How long before the collective....



Well-Known Member
May 6, 2009
fan base makes our voice heard? After watching that joke of a press conference yesterday where everyone talks about integrity and makes poor attempts at damage control, I couldn't help but have an overwhelming sense of deja vu. The investment and accountability of the UT administration has been so underwhelming for so long it has become expected. Does anyone have ANY confidence in this administration to make the right hiring decisions after seeing this play out? The UT President looked like a 5th grader reading the speach his mom wrote for him while he was fast asleep the night before. Anyone invigorated with confidence in Plowman to do any better that Davenport after watching that PC snorefest? How long before the collective fanbase says "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"?? We've watched power donors make wrong move after wrong move and administration after administration operate with zero accountability for 15 years now. How long before we say no more money until you get it right? One more failed AD and coach? 2 more? 3 more? We all know where this is headed and it's the same exact place we've been. We made our voices heard with Schiano and have seen what our collective voice can do. How long before we make it heard BEFORE we are spoonfed another load of the same garbage??
I’m pretty confident they get this right. I know people don’t like the words used yesterday. They’re clinging to the words. Those are just words by politicians. The boosters and the admin wanted Fulmer and Pruitt gone. Pruitt was an embarrassment to this university. Period. They’re going to get this right because everyone knows that Tennessee football being in the state it’s in puts a stain on the entire university.
I agree that presser yesterday was absolutely horrendous. I hope the UT administration gets it right this time; but I’m not going to hold my breath. I just want them to invest in a winner on both levels AD and HC. Like you I’m over hitting the reset button every 3-5 years. (Also not saying PF wasn’t a winner, before I’m attacked on that)
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I, like most fans, are frustrated at the current state of UT athletics; however, with all due respect, your criticism of the President and Chancellor is misplaced. Boyd and Plowman are doing solid jobs and are light years ahead of the capabilities and performances of most of their recent predecessors.

What did you expect to see and hear yesterday? What does getting it "right" mean to you. Be specific.
I, like most fans, are frustrated at the current state of UT athletics; however, with all due respect, your criticism of the President and Chancellor is misplaced. Boyd and Plowman are doing solid jobs and are light years ahead of the capabilities and performances of most of their recent predecessors.

What did you expect to see and hear yesterday? What does getting it "right" mean to you. Be specific.
What makes you think so? I for one want to see an administration stand up and apologize to the fan base. I want to hear them say "We accept our responsibility in this and we are going to get this right this time!" Do you really believe that they haven't known for weeks how this was going to play out? Fulmer could have already been fired...i mean "retired" weeks ago so that a new AD could be waiting if not already on the job. UT is playing checkers while the other major programs in are playing chess. They have already handcuffed the next AD...winning coaches don't like to be told who their DC is going to be before they accept the job. This is the same soap opera with a new cast.
If the fans haven't made their voices hear after Fulmer, Kiffin, Dooley, Butch and now Pruitt...what makes you think they will now?
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You think we fans are getting any input into who the next AD and coach are? Keep smoking what ever it is you are smoking. Yeah I know VolTwitter kept the university from hiring Sche-zleezo but this is different, if the university gets this hire(s) wrong, Vol football will never recover.
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These folks better get it right or the program will be forever broken. Do they really care? We'll see.
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This could be the most important hire in Tennessee football history and for the future of Tennessee football. They must get this right. I feel like the fans need to stay out of the way on this one and let the search committee do their thing.
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fan base makes our voice heard? After watching that joke of a press conference yesterday where everyone talks about integrity and makes poor attempts at damage control, I couldn't help but have an overwhelming sense of deja vu. The investment and accountability of the UT administration has been so underwhelming for so long it has become expected. Does anyone have ANY confidence in this administration to make the right hiring decisions after seeing this play out? The UT President looked like a 5th grader reading the speach his mom wrote for him while he was fast asleep the night before. Anyone invigorated with confidence in Plowman to do any better that Davenport after watching that PC snorefest? How long before the collective fanbase says "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"?? We've watched power donors make wrong move after wrong move and administration after administration operate with zero accountability for 15 years now. How long before we say no more money until you get it right? One more failed AD and coach? 2 more? 3 more? We all know where this is headed and it's the same exact place we've been. We made our voices heard with Schiano and have seen what our collective voice can do. How long before we make it heard BEFORE we are spoonfed another load of the same garbage??
At least candidates who have had NCAA difficulties wont be considered. UT can't afford to hire anyone right now those who have had problems with the NCAA.
This could be the most important hire in Tennessee football history and for the future of Tennessee football. They must get this right. I feel like the fans need to stay out of the way on this one and let the search committee do their thing.
This is going to be SSDD
We are NOT committed to winning at UT.
Never saw anyone come off looking more like a lightweight than Randy Boyd. Further, if you let the Academic world run the Athletic Dept, your high end goal is mediocrity. There are a lot of things working against the program at this point including:
--The people running it
--The boosters who got us in this mess
--The sanctions and penalties that are coming
--The one time, no penalty transfer portal rule that is coming

If the University doesn't move quickly and decisively, the program as we know it will be doomed for at least a decade. They have to spend the money to get a proven coach and with the situation at hand, it will take a long term deal for a lot of money......a whole lot of money. Hiring Kevin Steele or someone like him to be the HC, would be worse than the death penalty for the program.

