Fanbase is Fed up

I don't give a damn if fed up or not, What these fans did tonight was uncalled for, And if you were one of them, I hope one day you pay dearly!! Fans like these are why this world is in the shape its in!!
This is the dumbest shyt ever.
If you're fed up then don't sabotage your own program by acting like morons. You'd think we knew how to lose by now
By “knowing how to lose” do you mean
( a catch that wasn’t a catch)
( a phantom foul)
( a Touchdown reversed for a no whistle)
The list goes on that just names a few
It’s time The University of Tennessee stops losing because of blatant bias by officials and Refs
Tired of being repeatedly hosed in big games.

Yep, and tired of getting excited every 3 years about the Vols; and then watch a Fumbled fair catch for an OM score--(essentially, and the difference in the game) . That's when I got up, said "I'm Done", and went to work on the house. I used to stay with it and watch every second........
If you speak out about the fan behavior tonight only to follow it up with a “but”, you’re just as classless as the folks chunking stuff not only at the Ole Miss team, but the Tennessee Cheerleaders, Band members, and dance team……

It should not be hard to unequivocally say what the fans did tonight was moronic.

That makes no sense. Things happen for a reason. Understanding and stating the why of a situation is not the same thing as supporting, justifying, or excusing it.
The conference needs to fine both schools. Quite frankly, when the opposing coach is openly inciting and damn near inviting the crowd to misbehave that’s a problem. That’s on Lane Kiffen. That same coach allowed his players to do the same. Heck one of them hiked his leg like he was taking a piss on “us”. That doesn’t make the fan reaction right but face facts, it’s not as though they were going about the game only. They, Ole Miss, deserve a beat down also.
Sportsmanship also means the visiting team doesn't taunt the fans, and for sure, the coach does not use fake injuries to slow the pace of the game. Commissioner Sankey should be concerned about that as well.
Were the Ole Miss players preemptively taunting the fans?
I didn’t get to watch the game live because I was driving at the time. I finally got to see the Tyler Baron play today. The final ruling made absolutely the correct call. You can see Matt Corral is wrapped up and does not even appear to be trying to get out of the grasp and he is not making any forward momentum. Next, and casual fans are not going to like this but it’s true, the whistle does not kill the play. The play kills the play. On this play, they did not blow a whistle because a touchdown is reviewable by the booth. Also, it is not uncommon for officials to continue following a play with a fumble if they think it’s close and no whistle has sounded. While it may not look great, the crew got the call right. I know we don’t want to hear it, but that was the correct call.
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I didn’t get to watch the game live because I was driving at the time. I finally got to see the Tyler Baron play today. The fins ruling made absolutely the correct call. You can see Matt Corral is wrapped up and does not even appear to be trying to get out of the grasp and he is not making any forward momentum. Next, and casual fans are not going to like this but it’s true, the whistle does not kill the play. The play kills the play. On this play, they did not blow a whistle because a touchdown is reviewable by the booth. Also, it is not uncommon for officials to continue following a play with a fumble if they think it’s close and no whistle has sounded. While it may not look great, the crew got the call right. I know we don’t want to hear it, but that was the correct call.
What???? You mean 102k drunk fans who've never read a rulebook or officiated a game, much less one at the SEC level have no idea about how to call a game? Fascinating.
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I truly believe the fanbase has lost their patience.

Ole Miss players taunting the fans and players, faking injuries to slow down our momentum, incompetent officiating, completely ruined a good game.

The fans are tired of being bullied and they finally snapped tonight.
If this fanbase is "fed up". Direct the anger toward the responsible parties....this damned administration. They're the ones that have put us and kept us in this situation with the asinine hires.
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What did he say……
Asking for someone at a cabin deep in the woods
Basically that there's no excuse and the fans shouldn't have thrown stuff, but there comes a time when people boil over when they see injustice while feeling that their voice isn't being heard and unfortunate things happen (like riots). That, yes, the UT admin needs to make appropriate public apology, but it shouldn't end there. Behind doors, we should be demanding that the SEC address the glaring officiating issues and the fake injuries, because they are destroying the game.
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I truly believe the fanbase has lost their patience.

Ole Miss players taunting the fans and players, faking injuries to slow down our momentum, incompetent officiating, completely ruined a good game.

The fans are tired of being bullied and they finally snapped tonight.
Ole Misso-line was holding on every play. I saw one play where Blakley was in full nelson right in front of the white hat.
We can complain about the fake injuries all we want. The realization is that nothing will happen this year. The rules committee will maybe look at it before next season but nothing the officials can do about it right now. You have to err on the side of safety.

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