DJ Burns to the FF

Burns had 29 today against Dook, Sheyer had no answers to the big guy, would like to see an Alabama - N.C. State final, keep it southern and below the Mason Dixon line,

I hate the thought of Alabama playing for a national championship, but I would get a certain level of enjoyment in seeing the NCAA’s and national media’s wet dream of Purdue vs. UCONN get completely destroyed.
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Won’t get past Purdue and will be lucky to see 15 minutes of game time. If they call it like they did today (and really, all season for Edey) it will be a very short day for Mr. Burns.
Don't think Edey will be able to move Burns. If Burns can keep him far enough away from the basket it may be interesting. I just don't see Purdue not hitting the 3's for a second game.
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I'll be there cheering for NC ST. Seeing those trashy gumps may make me puke though.
I can't help but to think if Burns was still on our roster that we'd of beat Purdue. Burns offensive skills are undeniable, but he's noticeably overweight and seemingly a liability on defense. I expect his defensive shortcomings to be glaringly obvious vs. Edey. I suspect he'll foul out by mid way through the 2nd half.

With all that said, I wish he was still apart of our roster and wish him nothing but the best. I'd love to see Burns hang 30 on Purdue and take the W on a last second shot by him.
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