Heres what sucks if this indeed was the gameplan...

The game plan wasn’t what happened yesterday. Even if we wanted to hold back a couple of plays for Florida… We had a bunch of down the field routes set up an executed perfectly by the receivers, which Milton just failed to get the ball too. It felt like after about the first half of (Football) Heupel just decided to completely take the ball out of Milton’s hands and run an ultra vanilla offense.

Honest to God… It reminded me of Pruitt with JG. Instead of putting in another quarterback, and trying to run your all sense… Let’s totally sacrifice all sense of production to keep the one particular guy out on the field? It just makes no sense.
We did really well in the computer simulation game I watched!
Did you set the toggle to the we want to act as if last year was a fluke setting so the play calling was chaos personified? At least Florida will not learn anything from this tape.
Let's be real....The play calling was trash because Milton is so inaccurate, they tried to help his confidence and move the chains. Maybe even the receivers too. They were all in their own heads It had zero to do with Florida imo. Also, we won. Fans came to a game and seen the good guys win a game. I see post like this and instantly think of the gladiator. Y'all mad Russel crowe didn't cut someone's head off and drink the blood. He still made em bleed out. Let's hope for better next week
You had 102,000 people pay a lot of money to come out and watch this slop. This kind of performance is a huge disservice to those who invested their hard earned money to come support this team.
Yeah, probably should get back some of their hard-earned money because it rained.
Come on now. Austin Peay? Nobody in that stadium paid to see a football game.
I was there…..all day…..longest game in history…..I had a blast. I’ll take an ugly win over a what we’ve been subjected to with the previous staffs.

My favorite stat of the day. On one drive we had 126 yards of total offense.
I guess all the overreactions should be expected, but c'mon, a little perspective please. It was a vanilla game plan that would have been a blowout without all the drops, missed tackles, and sloppiness. And obviously if Milton had hit some of those early throws.

But could we just once not completely come unraveled as a fan base at the first sign of trouble? Starting Nico right now would be incredibly stupid - you can't draw any conclusions off a game like this, and it would give you nowhere to go if the kid isn't ready. Why not have a little faith in the guy who resuscitated the program and is responsible for us even being in a position to dream the kind of dreams we are right now?
They spent 0% of their prep time on APSU and 100% on Florida, which is exactly the right thing to do. No matter what, they were never going to lose the game.
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The game plan wasn’t what happened yesterday. Even if we wanted to hold back a couple of plays for Florida… We had a bunch of down the field routes set up an executed perfectly by the receivers, which Milton just failed to get the ball too. It felt like after about the first half of (Football) Heupel just decided to completely take the ball out of Milton’s hands and run an ultra vanilla offense.

Honest to God… It reminded me of Pruitt with JG. Instead of putting in another quarterback, and trying to run your all sense… Let’s totally sacrifice all sense of production to keep the one particular guy out on the field? It just makes no sense.
So you are actually comparing Huepel to Beldar......after ONE sloppy game? This fanbase has become stupidly entitled after one really great season in the last two decades. The mind numbing level silliness has reached a level that some of you need to seek psychiatric help before you do something rash. This is not just aimed at you, but the 30 other psychotic posts before this one.
The really funny thing about the people that argue we weren't sandbagging is that Florida fans are pretty confident that the messy game plan from Saturday will not be what they see against them.
Last year coach addressed playing "vanilla" as a means to not give your future opponent any insight as to what's coming there way. He said that's bullcrap, coaches don't do that, they go out to win regardless of what it takes. Simply put, the vanilla card does not apply here. If it did, we're really screwed seeing how they couldn't execute simple game plan.
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A win isn't really a win.
Odd, cause a loser fan is always a loser fan. Easy to pick out cause they take a hard position on moral victories since it does not fit their agenda.

I don’t know how to justify moral victories or losses logic as a rational fan.

Establishing expectations instead of hope can be a problem in processing facts for some fans.

Lack of being thankful for surviving bad days is another clue.

