Folks just need to settle down

Hugely disappointed in the game Saturday. If I have my math correct, this is CJH's 6th year as a head coach, or about 25% of his career at this level. He is young and was schooled by an old veteran coach last weekend. I hope CJH learns (other teams will make halftime adjustments, always keep your foot on their throats, etc.) from these experiences. As he matures, hopefully we will see fewer youthful mistakes, such as running a 180 lb cheetah up the middle, from the shotgun, on 4th &1 against a stout DL. He has a great offensive mind, imagine when he has the experience to go with it...and elevated tallent too, I hope.
To be fair, in his post game conference he explained that was a read play. He said it was condensed and we didn't get around the edge. Not throwing the players under the bus entirely but he saw that it was jammed and the read should've bounced the RB to the outside and not up the middle.
We're a good team. Not yet a championship team, but a good team. Making our way there. We have a great coach. We have a great staff. We have great lads. All regardless of what some are screaming on these boards.

To respond thread title by thread title:

Josh Heupel: 2-6 Vs. UF/Bama/UGA

No one in their right mind gives Josh any grief for the 2021 season. He did solid just getting us to a bowl after the post-Pruitt mass exodus.

So call it 2-3 instead, with a chance in a few weeks of getting to 3-3. Not likely, but possible.

Let that sink in: a chance to be 3-3 against our three top competitors. We've come a long way from the Dark Ages.

This is what happens when you stick with bad Qbs—Guarantano part 2

As far as I can remember, Guarantano never won the Orange Bowl for the Vols. He certainly wasn't part of an 11-2 season, or even--as this season is bound to be, if not better--an 8-4 result.

It's a ludicrous comparison.

Shouldn’t the special teams coach be getting criticized?

This is the mind set of part of our fan base: we exist to criticize our coaches. Not support them, not wish them the best, but wait for any mistake so we can belittle them.

Learn how to fan, fans.

Even SEC Shorts knows Alabama officiating is corrupt lol

Well, that's true. Totally true. This one gets a pass, it's on the money. Good job, Gandalf!

~ ~ ~

That's enough for this round.

We just need to settle in and realize, even with a very good team, things don't always go our way. There will be CHAMPIONSHIP seasons when everything doesn't go our way.

Go Vols!
The Vols are average at best!
Some would say that he is talking about the standard play calling.
Standardly there's 4 downs every series. A conservatives coach punts every time on 4th down bar none, When we were given the ball on the 4 yard line some of the older coach's like Majors and Fulmer would quick punt on 3rd that's conservative. So you're talking standard play calling, so going away from the standard IMO is the definition of non conservative.
Standardly there's 4 downs every series. A conservatives coach punts every time on 4th down bar none, When we were given the ball on the 4 yard line some of the older coach's like Majors and Fulmer would quick punt on 3rd that's conservative. So you're talking standard play calling, so going away from the standard IMO is the definition of non conservative.
Standard, as in downs 1 through 3. 4th down calls are usually a different beast.
You sound just like a Florida troll I once knew, who always tried to pass himself off as a "vol fan" on these boards.

He was an idiot. Just saying.

Go Vols!
You are the idiot if you believe we have a National Championship team!! Don't be ridiculous with your pipe dreams!
You are the idiot if you believe we have a National Championship team!! Don't be ridiculous with your pipe dreams!
You probably need to read my post again if you think I'm saying we have a national championship team.

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