families out there and those of us doing the best we can!
We drive the family from Fort Worth to Cape San Blas every year (870 miles) for vacation even now after they are older. We also drove to soccer tournaments in Orlando (and other non-geographically desirable locations) for more than 15 years as our four kids were in travel soccer and travel basketball.

Parents do some crazy things. I wasnā€™t poking fun at the playerā€™s parents, but merely pointing out that TX to FL is not the same as ā€œacross the nationā€.

BTW, driving time from Austin to Miami is 18 hours and 41 mins per Apple Maps. Depending on your speed and willingness to drive for long periods, one can make it a little quicker than that.
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coming via rental car 20+ hours from Austin to Miami.
I hope they have a LONG, sad drive home...

I hope they have a swift and very safe voyage home or wherever they're going, despite the horror of the weather. I have no grudge against them for conceiving a child who will be the opposing QB for my team. But I have been trapped in a weather system that literally killed people, and there wasn't a darn thing I or those with us could do about it. So my desire is the safety and smooth journeys of all travelers, cause the worst can to me, as it can for anybody. I was even on a plane a decade or so ago where one of the engines simply dropped off the plane. They never said whether it was due to some incompetent maintenance employee, or the winds near Banning that were beating the unholy heck out of the plane. I believe I know you're speaking figuratively, I'd laugh otherwise, but let's just say the humor is tempered for me cause I've been hit between the eyes by weather related incidents. They kind of put a bit of humble in you.
That's what they get for flying Southwest
Southwest is great in normal situations and out of the right cities. Bā€™ham is not one of those. Iā€™ve flown SW religiously for 10 years out of Nashville and have had few if any issues until this week. Iā€™m exactly halfway between Bā€™ham and Nashville airports and Bā€™ham has worked out better once in the 6 years Iā€™ve lived in North AL. Huntsville sucks cause everything is through a hub and 2nd legs donā€™t care what happens on the first leg; Iā€™ve had too many close calls of missing the 2nd leg when Iā€™ve been forced to fly out of Huntsville that I avoid it at all costs.
What exactly is SW's issue? Why have they been hit worse than other airlines by all this weather?
Look at what they've done to employees that wouldn't take the šŸ’‰!! Not to mention when they wouldn't take apps that folks said they wouldn't take the šŸ’‰!! Facts
What exactly is SW's issue? Why have they been hit worse than other airlines by all this weather?
Then generally serve smaller airports, the weather impact has a domino effect on the airlines and airports across the country, and SW seems to have drawn the short straw on luck.
Southwest is great in normal situations and out of the right cities. Bā€™ham is not one of those. Iā€™ve flown SW religiously for 10 years out of Nashville and have had few if any issues until this week. Iā€™m exactly halfway between Bā€™ham and Nashville airports and Bā€™ham has worked out better once in the 6 years Iā€™ve lived in North AL. Huntsville sucks cause everything is through a hub and 2nd legs donā€™t care what happens on the first leg; Iā€™ve had too many close calls of missing the 2nd leg when Iā€™ve been forced to fly out of Huntsville that I avoid it at all costs.
Ive had plenty of good luck flying out of BHAM. SW usually has some direct flights and Ive definitely used them plenty. I just prefer all the perks that come with being a Delta Amex member. Plus theyā€™ll go above and beyond to make the flight happen and if they get full or cancelled, the payouts can push $1000 and a hotel or later flight for free. SW just makeā€™s excuses and might help you reschedule for a fee.
Cost prohibitive. Can't afford it.
We already had one of the worlds best passenger rail networks up through the 40s. The US allowed it to atrophy as the Interstate Highway system took over. We still have a lot of very good rail but freight gets priority over people
Goog time to bring trains back.
Yup. For distances under 500 miles, trains are actually faster once you factor in all the airport time you spend in ticketing, security, waiting at the gate, boarding, time waiting in line for takeoff, deplaning and baggage claim. Trains have much more comfortable seats with lots of room. Bathrooms that arenā€™t as tiny as a breadbox, and a full restaurant or snack bar instead of tiny bags of pretzels. No weather delays either. My last trip to Europe consisted entirely of trains between cities. I am now a True believer
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1) screw clemson and anyone and anything associated with their commie ACC crap football program.
2) Vols by fiddy.
3) nothing against the parents, but I do question the judgment involved here - then again, they did let their son willingly attend clemson of all places.
4) safe travels to all
5) Vols by fiddy.
6) see 5)
We drive the family from Fort Worth to Cape San Blas every year (870 miles) for vacation even now after they are older. We also drove to soccer tournaments in Orlando (and other non-geographically desirable locations) for more than 15 years as our four kids were in travel soccer and travel basketball.

Parents do some crazy things. I wasnā€™t poking fun at the playerā€™s parents, but merely pointing out that TX to FL is not the same as ā€œacross the nationā€.

BTW, driving time from Austin to Miami is 18 hours and 41 mins per Apple Maps. Depending on your speed and willingness to drive for long periods, one can make it a little quicker than that.
We stayed at Cape San Blas a couple of years ago, that little donut shop is glorious.
coming via rental car 20+ hours from Austin to Miami.

I hope they have a LONG, sad drive home...

I don't have any beef with a kid's parents, and I certainly know how crappy air travel is right now. Douchey post, IMO.
ANY drive that begins in, crosses, or ends in Texas might as well be a cross country drive šŸ˜‰. That place makes the steppes of Central Asia seem like a city park by comparison size wise

Ever driven into Texas on the west side near El Paso? That sign staying next state line is like 900 miles or whatever will cause your butthole to pucker every single time.

One time had a co-worker training with me in the Dallas area for a few weeks. Asked him what he was doing for the weekend, etc one time. He said he wanted to go visit his grandpa in El Paso since he was so close already being in Texas and all. Went on and on how about Tuscon (where he lived) was 350 miles away from El Paso so he had not gotten to see him in years. The look on his face when I told him El Paso was 650 miles away from Dallas was priceless.
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Which once again begs the obvious question of why we donā€™t have decent intercity passenger rail in this country?
Unfortunately, our biggest cities are on the edges of the country (NYC, LA, Chicago, Houston, DC, Boston, Miami, Seattle) with a largely unappealing middle in terms of desirable destinations. Therefore, train travel times canā€™t compete with air travel to/from those cities, and the cost difference in minimal. Who wants to save only $50 and spend 25 hours on a train when they could get there in 4 hours on a plane? I wish train travel worked better in the US, but I donā€™t think itā€™ll ever catch on.

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