The play calling was trash because it was practice. They called the exact same play 5 plays in a row once. That’s called practice
They called the same 5 plays because it kept working. Minus the silly holds, the better athletes won those matchups on the sidelines, as they should. Look at how many times Milton went downfield in the first three series compared to the rest of the game. It was a team our practice squad should wreck so I'll give you practice. Because why open the playbook if the same 5 plays are working? But that was to build confidence too. Milton is extremely inaccurate
So you are actually comparing Huepel to Beldar......after ONE sloppy game? This fanbase has become stupidly entitled after one really great season in the last two decades. The mind numbing level silliness has reached a level that some of you need to seek psychiatric help before you do something rash. This is not just aimed at you, but the 30 other psychotic posts before this one.
On this day yes… The game reminded me of a Pruitt game. Milton is terrible and yet Heupel continues to stick with him. Y’all all criticize me two seasons ago when Milton was terrible and Heupel continue to not give another quarterback, even a single offensive rep until the time that Milton was injured. And what happened? Hooker came in and immediately we all recognized this dude can play. I think the exact same thing would happen with Nico.
I know Heupel had hoped that Newton would work for this year allowing nico to learn the whole playbook before getting in the game. But personally I think that’s a mistake. I think he should slightly simplify the playbook (if needed) to allow nico to get on the field.
Heupel is really smart and has forgotten more than most of us will ever know about (Football). But that doesn’t mean he never makes a mistake. He already made a mistake once with Milton (that costs is that year) and he’s making the same mistake now.
You’ll eventually agree. Later this year he’ll be forced to move on from Milton because his play will be so bad and we’ll wonder what could’ve been had he moved on from Milton sooner.
Florida will be the tell-tale sign of just how far Milton has progressed, and what we can probably expect the remainder of the season.
On this day yes… The game reminded me of a Pruitt game. Milton is terrible and yet Heupel continues to stick with him. Y’all all criticize me two seasons ago when Milton was terrible and Heupel continue to not give another quarterback, even a single offensive rep until the time that Milton was injured. And what happened? Hooker came in and immediately we all recognized this dude can play. I think the exact same thing would happen with Nico.
I know Heupel had hoped that Newton would work for this year allowing nico to learn the whole playbook before getting in the game. But personally I think that’s a mistake. I think he should slightly simplify the playbook (if needed) to allow nico to get on the field.
Heupel is really smart and has forgotten more than most of us will ever know about (Football). But that doesn’t mean he never makes a mistake. He already made a mistake once with Milton (that costs is that year) and he’s making the same mistake now.
You’ll eventually agree. Later this year he’ll be forced to move on from Milton because his play will be so bad and we’ll wonder what could’ve been had he moved on from Milton sooner.
If he had to move on, fine. That is his decision. You comparing him to Pruitt in any way is absolutely nonsensical. He has already made the move once, and will do it again if he feels it is justified. To be honest, I truly believe Saturday was a "we just want to get out of this with a win and no one injured" day. Even with the caution he was taking, AP was playing almost as dirty as Akron last year. That is interesting that two years in a row our cupcake game before Florida appeared to be attempting to injure anybody they could cheap shot. Last year, key injuries happened. CJH was going to make sure it didn't happen this year. Why put your extremely talented, but admittedly unweighted freshman phenom in a game where the chances of getting him hurt were high? What would that have accomplished.
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On this day yes… The game reminded me of a Pruitt game. Milton is terrible and yet Heupel continues to stick with him. Y’all all criticize me two seasons ago when Milton was terrible and Heupel continue to not give another quarterback, even a single offensive rep until the time that Milton was injured. And what happened? Hooker came in and immediately we all recognized this dude can play. I think the exact same thing would happen with Nico.
I know Heupel had hoped that Newton would work for this year allowing nico to learn the whole playbook before getting in the game. But personally I think that’s a mistake. I think he should slightly simplify the playbook (if needed) to allow nico to get on the field.
Heupel is really smart and has forgotten more than most of us will ever know about (Football). But that doesn’t mean he never makes a mistake. He already made a mistake once with Milton (that costs is that year) and he’s making the same mistake now.
You’ll eventually agree. Later this year he’ll be forced to move on from Milton because his play will be so bad and we’ll wonder what could’ve been had he moved on from Milton sooner.
Sit back and relax. He had 3rd stringers in on defense and some on offense in the 3rd/4th quarters. Probably to avoid injuries. Geez a lot of sky is falling. I expect more from you than this of all people.
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My family tries to make the trek to Knoxville at least once a season to see a game. This past Saturday was the only one we could afford. We had to split up into two sections, but we made it work. For 10 of us, we certainly shelled out a pretty penny plus food/drink/hotels/parking. I certainly left happy with a win (My one game a year has ended in several losses the past few years), but man is it a kick in the gut to pay to watch the product that was on the field Saturday night.
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You do what you want with your money.

The players and staff don’t owe you or any other fan anything. They all try their best.

You guys are losing your minds.
Wrong. This is no longer amateur sports! These guys get paid now! They are professional athletes and certain expectations come with that. The days of "oh, these are just kids trying their best" are over!
Wrong. This is no longer amateur sports! These guys get paid now! They are professional athletes and certain expectations come with that. The days of "oh, these are just kids trying their best" are over!
No, I'm not wrong. There are no guarantees or refunds. NIL is irrelevant. There is no demand or expectation to be perfect and teams have bad showings, and believe it or not everyone is trying to win the game - even the other team.

Grow up.
On this day yes… The game reminded me of a Pruitt game. Milton is terrible and yet Heupel continues to stick with him. Y’all all criticize me two seasons ago when Milton was terrible and Heupel continue to not give another quarterback, even a single offensive rep until the time that Milton was injured. And what happened? Hooker came in and immediately we all recognized this dude can play. I think the exact same thing would happen with Nico.
I know Heupel had hoped that Newton would work for this year allowing nico to learn the whole playbook before getting in the game. But personally I think that’s a mistake. I think he should slightly simplify the playbook (if needed) to allow nico to get on the field.
Heupel is really smart and has forgotten more than most of us will ever know about (Football). But that doesn’t mean he never makes a mistake. He already made a mistake once with Milton (that costs is that year) and he’s making the same mistake now.
You’ll eventually agree. Later this year he’ll be forced to move on from Milton because his play will be so bad and we’ll wonder what could’ve been had he moved on from Milton sooner.
One thing I realized, the change to Hendon Hooker took place in the second game of the season 2 years ago. In this post you make it seem like he went the entire season and then made the change at the end. We were 1-1 after two games, we are 2-0 this year. Your argument is based fully on emotion and not logic at all. We will see starting with this weekend. I have my suspicions, but we can discuss them after the swamp.

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