Did fans chant F U florida?

What do you expect?

CBJ put everything on the line for this. Clausen leading the Vol Walk. Al Wilson giving pre-game speech. 200+ unofficial visitors. Need to break the streak.

Team came out and looked awful. Made mistakes all over the place and playing against probably the worst QB in Florida football history.

Offense was handed the game on a silver platter and couldn't muster anything.

We deserved to lose and we will never be more than an 8 or 9 win program under Bajakian. Fans realize this at the end of the UF game and let frustration out on Florida.

It isn't Florida as much as Florida is just the representation of where Tennessee football is. You hire a MAC/Big East hackjob... don't be surprised when that is actually what you get.

Don't forget the 2 false starts on 3rd down..."down, set, hut"...that's all we need! No hard counts...no double counts...just keep it simple and snap the ball
Class my @ss, Florida can sink into the gulf for all I care

This. I wasn't chanting it at all, but I as certainly doing the clap part. Some lady got on me for just clapping to it around her kid and I basically told her to get off her high horse. The chant was definitely the student section, and it started in the second quarter. I've also heard that chant at every UF game I've ever been to.
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I'm guessing most in here have never traveled to other teams stadiums when they got beat. Some do it even when they win.
Everyone knows if a kid hears a curse word at 12 it's a lot worse than at 20. Lol people are always butt hurt. Prepare your kids for this world, don't simply protect them from this world.
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I like to scream f bombs at my kids when they get ready for school. Elementary school is rough, and I want them hardened.
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I would have done it. I have been a classless loser since I can remember. Born that way I guess.
In 5 years from 1990-1995 as a student, I never heard that chanted. Certainly not by so many that it could be heard on the broadcast. Just sounded like offensive sour grapes by a losing fanbase.

I never participated cause I think it does shed a bad light on us but it was extremely common when I was in school, at both football and bball.
I'm guessing most in here have never traveled to other teams stadiums when they got beat. Some do it even when they win.

Did anyone here ever attend an away game @ Gainesville or Legion/Tuscaloosa in the 90's when UT was at the top of their game? It wasn't pleasant.

Today's little chant is mild compared to what the other charter conference members have done.
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It was clear as day on TV.

Stay classy, Knoxville.

You mean like Florida's head coach who gets paid how many millions? Tennessee fans pay to attend the game. Florida's coach gets paid millions to be a paid professional. The paid professional following the game in his interview, pointed to the crowd and said he loves disappointing them in a smug tone and laughing. The same guy who cries, stomps and screams at everyone when he's on the losing end. He's a piss poor winner and the most pathetic loser I've ever seen. He fits Florida perfectly.
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If profanity surprises you in a game like this you're just stupid. Classless maybe and I didn't chant it but I have dropped a couple of "bull****s" on terrible calls. I think we're all looking a little too hard for something to complain about at this point.
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It was disgusting. I love the Vols, but that was almost as classless as the shot Muschamp took in response. What Muschamp said was just as bad as the self proclaimed best CB in the NFL Richard Sherman after the NFC Championship game. I'm a student at UT I love it there but my fellow class mates were awful none worse than guy 2 rows in front of me yelling explicates and giving the finger during third down for what
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