And none of us expect any of this to come out well........but, they will have another press conference and tell us how great this is gonna be coming forward and keep those checks coming in.
At least candidates who have had NCAA difficulties wont be considered. UT can't afford to hire anyone right now those who have had problems with the NCAA.

If the admin can't sell Freeze as a changed man after winning at Liberty, they need to find a new line of work. We need better politicians.
fan base makes our voice heard? After watching that joke of a press conference yesterday where everyone talks about integrity and makes poor attempts at damage control, I couldn't help but have an overwhelming sense of deja vu. The investment and accountability of the UT administration has been so underwhelming for so long it has become expected. Does anyone have ANY confidence in this administration to make the right hiring decisions after seeing this play out? The UT President looked like a 5th grader reading the speach his mom wrote for him while he was fast asleep the night before. Anyone invigorated with confidence in Plowman to do any better that Davenport after watching that PC snorefest? How long before the collective fanbase says "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"?? We've watched power donors make wrong move after wrong move and administration after administration operate with zero accountability for 15 years now. How long before we say no more money until you get it right? One more failed AD and coach? 2 more? 3 more? We all know where this is headed and it's the same exact place we've been. We made our voices heard with Schiano and have seen what our collective voice can do. How long before we make it heard BEFORE we are spoonfed another load of the same garbage??
Allowing fans to alter decisions usually turns out bad for an organization. Yes, the idiots' voices were heard on Schiano and look how it has turned out.

1/2 of our fan base are dumbasses
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I’m pretty confident they get this right. I know people don’t like the words used yesterday. They’re clinging to the words. Those are just words by politicians. The boosters and the admin wanted Fulmer and Pruitt gone. Pruitt was an embarrassment to this university. Period. They’re going to get this right because everyone knows that Tennessee football being in the state it’s in puts a stain on the entire university.

As much as many of us would love to see it, they won't hire Freeze - even if they think he is the perfect solution. It would make them look two-faced to an embarrassing level. You can't be in the middle of an NCAA investigation in to serious recruiting violations and hire a guy with a history of serious recruiting violations - even if he's redeemed himself. I just don't see it happening - ever.
As much as many of us would love to see it, they won't hire Freeze - even if they think he is the perfect solution. It would make them look two-faced to an embarrassing level. You can't be in the middle of an NCAA investigation in to serious recruiting violations and hire a guy with a history of serious recruiting violations - even if he's redeemed himself. I just don't see it happening - ever.
We went 3-7 this year and have been the joke of college football for a decade. How much more embarrassed can they get?
I've never seen a chancellor or other high-ranking leader at UT with that look on their face...the look of sheer anger at what's transpired that was on Donde's face.

Anyone who knows how to read people over words can see the difference. This lady is fixing to get this done, boys.

I really believe that.
I've never seen a chancellor or other high-ranking leader at UT with that look on their face...the look of sheer anger at what's transpired that was on Donde's face.

Anyone who knows how to read people over words can see the difference. This lady is fixing to get this done, boys.

I really believe that.
I was shocked when she sounded like she was going to cry:eek:
We'll never know, will we? I'm not saying I was excited about the hire, but he likely would have been much better than Gump

Better than Jeremy Pruitt is not good enough, though. Greg Schiano was never going to win titles here, and that should be the goal whenever you hire a coach at a place like Tennessee. Jeremy Pruitt was an unknown, but you could talk yourself into the possibility that he came in and did what Kirby did at Georgia. Schiano was a non-starter from jump.

Now, who is next? Chadwell, Napier, or some other young coach seems most likely to me.
Better than Jeremy Pruitt is not good enough, though. Greg Schiano was never going to win titles here, and that should be the goal whenever you hire a coach at a place like Tennessee. Jeremy Pruitt was an unknown, but you could talk yourself into the possibility that he came in and did what Kirby did at Georgia. Schiano was a non-starter from jump.

Now, who is next? Chadwell, Napier, or some other young coach seems most likely to me.
I would prefer Marrone or Fisher
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