For the first time in almost two decades I don't feel intimidated going to Gainesville

Nothing to gloat about. BN is not going to win many games with his prevent offense in the second half. Absolute snooze fest. He gets another year next year. He needs to keep the 2024 class together and needs to get an OC or figure something else out about in-game management.

I think the Vols are better than what they were on Saturday, and we are worse than what we looked like on Saturday. People are seriously over reacting and drawing long term conclusions from one game.

Yeah, I wasn’t thrilled with the “run out the clock” second half offense either. But I disagree with your comment “we are worse than we looked on Saturday.” I thought they played elite football in the first half and the defense is miles better than the last few years. I am very optimistic about a defense playing at that level, with zero seniors in the 3-deep. That’s sorta unbelievable and bodes well for the future.
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For almost 20 years, I've felt dread when it came to the prospect of playing Florida in the Swamp but I'm feeling way more confident this year. I'm not calling for a 50-0 rout by any means because we've all seen strange things happen against Florida, but at least we know our head coach won't do stupid stuff to ruin our chances to escape with a win. I can't wait to see how 2023 goes. It could be a magical season with a little luck and if we can avoid the injury bug.
You cursed the program and F’ed it up for everybody
Nothing to gloat about. BN is not going to win many games with his prevent offense in the second half. Absolute snooze fest. He gets another year next year. He needs to keep the 2024 class together and needs to get an OC or figure something else out about in-game management.

I think the Vols are better than what they were on Saturday, and we are worse than what we looked like on Saturday. People are seriously over reacting and drawing long term conclusions from one game.
Brother…. The Vols looked like a high school team
Brother…. The Vols looked like a high school team
I think the Vols are better than what they looked like on Saturday. The Vols offense moved the ball well in the second half. They just did not convert to points. Some unfortunate calls and if the ref did not kick that ball and the score may have been a lot closer. That just takes the wind out of your sails.
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Yeah, I wasn’t thrilled with the “run out the clock” second half offense either. But I disagree with your comment “we are worse than we looked on Saturday.” I thought they played elite football in the first half and the defense is miles better than the last few years. I am very optimistic about a defense playing at that level, with zero seniors in the 3-deep. That’s sorta unbelievable and bodes well for the future.

I'd rather have an elite offense and game caller with an average defense, rather than have an elite defense and absolutely predictable offense. We are very one dimensional and predictable on offense.

Will see where this goes but BN reminds me a lot of Muschamp.
I'd rather have an elite offense and game caller with an average defense, rather than have an elite defense and absolutely predictable offense. We are very one dimensional and predictable on offense.

Will see where this goes but BN reminds me a lot of Muschamp.
I dont see it. Champ was wound so tight he squeaked when he walked. Nape is much more deliberate and calm. He got a sig win earlier than I figured.

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