Crouch equal to McKenzie, Hurd & Kamara

It’s hard to watch a player that drew comparisons to Ricky Williams in high school play linebacker instead of RB. He was rated 5* number 1/2 back until he got hurt and had to sit most his senior season. I know he’s learning a new position but he’s not even close to as good a linebacker in my opinion. Please change my mind VN because it’s hard for me to watch our rb core play thinking we are wasting this talent

That's an easy one, just don't watch. Next question please.
And we told Jennings he was being recruited as a qb
That was a different, snake oil selling staff that did that. They honestly thought he might be the next true dual threat QB for UT, but his accuracy was well below average once he got into practice. Crouch wanted to play LB and Pruitt told him he would let him. Pruitt did exactly what he said he would.
McKenzie, Hurd and Kamara all have one thing in common - a coaching staff that didn't demand enough from them. I'll even give Kamara somewhat of a pass because his coaches didn't recognize how talented he was and sat him to placate a man-child who thought he was owed everything. Butch and his staff did McKenzie and Hurd a disservice by not demanding they be their very best and work hard to earn their starting role. And we can see how that worked out for UT. McKenzie is now a third string offensive linemen and Hurd transferred. Hurd might have a good NFL career, but he was an absolute cancer in UTs locker room when he was here. I feel bad for Kamara that he didn't get played over Hurd when he was clearly the more talented player.
I mean to be fair, Hurd was on pace to be UT's all time leading rusher so let's not act like it was a no brainer to play Kamara. And no I'm not defending Butch.
It’s hard to watch a player that drew comparisons to Ricky Williams in high school play linebacker instead of RB. He was rated 5* number 1/2 back until he got hurt and had to sit most his senior season. I know he’s learning a new position but he’s not even close to as good a linebacker in my opinion. Please change my mind VN because it’s hard for me to watch our rb core play thinking we are wasting this talent
I agree with you. I would love to see him stay at RB. Think Derrick Henry.
Mackenzie was a bust for sure . Once Crouch starts to get more reps, he will be ok. IMO I think he should move to RB. These extra practices will help him develop big time though .
I do not agree. I think people's expectations of him statistically were not realistic in the defense we ran. Also it's fairly obvious he was an O-lineman at this start. I just find it funny people are using 3 guys that are collecting checks in the league as examples. Mckenzie has stuck around as an O lineman in the NFL and didn't play a snap there in college... that says something he's currently on the Seahawks practice squad afaik. Hurd is on IR for the Niners. Let's not forget Preston Williams who was the one bright spot in Miami till he got hurt. So many "busts" from the post-Fulmer era that never produced here are still sticking around in the league. and AK hmm wow but let us not forget the saints used HIM exactly the same way UT did the first year he just got more snaps. He was never misused at UT just underused. If we are gonna give a history let it not be revisionist.

Both Dooley and Jones recruited well. They just didn't develop or utilize guys right a lot of times. Both were in over their heads and hopefully, they learned from it.
It’s hard to watch a player that drew comparisons to Ricky Williams in high school play linebacker instead of RB. He was rated 5* number 1/2 back until he got hurt and had to sit most his senior season. I know he’s learning a new position but he’s not even close to as good a linebacker in my opinion. Please change my mind VN because it’s hard for me to watch our rb core play thinking we are wasting this talent

Crouch is going to be a hoss at Linebacker. He'll be a very important piece to the defensive puzzle next season.
There’s a reason why Jalen Hurd plays WR now. Running backs don’t last. Crouch was 17 years old and could barely get out of bed because the beating he was taking on the field. I don’t blame him.
Really tired of the “he needs to be playing rb” talk. He came here to play LB under Pruitt.
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That should tell you all you need to know on difference between last staff and current staff.

I'm all for piling on Butch, but Jauan wasn't going anywhere that didn't recruit him as a QB. We were one of the first that did, so we had an edge there and ended up signing him. It was his idea to switch to WR, because he couldn't stand not playing so he requested the move. He has obviously been a beast this year for us. When he moved from QB, most people wanted to see him at Safety. I think he would have been an All-American there had that been the move.
Right. Who was his own best blocker for the entire time he played at UT. Blame lies at Jones' feet. He never knew how to handle the players other than to lie and mislead.
I agree Butch was/is part of the problem. But I also remember Hurd loafing into the endzone against GA which almost cost them the game. And QUITTING!!
I agree Butch was/is part of the problem. But I also remember Hurd loafing into the endzone against GA which almost cost them the game. And QUITTING!!

He ran the ball at Baylor also. Of the 4 RBs with at least 40 carries he was nearly a ypc behind the others with only a 4.4ypc. No Butch Jones in sight.

He made the right decision for his future switching to WR IMO. I've never thought he was as bad a RB as some have tried to argue but on the other side of that coin he's never shown me anything to believe he was nearly as good as some others have posited either.
It’s hard to watch a player that drew comparisons to Ricky Williams in high school play linebacker instead of RB. He was rated 5* number 1/2 back until he got hurt and had to sit most his senior season. I know he’s learning a new position but he’s not even close to as good a linebacker in my opinion. Please change my mind VN because it’s hard for me to watch our rb core play thinking we are wasting this talent
Well he came here to play LB and not RB. If u add to the fact that he has been the backup to one of the best pass rushers in the SEC all year and still managed to get nearly 30 tackles so far this year i think he has done well for a freshman
I agree Butch was/is part of the problem. But I also remember Hurd loafing into the endzone against GA which almost cost them the game. And QUITTING!!

Do you also remember later in that game, Hurd playing through a concussion to help the team win? Of course you don't. Butch Jones put the young man's career (and his health) in jeopardy to win football games. It isn't like there aren't other cases of this happening under Butch. Look at the Mykelle McDaniel story that was posted last week.

I don't blame Hurd one iota for transferring out. Butch Jones is a garbage person.
I agree Butch was/is part of the problem. But I also remember Hurd loafing into the endzone against GA which almost cost them the game. And QUITTING!!
Be honest with yourself. I am not asking for you to draw a conclusion about what the future holds. But can you imagine Hurd or any other player EVER doing that with Pruitt as their HC? Cutcliffe as their OC? Even Mark Stoops as their HC?

Jones talked culture. Ultimately he created a culture that was toxic. The reaction of Hurd and others was/is their own responsibility. There is always another option. But that culture belongs 100% to Jones.
McKenzie performed very well in the camps, especially at The Opening where he announced his decision. He missed his senior season due to changing schools but he had a good film from his time at De La Salle. I honestly don't think his being overrated had anything to do with his dad. I'm not sure what to attribute it to but poor development under Butch Jones's staff may have played a part.
Had to be development. The only defensive lineman Butch's staff really got anything out of was Derek Barnett, and that's probably because he was just a freak. Showed up and just started making plays right off the bat as a true freshman. Kongbo, Phillips, McKenzie, Tuttle (know he dealt with a bunch of injuries) never showed out like you thought they would. Darrell Taylor became a player after Pruitt got here.
Stole his soul? Please explain

Read the thread. Vic Wharton knocked up Dillon Bates longtime girlfriend from high school. Vic left with pregnant GF/wife in tow to Cal and Bates played special teams for the next 3 years. At Cal, he wears #17 same as D.B. I guess because said G.F. has a thing about 17.....

In the end, Dillon is going to get the best end of this deal. He's not married to a two timing whore and wondering what she is doing when out of his sight. Vic will always wonder if he's getting the same treatment as ole Dillon got. GF sips her Dr. Pepper from a straw and looks sideways.....
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