Dobbs having a hell of a game

I love Dobbs. He's been adequate (most of the time) as a passer but running the ball he's been special. I think he should give WR a shot in the NFL. I don't think he's an NFL QB but he's special with the ball in his hands.
I love Dobbs. He's been adequate (most of the time) as a passer but running the ball he's been special. I think he should give WR a shot in the NFL. I don't think he's an NFL QB but he's special with the ball in his hands.

With his degree he probably doesn't even have to worry about the NFL
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I love Dobbs. He's been adequate (most of the time) as a passer but running the ball he's been special. I think he should give WR a shot in the NFL. I don't think he's an NFL QB but he's special with the ball in his hands.

Only adequate leads the SEC in TD passes, and, as was told in another thread, TDs of 25 or more yards.
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I love Dobbs. He's been adequate (most of the time) as a passer but running the ball he's been special. I think he should give WR a shot in the NFL. I don't think he's an NFL QB but he's special with the ball in his hands.

Prepare to be proven wrong. The kid has an NFL arm. Did you see that 50 yard rocket on a rope to Malone off his back foot? That was a WOW throw.

And then the 70 yard run. Did you see that speed? That's Marcus Mariota/prime Colin Kaepernick breakaway speed.

At 6'3" 215 with a rocket arm and 4.5 speed, he'll get a chance as a QB in the NFL and I expect him to succeed. He's got the IT factor along with the physical and mental attributes.
God please for heaven sakes get off this guys jock. This was against Missouri, not Alabama, not the games that we need him to show up and win football games. I don't care what he does off the field, we need winners on the field. And he has not gotten us to Atlanta in any of his years. The east is AWFUL and he still couldn't get there. To be honest I'm more than happy to get this idiot off the field and move forward. This guy when pressure is applied looks like a deer in headlights. I know you all are gonna get fired up when you see this but please look at his stats before this game and pump the brakes on Dobbs
holy cow how in the world are you even saying this???

Prepare to be proven wrong. The kid has an NFL arm. Did you see that 50 yard rocket on a rope to Malone off his back foot? That was a WOW throw.

And then the 70 yard run. Did you see that speed? That's Marcus Mariota/prime Colin Kaepernick breakaway speed.

At 6'3" 215 with a rocket arm and 4.5 speed, he'll get a chance as a QB in the NFL and I expect him to succeed. He's got the IT factor along with the physical and mental attributes.
I love Dobbs. I do not think he was as effective as he could have been at his career on Rocky Top.

Agree. Wish he could have developed better as a passer but I think that was from having no qb coach. Hell of a kid. Always fought his butt off for this team
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Prepare to be proven wrong. The kid has an NFL arm. Did you see that 50 yard rocket on a rope to Malone off his back foot? That was a WOW throw.

And then the 70 yard run. Did you see that speed? That's Marcus Mariota/prime Colin Kaepernick breakaway speed.

At 6'3" 215 with a rocket arm and 4.5 speed, he'll get a chance as a QB in the NFL and I expect him to succeed. He's got the IT factor along with the physical and mental attributes.

Dude, he underthrew the Malone touchdown pass. Are you serious right now?
Josh had a special final game in Neyland. Real happy for him, and proud of him.

Thought the offensive line really showed up today, too. Good protection on pass plays, and generally solid blocking schemes/execution on rushes.

John Kelly's a young beast. Gonna love watching him the next couple of years.

Receivers did fine, Malone and Jennings in particular, though Josh Smith seemed off tonight. Wolf and Croom both got in on the act with nice plays as well.

Really hope Alvin and Derek come back next year. I know they both need to get to the NFL, but I really love watching both of them ply their trade. Alvin and Jelly together for a whole season would be magical...and, well, Barnett's just Barnett.

Cam looked rusty tonight, but can you blame him? Just barely back after nearly two months of heavy rehab, and all.

The rest of the defense is a Jekyll creation, taped and stapled together pieces from different sources. If there's room for real disappointment anywhere, it's in the defensive backfield. They have the talent to play better, but generally haven't this year. Tonight was no great improvement over that norm.

My wife asked me tonight if Trevor Daniel is a senior; I had to look it up. Whew, just a RS Junior! Hopefully we'll have his services again next year, as well. He's a game changer.

Can't wait to have Evan Berry back, in 2017 (*fingers crossed, again*).

Gonna miss JRM, and Cam, and Jason, LaTroy and Corey, Dylan, Malik, and probably Derek and Alvin, maybe even Josh Malone, but Josh Dobbs most of all. He has shined like a star these past four years, sometimes--like tonight--bright as a supernova.
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God please for heaven sakes get off this guys jock. This was against Missouri, not Alabama, not the games that we need him to show up and win football games. I don't care what he does off the field, we need winners on the field. And he has not gotten us to Atlanta in any of his years. The east is AWFUL and he still couldn't get there. To be honest I'm more than happy to get this idiot off the field and move forward. This guy when pressure is applied looks like a deer in headlights. I know you all are gonna get fired up when you see this but please look at his stats before this game and pump the brakes on Dobbs

Hi there Riley Ferguson.

How are you enjoying Memphis?
Really hope Alvin and Derek come back next year. I know they both need to get to the NFL, but I really love watching both of them ply their trade. Alvin and Jelly together for a whole season would be magical...and, well, Barnett's just Barnett.

Barnett is being talked up to a top ten, maybe top five draft pick. No way he comes back.

Sorry for thread drift.
Agree. Wish he could have developed better as a passer but I think that was from having no qb coach. Hell of a kid. Always fought his butt off for this team

And no offensive line.

Just look at what happened to everyone's heisman front runner Lamar Jackson this week when he had no o-line?

Dobbs with a competent o-line is a heisman finalist and has us in Atlanta with a shot to beat Alabama.
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Dobbs did this with no QB coach and horrible Olines. Who knows just how good he could have been.
Regardless to everything else going, he is balling....
Great for him on his senior night, that's what's really important tonight.

He had over 400 yards of offense himself at one point, > 200 yds passing and 198 yds rushing.
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FINISHER??? HAHAHAHA dude what games are you watching??? These comments just show how much of a moron you are too. He's not even in the discussion of top 3. End of discussion

Just think if he has a real qb coach his last 3 yrs. he would probably be the best qb ever st UT. I think he is the best finisher player UT has ever has
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God please for heaven sakes get off this guys jock. This was against Missouri, not Alabama, not the games that we need him to show up and win football games. I don't care what he does off the field, we need winners on the field. And he has not gotten us to Atlanta in any of his years. The east is AWFUL and he still couldn't get there. To be honest I'm more than happy to get this idiot off the field and move forward. This guy when pressure is applied looks like a deer in headlights. I know you all are gonna get fired up when you see this but please look at his stats before this game and pump the brakes on Dobbs

Yes, I would like fries with that.
This is absolutely priceless. The stupidity of these people are historical.

QUOTE=Dobbs 4 Heisman;13276910]50 yards off his back foot. That was on the money. Not many QBs in the country could make that throw.[/QUOTE]

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